Star Wars: The Old Republic--Lost Hope (Star Wars Saga Edition Campaign)


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Star Wars: The Old Republic--Lost Hope

Episode One: The Storm Front

Desperate times are upon the galaxy. Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith, has expanded the Sith Empire to threaten the Republic, and seems to have an inexhaustible supply of war machines with which to subjugate the galaxy.

The fallen Jedi Revan, once a Dark Lord of the Sith himself, has turned against his former apprentice Malak, and has disabled the defenses located on Rakata Prime. Master Vandar Tokare has assembled two teams of Jedi to accompany Revan into the Star Forge to strike at its heart: Darth Malak and his nefarious Dark Side fuled Star Forge.

The battle of Rakata Prime is in full swing, and the assault shuttle Dantooine's Hope follows Dantooine's Light and the Ebon Hawk into the heart of the Star Forge.

The Battle of Rakata Prime

For HK-22:

The jarring blasts and the twisting spirals that the ship has been taken through as it enters the Rakata system have caused a power surge, which in turns activates you.

The last time you were active was years ago, when you were shut down for "routine repairs" after getting into a heated discussion with one of the Jedi Masters over the appropriate training program to use for youngling lightsaber practice.

You appear to be in cargo storage, though its easy enough to open the hatch and look around the place.

For Groodar, Danguard, Klonsa, Christy, and Aruuna:

Jedi Master Kraalim addresses all of you that are part of the boarding party. He is a tall, powerfully built male, with a light covering of fur, fangs, cat like eyes, and pointed ears.

Despite his powerful build and reputation as a warrior, Master Kraalim is also know well as a talented Jedi Healer, and is known to take risks himself in order to keep others out of harm's way.

"We must be careful when we land within the Star Forge. I don't want to loose anyone, but his is a dangerous time for the galaxy. We dare not fail in our task, which is to escort the Revanchist through the masses of Sith troops and war droids. One mistake can be fatal."

"Mister Groodar, I cannot ask you to come onto the battle station with the rest of us. The danger is too great."

For Remar and Ceelel:

Captain Darluun regards everyone in the command cabin of the Dantooine's Hope. He is a humanoid with what might be considered attractive features, though his skin, hair, and eyes are all white.

"We're nearing the worst of the battle. Its likely to get fairly rough. Remar, Ceelel, you should go back to the hold and warn out boarding party that its going to be a bumpy ride, and that we're nearing our objective."

For all:

Feel free to describe what you are doing at this point in the various part of the ship that you are in.

Danguard Troy makes sure there are no other instructions or battle plans to go over, and if not will simply head to the vessel that will deposit him into the fray.

He does this for two reasons. One, to make sure he does not miss his ride, and two, to look it over for any kind of tampering. While he does not suspect any trouble, he'd rather know it is in sound workign order.

He'd also want to warm it up, and go through the pre-launch diagnostics just to double check.

HK-22 lurches forward in the hold, servos whirring. "Query: what is this location?"

Hearing no response, he runs a couple internal diagnoses. Upon completion his head swivels, find the nearest computer access point. "Statement: re-routing internal power. Overriding Jedi training protocols. New objective: secure this area and gather intel." Moving into an aggressive slouch and raising his rifle, HW-22 moves to the nearest terminal and accesses the ship's current mission parameters.

Danguard Troy wrote:

Danguard Troy makes sure there are no other instructions or battle plans to go over, and if not will simply head to the vessel that will deposit him into the fray.

He does this for two reasons. One, to make sure he does not miss his ride, and two, to look it over for any kind of tampering. While he does not suspect any trouble, he'd rather know it is in sound workign order.

He'd also want to warm it up, and go through the pre-launch diagnostics just to double check.

Actually, you are already in the hold of the Dantooine's Hope almost ready to breach the Star Forge, and feeling a few jolts from stray blaster bolts.

Female Jedi 1 / Soldier 1

I will not freak out. I will -not- freak out. I'm a Jedi now, I can control this fear.

Basic: "We won't let you down master."

Christy checks her gear and wonders what the Rodian will say, and so she sticks around to hear him out.

