DM Grumpysauce: The Roads To Madness (4e)


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Sundered Heart's roar of triumph echoes through Estered's Square, unnerving the aberration and giving it all the more incentive to seek softer meat.

G4 is -2 to all defenses until end of 12.19

Sundered Heart wrote:

Activate Roar of Triumph.

"I have the power!"

Gods you just had to go there, gah

Karrn wrote:
Sundered Heart wrote:

Activate Roar of Triumph.

"I have the power!"

Gods you just had to go there, gah

You are just jealous because the voices are talking to me and not to you ;P

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

All cool. That's pretty much what I thought myself, but confirmation is always welcome. She'll do summat else then :D

Male Deva Swordmage

Setil yells out over the din, "Blind Deva!! There is a creature on top of you! Wait and I will try to pull it off!!"
That means Galad should maybe delay.

Setil nods at the dragonborn, "Do you have a couple more in you? I'll see if I can pull that one closer for you, then I'll get the leader." Setil then crosses the storm of energy and once outside of it sends tendrils of lightning towards the grell threatening the other deva.
Move to W13, skirting the edge of that other zone; and Lightning Lure on G4 24 vs. Fort; 12 lightning damage and pull G4 to W11.

Setil wrote:
...and pull G4 to W11.

I assume you mean W12, since you need to pull your target to a square adjacent to you, otherwise the power fails.

Male Deva Shaman 2

After the grell is pulled away, Galad shakes the beads and the spirit appears next to the grell and sinks its blade into the grell's flank. The haze around the spirit clears slightly, and it's expression can be briefly seen. You have now seen a deva consumed with blood-lust. Hope you never see it again.

Delay until after Setil. Dismissing spirit(minor), summoning spirit in V12, and using Call To The Blood Dancer (vs Will, allies adjacent to spirit crit on 18-20 and deal +4 damage): 24, 17 damage

Saving Throw: Failed

Galad The Redeemed wrote:

Delay until after Setil. Dismissing spirit(minor), summoning spirit in V12, and using Call To The Blood Dancer (vs Will, allies adjacent to spirit crit on 18-20 and deal +4 damage): 24, 17 damage

Saving Throw: Failed

You'll need to be able to see (or guess well!) as per targeting when blinded in order to plant your spirit in the correct square, I'm afraid. Perception check?

Male Deva Shaman 2

Perception: Mind if I just save those rolls for the next round?

Galad The Redeemed wrote:
Perception: Mind if I just save those rolls for the next round?

Not at all. Care to revise your actions to something less sight-dependent?

Male Deva Shaman 2

Galad waves his beads, and the spirit reappears in the space the grell vacated.


female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Holding off posting until I know where the grell is. Not that it's likely to make a whole lot of difference, but you never know.

Male Deva Swordmage
DM Grumpysauce wrote:
Setil wrote:
...and pull G4 to W11.
I assume you mean W12, since you need to pull your target to a square adjacent to you, otherwise the power fails.

Correct as ever, oh wise and benevolent GM.

Madda wrote:
Holding off posting until I know where the grell is. Not that it's likely to make a whole lot of difference, but you never know.

Meaning you'd like to delay your initiative until after Setil?

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

No - just until the new map goes up.

Madda's frantic efforts to save her friend are for naught - it falls to a stranger to spare the shaman.

Snaring the grell with crackling, searing lightning, the stranger yanks the twitching horror about, pulling it to within reach of the consecrated blade he wields.

Grell4: -12HP, exactly where Setil wants him!

Galad, still lacking sight, summons his ancestral protector to his side with a pained gasp.

Updated Map

12.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10
12.19: Sundered Heart: 91/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, +3 all Dmg til end of 12.19
12.17: Horrid Grell 4: -125HP, Bloodied, Marked & Shielded, -2 all defenses til end of 12.19
12.16: Grell Philosopher: -132HP, Bloodied
12.14: Blue Shield 1:
12.14: Blue Shield 2:
12.13: Madda: 59/88 HP
12.13: Setil: 70/91 HP
12.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied, Blinded (save ends)

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Grasping Claws v G4 (on hit G4 is slowed) (1d20 13=17, 1d8 8=14)

Racing around Galad to attack G4, Madda flinches away from the taste of tentacles as the last second. Disgusted at her own weakness, she shifts back into human form, gagging slightly.

"Sweet gods. Don't bite those things." she gasps.

Move to attack from W10.
Failed attack - see above
Minor - swap to human and shift to X9 - unless that was where Setil was planning to plant the grell.

