Emperor7 |

OK, I'm mulling over selling my old books but have no idea on how to get the best price. Whatever that might be. I can let My kids handle it on e-bay or Craig's list, and try to compare it to other offerings, but...?
I have a set of seven AD&D books, and eight Rolemaster books.
Anyone willing to share some expertise?

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All depends on what you want to accomplish. Do you want to make the best profit you can or just to get a few bucks for your items. If it's the latter, then may i suggest listing here for all of paizo to see and give them 1st dibs. If it's profit youre seeking, then perhaps Ebay. Although i will be the first to admit that i have no idea what Rolemaster goes for. Either way, best of luck to you.
Addendum: Forgive me, i just woke up. I now see youre looking to bring in as much duckage (duckets) as possible to fill your coin purse(yep, trying to be funny, but feeling i'm failing-again, apologies). I'd say, give Ebay a chance 1st.

Duncan & Dragons |

I am not an expert, but I shop on eBay more than I should.
My gut says that you should sell them on eBay as individual items unless you have a complete set. Even with a complete set you would be better selling with the same auction end time but advertise that a complete set is available. That way the completionist will be forced to raise his bid to get the one item he wants verses the guy who wants the set. List the most valuable items last. When the guy who wants the set starts winning the low value items, he will be forced to bid against the completionist for the high value items to complete the set.
That said, to just get rid of them while making a reasonable amount of money for the effort, sell them in lots (Rolemaster and AD&D). I am betting that they are not worth that much unless you have a diamond in the rough. Just selling them in lots usually make senses or else the post office runs make it not worth it.
To determine if you have a diamond in the rough, do a search active sales (both auction and 'buy-it now' items) and searches by completed auctions. Competioned auction only stay up for about two weeks so you might have to search over several weeks. If you have something that is worth money, set a long auction window (10 days) and sell it with a Reserve (maybe 75% value). Keep repeating the auction until your Reserve is met. Everyone does not shop every week.