HK-22 wrote:

HK-22 lurches forward in the hold, servos whirring. "Query: what is this location?"

Hearing no response, he runs a couple internal diagnoses. Upon completion his head swivels, find the nearest computer access point. "Statement: re-routing internal power. Overriding Jedi training protocols. New objective: secure this area and gather intel." Moving into an aggressive slouch and raising his rifle, HW-22 moves to the nearest terminal and accesses the ship's current mission parameters.

The computer terminal doesn't seem to recognize you, although it doesn't perceive you as a threat.

For HK-22:

Make a use computer check to see if you can get the computer to give up any information for you.


Ops, though this was a larger vessel with an alternate boarding vessel, my bad.

Troy then simply stands stoic in front of whatever doors plan to open into the chaos and waits. He turns a head to the Rodian as he looks over his shoulder and nods his head up and down twice, then slowly turns back to the closed door and waits.

I will let slide the lightsaber from my wrist sheath into my palm and poise my thumb on the activation plate in anticipation of the start of our mission.

Christy Gamble wrote:

I will not freak out. I will -not- freak out. I'm a Jedi now, I can control this fear.

Basic: "We won't let you down master."

Christy checks her gear and wonders what the Rodian will say, and so she sticks around to hear him out.

Master Kraalim turns toward Christy.

For Christy:

Master Kraalim turns Christy slightly away from the rest of the group and leans in toward her.

"I can feel your fear, young one. It is understandable, but you must put it aside. If it is the will of the Force that we join with it this day, then such is our fate."

Despite his sobering words, he wears a smile on his face, though not a jovial one, simply a smile of contentment.

Danguard Troy wrote:

GM** spoiler omitted **

Troy then simply stands stoic in front of whatever doors plan to open into the chaos and waits. He turns a head to the Rodian as he looks over his shoulder and nods his head up and down twice, then slowly turns back to the closed door and waits.

I will let slide the lightsaber from my wrist sheath into my palm and poise my thumb on the activation plate in anticipation of the start of our mission.

For Dangaurd:

Not a problem, if anything it was a failure on my part to properly elaborate the setting. ;)

Female Jedi 1 / Soldier 1
GameMasterKEJR wrote:
Christy Gamble wrote:

I will not freak out. I will -not- freak out. I'm a Jedi now, I can control this fear.

Basic: "We won't let you down master."

Christy checks her gear and wonders what the Rodian will say, and so she sticks around to hear him out.

Master Kraalim turns toward Christy.

For Christy:

** spoiler omitted **

basic: "Yes master. I will control my emotions."

GameMasterKEJR wrote:

The computer terminal doesn't seem to recognize you, although it doesn't perceive you as a threat.

For HK-22:

** spoiler omitted **

Use Computer: 1d20+5=8

HK-22 stares at the computer. Obviously the terminal is malfunctioning in some way. "Observation: this ship is in distress. Ready for battle."

HK-22 checks the battery on his rifle and moves to the hold door to exit.

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Groodar stands up from the seat which housed his robust behind. Pulling down the hems of his flight jacket tightly in order to straighten out his appearance.

Deception Roll to activate Audiorecoder in flight jacket pocket. (1d20+1=2)

He then walks up and stands firm in front of the great Master Kraalim. Clearing his throat, he speaks softly, yet calmly.

Basic: "Master Kraalim, now is not the time to be careful. Is not the destiny laid before us one of a dire need? Is not the very essence of what we call freedom and peace among the galaxy at stake in this very assault against the dark lord? Does Groodar not have the right to fight and defend his homeworld, its people, and those whom Groodar calls friend? Groodar may not be as skilled in the arts of the war as you Jedi, but Groodar's heart is still one of the warrior and destined to the great hunt. Would not Groodar's expert computer skills aid in the assault? Perhaps disabling any defenses that may hamper the way to our final objective or perhaps gathering critical information in the foul sith's computers that may lead us quickly to success. Also, wouldn't it be best to document this event in case it succeeds or fails in order to aid generations to come?"