Madda's frantic efforts to save her friend are for naught - it falls to a stranger to spare the shaman.

Snaring the grell with crackling, searing lightning, the stranger yanks the twitching horror about, pulling it to within reach of the consecrated blade he wields.

Grell4: -12HP, exactly where Setil wants him!

Galad, still lacking sight, summons his ancestral protector to his side with a pained gasp.

Updated Map

12.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10
12.19: Sundered Heart: 91/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, +3 all Dmg til end of 12.19
12.17: Horrid Grell 4: -125HP, Bloodied, Marked & Shielded, -2 all defenses til end of 12.19
12.16: Grell Philosopher: -132HP, Bloodied
12.14: Blue Shield 1:
12.14: Blue Shield 2:
12.13: Madda: 59/88 HP
12.13: Setil: 70/91 HP
12.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied, Blinded (save ends)

Karrn rushes the philospher

Move to z13. Twin Strike on G1, 1d20+11=16 and 18, doubt either of those hit

Karrn wrote:

Karrn rushes the philospher

Move to z13. Twin Strike on G1, 1d20+11=16 and 18, doubt either of those hit

Karrn: Z13 is within the grell's Psychic Storm zone - you will be subject to Daze (save ends) upon entering the purple shaded area, thus effectively halting your turn. Is that what you wish to do?

DM Grumpysauce wrote:
Karrn wrote:

Karrn rushes the philospher

Move to z13. Twin Strike on G1, 1d20+11=16 and 18, doubt either of those hit

Karrn: Z13 is within the grell's Psychic Storm zone - you will be subject to Daze (save ends) upon entering the purple shaded area, thus effectively halting your turn. Is that what you wish to do?

SCREEEEEEECH! <<hits brakes>>

Yikes didn't notice that. Can I change my actions?

Karrn wrote:

SCREEEEEEECH! <<hits brakes>>

Yikes didn't notice that. Can I change my actions?

Of course!

Male Deva Swordmage

"STOP!" Upon seeing the half-elf charging towards swirling energy Setil screams, "I'll try to pull it out."

Karrn begins his run, but the sound of the Deva brings his movement to an end before it truly begins. "STOP!"

"Ok, then how about this!" Karrn forms an orb of energy and launches it at the grell

Chaos Bolt on G1 1d20+13=28 vs Will;Damage 1d10+13=20 psychic damage

Can I charge G4?

Male Deva Swordmage
Sundered Heart wrote:
Can I charge G4?

You should be able to charge if you move to W15, then charge to X13.

Setil wrote:
Sundered Heart wrote:
Can I charge G4?
You should be able to charge if you move to W15, then charge to X13.

Thanks :D

Howling Strike vs. G4 1d20+17=24, Damage 1d10+10=17,Extra Damage 3d6=10

"I come for you!"

Total Damage is 27.

Karrn, I didn't move you at all based on your most recent post. Happy to correct if you had a move in mind.

Karrn's tiny chaos mote explodes into the philosopher, wracking the beast with synaptic disjunctions. It screams in fury; soon it will have a reckoning!

G1: -20 HP and mightily annoyed (save ends).

Maneuvering swiftly, Sundered Heart launches himself howling into the fray. Flashing warm sunlight and cold fury, his spear bites deep into grell flesh, spattering gore and ichor in a sweeping arc.

SH, I had your damage being 34 total, due to Heart Strike and Roar of Triumph.

An agonized hoot erupts from the stymied, bleeding grell. It lashes out furiously, grabbing the swordmage, swiftly biting him to administer its paralytic, and retreating into the roiling swirl of energy, using the helpless deva as a ward against its many foes.

Tentacle Grab vs Fort: 21, 15 damage and Setil is Grabbed (move action to escape). Triggers Venomous Bite vs AC: 30, 6 damage and Setil is Stunned (save ends). Shift to V12 (Grells have Reach2, so no need to make a strength roll to move a grabbed target... yet!)

Sidling quietly closer to the throes of the melee, the Philosopher unleases a potent burst of manifest, poisonous hatred. Madda and Sundered Heart are overwhelmed by the careening onslaught while Galad and the entangled Setil manage somehow to fend it off. Pleased with the chaos it has wrought, the ancient grell gabbles happy doggerel in its horrid tongue, rotating to face the chaos wielding upstart who has so vexed it.