Groodar bows his head somberly, looking down at the cold steel floor.

Basic: "Ultimately the decision is yours Master Kraalim, as this is your siege, but Groodar humbly reminds you..... in the end, we are all affected by the results of this event and we can use all the help the force offers to us, be it great or small."

HK-22 wrote:
GameMasterKEJR wrote:

The computer terminal doesn't seem to recognize you, although it doesn't perceive you as a threat.

For HK-22:

** spoiler omitted **

Use Computer: 1d20+5=8

HK-22 stares at the computer. Obviously the terminal is malfunctioning in some way. "Observation: this ship is in distress. Ready for battle."

HK-22 checks the battery on his rifle and moves to the hold door to exit.

The pleasant computer terminal intones:

"You query is very important to us, but some information is not available to all passengers for their safety and the safety of the other members of the crew. We know you have a choice of hospitality access ports, so we thank you for choosing the Teelan2000 terminal. Have a nice day."

The door that is front of you in the cargo hold does not appear to be locked or secured.

Troy clips his lightsaber to his belt and turns to listen to Groodar. Again he nods his head, almost in approval, and turns back around to await the hanger bay doors eminent opening.

Groodar Greepbar wrote:

Deception Roll to activate Audiorecoder in flight jacket pocket. (1d20+1=2)

Groodar bows his head somberly, looking down at the cold steel floor.

Basic: "Ultimately the decision is yours Master Kraalim, as this is your siege, but Groodar humbly reminds you..... in the end, we are all affected by the results of this event and we can use all the help the force offers to us, be it great or small."

Master Kraalim has an amused smile on his face as he deftly catches the audiorecorder that nearly falls out of Groodar's flight jacket, and then tucks it into his pocket for him.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm. Perhaps the galaxy is better served simply having a chronicle of these sad events so that we may avoid them in the future, but it is good to know that you are willing to what needs to be done for the good of all."

Danguard Troy wrote:

Troy clips his lightsaber to his belt and turns to listen to Groodar. Again he nods his head, almost in approval, and turns back around to await the hanger bay doors eminent opening.

Master Kraalim takes Danguard aside.

To Danguard:

"Danguard . . . always you are difficult to read. It is a testament to your control that you maintain you control even in a situation such as this, but sometimes that tightly controlled secrecy . . . concerns me. I hope that such extraordinary control does not someday leave you open to an equally passionate eruption of emotion."

Male Ithorian Noble 1

Having always found saluting to be somewhat awkward for their race, Ceelell instead raises to full attention and nods to the superior officer, rumbling out in his baritone voice. "Of course, Captain."

Turning he moves quickly through the corridors down to the hold where most of the boarding party waits. His species are not often the most graceful, but he seems to have learned to compensate for this and moves with an almost graceful lurch.

When he enters the hold and sees the various members of the boarding party assembled he looks them over briefly with a discerning eye to make sure they all look prepared for what is to come, trying to pick out anyone who has particular jitters that needs to be assured or someone who seems unsure of what is going on.

Finally he speaks, his voice echoing from either side of his head. "Ready yourselves, men. The captain says that we are nearing our objecting. Things will be rather rocky and rough soon as we enter their firing arcs, but that will only be for a few moments, then it will be our turn."

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

Finally he speaks, his voice echoing from either side of his head. "Ready yourselves, men. The captain says that we are nearing our objecting. Things will be rather rocky and rough soon as we enter their firing arcs, but that will only be for a few moments, then it will be our turn."

Jedi Master Kraalim turns to look at the Ithorian tactician and nods.

"Thank you for the warning. I know the captain values your opinion in tactical matters. Do you have any last minute observations for my team?"

Male Ithorian Noble 1

I was going to make a knowledge tactics check, just in case my char might have had an idea I didn't, but it doesn't seem that the dice think this is likely to be the case... Knowledge Tactics (1d20+8=13)

Looking over the assembled men, Ceelell considers each of them, not finding any particular tactical weakness nor able to form too sturdy on a plan when facing an unknown force.

"We must be brave today. We now launch an assault that will be dangerous, we will see losses. But any man who falls does so in the name of a greater good, we reclaim our universe from those who have befouled it, those who choke the life from it one system at a time. These planets will soon be reborn and filled with life again thanks to the men upon these ships. It is time for the light to shine upon our worlds again, we move forward with justice, fate, and the force with us. We will win the day!"

It is likely just a flavorful thing at this point, but I was going to use that speech to Inspire Confidence in the troops. It is a +1 on attack rolls and skill checks that lasts as long as they can see me and I'm not unconscious or dead. Basically a once an encounter thing that I figure fluff-wise might make the speech more rousing.

Looking about the troops again he considers. "Those of you who are skilled with sabers will be our primary melee squad. Stay ahead of those with the blasters to keep them from being cut down. We'll make sure you don't get swarmed and bogged up, and when their blades are locked with yours they can't deflect our shots." He looks over to the reporter. "I strongly appreciate your task here and the republics dedication to accurate knowledge, but you stay behind the front-liners with me. You can't deliver your story if you are shot."

Giving the jedi master a nod, he moves over to stand beside Christy in preparation as she looks the most shaken up at the moment. He places one of his large hands on her shoulder. "Do not worry. Life, or the force as you see it, guides us this day. It pains me to see even the sith fall, but we will end their savagery today."

For Everyone:

Male Selkath Jedi 2 (XP: 1342)

Klonsa closes his eyes, trying to calm the rage he feels calling to him at the prospect of slaying Sith. He moves his hand to his lightsaber and draws it hesitantly, staring at the metal cylinder.
Basic: "I am ready to move when you are Master."

Female Twilek (Lethan) Jedi 2

Aruuna((Like that, only with RED skin)) listens quietly to Jedi Master Kraalim, leaning up against the hull of the ship, arms folded across her chest, giving him a simple nod in response. She rolls her eyes at the realisation that the journalist is coming with them, wondering if he's going to need babysitting.

She scratches the two scars on her right arm, short lines, almost notches, cut with a lightsaber, wondering further how many more she's going to get today.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:
Danguard Troy wrote:

Troy clips his lightsaber to his belt and turns to listen to Groodar. Again he nods his head, almost in approval, and turns back around to await the hanger bay doors eminent opening.

Master Kraalim takes Danguard aside.

To Danguard:

** spoiler omitted **

to Master Kraalim, possibly those nearby:

Danguard speaks in basic: "There is only one path for me, and I am already on it. You should have no fears of me making a misstep, it simply is not in my - nature."

Remar followed Ceelell back to the hold, where the rest of the infiltration force was waiting. As Ceelell tried to inspire the warriors in their group, Remar sorted through the contents of the two bags he was carrying, then did a touch check of all his pockets. Every bit of his equipment was accounted for; residing in its proper place.

As a technician, he know his place was in the rear of the group, along with the reporter. Knowing that things seldom worked out as expected, however, he went ahead and checked his blaster, ensuring it was set to stun. He also verified his stun baton was clipped to his belt, as it should be.

With a deep breath that caused a reedy whispering as it passed through his hullepi -- the tentacle-like masses of flesh that hung down in front of his mouth -- he psyched himself up for the chaos they would soon be stepping into.

As the Jedi and the crew members of the Dantooine's Hope gather to make their plans for the final approach against the Star Forge, a cargo door slides open, revealing an armed droid that seems to be as surprised to see everyone as they might be to see him.

For everyone except HK-22:

When you see the droid, make a Knowledge (Technology) check and let me know the results.

For HK-22:

You recognize most of the people in the room that you just opened as Jedi, although the certainly don't look like younglings or just chosen padawans. Perhaps they reassigned you to help train the Knights as Masters the way you used to . . .

Male Selkath Jedi 2 (XP: 1342)

Klonsa turns around startled, he ignites his lightsaber a green blade rising from the hilt.

Basic: What the!

For GM:

Female Jedi 1 / Soldier 1

I don't have the skill trained so a big 0 for me

Klonsa wrote:

Klonsa turns around startled, he ignites his lightsaber a green blade rising from the hilt.

Basic: What the!

For GM:
** spoiler omitted **

Klonsa has no idea what the droid is, only that its armed and walking out of a door leading to the cargo hold.

For everyone that hasn't made the check yet:


You can attempt the check untrained.

Male Ithorian Noble 1

Knowledge Tech (1d20+8=13)

Ceelell turns and tries to appraise the droid quickly, to decide if it is friend or foe and just how capable it might be either way.

You know, for having at least a +8 in every knowledge, the dice are not favoring my character being particularly bright it seems.

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

Knowledge Tech (1d20+8=13)

Ceelell turns and tries to appraise the droid quickly, to decide if it is friend or foe and just how capable it might be either way.

You know, for having at least a +8 in every knowledge, the dice are not favoring my character being particularly bright it seems.

For Ceeleil:

The droid appears to be the type of training droid used for training military forces, and they are relatively common in those circles.

"Query: Is this a battle simulation? Is this unit required to use lethal or non-lethal force in the course of this simulation? This unit is particularly fond of lethal force."

"Statement: this unit is never informed properly of changes to protocol. Clearly you are older than the usual fleshlings this unit is assigned to train. This unit will be lodging a complaint with the Jedi training committee."

The HK unit, a rusty red biped hunched over in an agressive firing stance, lowers his rifle and points it away from the Jedi, obviously waiting for orders.

Male Ithorian Noble 1

Looking to the others, Ceelell raises a hand to reassure them. "Do not worry. This is a training droid. I hadn't realized there was one on this ship, but he may have simply remained from when the vessel was being used on a training run. These droids are programmed well in combat, due to their need to train opponents of all skill. Perhaps he can be of use to us in this mission. With luck, his presence will save the lives of many."

"Who are you, droid? What are you called?"

About the time that the droid lowers his rifle, the ship lurches dramatically, and the power drops for a second. There is a bizarre screeching sound originating from the rear of the ship after this happens.

For those trained in Use the Force:

Just before the ship begins to rock, you have a chance to feel something in the force. If you wish, make a Use the Force check and let me know the result.

For those trained in Mechanics or Knowledge (Technology):

You make make a check to see if you recognize the noise that the ship just made.

A mechanics check is easier to use for this (i.e. the DC is lower) than a Knowledge (Technology) is, but either way, you must be trained to use the skill in question).

Remar turns toward the droid. Immediately, his analytical mind begins evaluation all of the droid's components and construction.


Patrick Barrett wrote:

Remar turns toward the droid. Immediately, his analytical mind begins evaluation all of the droid's components and construction.


For Remar:

Not only do you pick up on the fact that is is a general training droid, much as your Ithorian ally as pointed out, but as you look at him, you can tell that he has been modified in the past from a standard model. Most of the customized elements are hard to put a finger on, but you are certain its not a "stock" model.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:

About the time that the droid lowers his rifle, the ship lurches dramatically, and the power drops for a second. There is a bizarre screeching sound originating from the rear of the ship after this happens.

For those trained in Use the Force:

** spoiler omitted **

For those trained in Mechanics or Knowledge (Technology):

** spoiler omitted **

Don't forget about the bonus that the Ithorian has granted everyone with his ability, which includes a +1 bonus to skill checks when making this check.

Even as he's still looking the droid over, Remar cringes at the horrible sound from the rear of the ship.

Mechanics = d20+9=22

Patrick Barrett wrote:

Even as he's still looking the droid over, Remar cringes at the horrible sound from the rear of the ship.

Mechanics = d20+9=22

Oops...+1 from the Ithorian brings that to 23.

For those that are wondering what Remar's species looks like:

Khil Portrait

Male Ithorian Noble 1

Raising his head a bit to listen carefully, Ceelell tries to sort out just what is happening with the ship, whether they have been hit or rammed or are just docking at faster speeds then they should.

Knowledge Tech (1d20+8=15)Probably didn't get it if knowledge tech was the harder of the two, I forgot about my own +1 bonus though, so that would have been a 16.

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

"Who are you, droid? What are you called?"

"Statement: this unit is designated HK-22, modified for Jedi combat training and tactics education. Unit has been in storage, awaiting use. Query: is battle eminent? Real battle? Excited statement: this unit is eager to see use."

Male Ithorian Noble 1
HK-22 wrote:

"Statement: this unit is designated HK-22, modified for Jedi combat training and tactics education. Unit has been in storage, awaiting use. Query: is battle eminent? Real battle? Excited statement: this unit is eager to see use."

"Yes, HK-22, battle will soon be upon us. New protocols will be to defend our squad against sith forces. We are aiding two other vessels in an assault on a sith lord named Malak."

Ceelell looks to Remar. "You are the most gifted among us in matters of droids. Can you verify his programming and make sure that he is ready to go?"

Patrick Barrett wrote:
Patrick Barrett wrote:

Even as he's still looking the droid over, Remar cringes at the horrible sound from the rear of the ship.

Mechanics = d20+9=22

Oops...+1 from the Ithorian brings that to 23.

For Remar:

The hit sounds horrible, and you pinpoint it as having hit the hyperdrive. The noise doesn't sound as if the are damaged or disabled, but rather that they are likely about ready to fire randomly.

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

Raising his head a bit to listen carefully, Ceelell tries to sort out just what is happening with the ship, whether they have been hit or rammed or are just docking at faster speeds then they should.

Knowledge Tech (1d20+8=15)Probably didn't get it if knowledge tech was the harder of the two, I forgot about my own +1 bonus though, so that would have been a 16.

For Ceelell:

The hit doesn't sound like a collision, but it does sound like it was from the engine compartment. Other than that, its hard for you to tell.

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

"Yes, HK-22, battle will soon be upon us. New protocols will be to defend our squad against sith forces. We are aiding two other vessels in an assault on a sith lord named Malak."

"Statement: protocols redefined. Settings now prepped for maximum violence. Excited Statement: WHEEE!"

HK=22 thumbs the setting on his rifle from stun to lethal and moves to provide covering fire.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:
Patrick Barrett wrote:
Patrick Barrett wrote:

Even as he's still looking the droid over, Remar cringes at the horrible sound from the rear of the ship.

Mechanics = d20+9=22

Oops...+1 from the Ithorian brings that to 23.

For Remar:

** spoiler omitted **

The droid temporarily forgotten, Remar frantically begins looking for somewhere he can sit down and strap in, or at least some netting or a nice sturdy support beam to grab ahold of. "I can not be absssolutely sssertain what isss about to happen," he says, to no one in particular, "but I would advissse everyone to brassse themssselvesss."

OOC: I picked up the Khil speech affectation (hissing 's' sounds) from the KotOR comic book. If everyone prefers, I will drop it from my text in the future.

Female Jedi 1 / Soldier 1
GameMasterKEJR wrote:

About the time that the droid lowers his rifle, the ship lurches dramatically, and the power drops for a second. There is a bizarre screeching sound originating from the rear of the ship after this happens.

For those trained in Use the Force:

** spoiler omitted **

For those trained in Mechanics or Knowledge (Technology):

** spoiler omitted **

Use the force check: 23

in basic: "Unit H K Twenty Two, addedum to new protocols assigned, do not shoot me."

Patrick Barrett wrote:

OOC: I picked up the Khil speech affectation (hissing 's' sounds) from the KotOR comic book. If everyone prefers, I will drop it from my text in the future.

For what its worth, the GM likes the detail. ;)

Christy Gamble wrote:
GameMasterKEJR wrote:

About the time that the droid lowers his rifle, the ship lurches dramatically, and the power drops for a second. There is a bizarre screeching sound originating from the rear of the ship after this happens.

For those trained in Use the Force:

** spoiler omitted **

For those trained in Mechanics or Knowledge (Technology):

** spoiler omitted **

Use the force check: 23

For Christy:

You suddenly feel a disturbance in the Force. A powerful Force user somewhere in the system has just contacted all of the minds of its allies to coordinate their actions, and those allies are not the Republic.

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