Deep Speech:


Recharge: No. Shift to Z12. Venomous Mind Close Burst 3 (Will) vs SH:25, vs Setil:16, vs Madda:35 (Crit!), vs Galad:20. SH takes 17 damage, Madda takes 21 due to the Crit. Both of you need to choose a random target (including those reachable with a shift) if you choose to make a melee attack (save ends).

Two more Blue Shields arrive, swiftly shouldering crossbows and advancing along the periphery of the square. Three of them now have clean shots, but only one displays steady hands. His bolt drills into the philosopher's flank with a meathy thwack, and he wisely slides out of sight behind a market stall, reloading as he goes.


13.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10
13.19: Sundered Heart: 77/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, Must choose random target for melee attacks (save ends)
13.17: Horrid Grell 4: -147HP, Bloodied, Marked & Shielded, -2 AC til end of 13.19, +2 AC due to having an enemy grabbed
13.16: Grell Philosopher: -160HP, Bloodied
13.14: Blue Shield 1: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 2: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 3: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 4: 47/47 HP

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
12.13: Madda: 38/88 HP, Bloodied, Must choose random target for melee attacks (save ends)
12.13: Setil: 49/91 HP, Grabbed (move action to attempt escape), Stunned (save ends)
12.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied, Blind (save ends)

I will be in lovely and historic St. Augustine for the bulk of this Saturday and Sunday, so updates will be scarce those days.

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)


Thanking her stars she's human and doesn't have to bite the grells again, Madda clicks gently at the cobbled ground, willing it to fry the aberration, before backing uneasily away. Move to Y4.

"Sundered, the grells, go for the grells. Ignore what it's telling you."

Flame Seed (Ref) v G1. On hit target takes 1d6 fire damage and the and the squares adjacent to the target become a fiery zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that enters the zone or starts its turn in there takes +5 fire damageSigh. At least she rolled in double figures. I'm guessing it won't hit though.

She tries desperately to shake the philosopher's insidious suggestions from her mind.
Save v Venomous Mind (1d20=10) and succeeds. Manually amended as I hit the tab button before changing what the roll was for. Doh.

St Augustine looks fascinating. Have a wonderful time. We'll just get on with killing ourselves gracefully in your absence :D

Hopefully I'll be able to get another update in before we leave tomorrow morning!

Sometime soon, I'd ask all of you stop into the Discussion Thread and check out your spoilers for background hooks and so forth!


I believe you've used Tremor already. Care to amend?

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)
DM Grumpysauce wrote:

Hopefully I'll be able to get another update in before we leave tomorrow morning!

Sometime soon, I'd ask all of you stop into the Discussion Thread and check out your spoilers for background hooks and so forth!

Madda:** spoiler omitted **



On it. I'll fail to hit with something else.

As she backs off, hoping against hope that her attack did something useful for once, she yells at the philospher.

Deep Speech


"Your scansion is horrible. Even if you weren't demolishing my town, I'd call what you do to words a crime."

It's a pointless gesture, but it makes her feel better.

Madda retreats to the safety of the surrounding storefronts as her flame seed ignites several paces beyond the grell, an anticlimactic bit of spark and a puff of smoke the only reward for her efforts.


13.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10
13.19: Sundered Heart: 77/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, Must choose random target for melee attacks (save ends)
13.17: Horrid Grell 4: -147HP, Bloodied, Marked & Shielded, -2 AC til end of 13.19, +2 AC due to having an enemy grabbed
13.16: Grell Philosopher: -160HP, Bloodied
13.14: Blue Shield 1: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 2: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 3: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 4: 47/47 HP
12.13: Madda: 38/88 HP, Bloodied

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
12.13: Setil: 49/91 HP, Grabbed (move action to attempt escape), Stunned (save ends)
12.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied, Blind (save ends)

I will be in lovely and historic St. Augustine for the bulk of this Saturday and Sunday, so updates will be scarce those days.

Male Deva Swordmage

Save vs. Stun = 3
Oh, good.

Male Deva Shaman 2

Perception: 13 So, do I know where it is?

Galad The Redeemed wrote:
Perception: 13 So, do I know where it is?

Grell 4 Stealth: 1d20+18=37 You cannot defeat the Grellish Ninja Army!

Levity aside, no. You can however guess correctly by matching my d10 roll of 1d10=1. Matching that roll will let you attack either of the remaining grells with only normal penalties for blindness.

Male Deva Shaman 2


Galad stands there waiting for his vision to clear.

I saved! Woohoo!

Setil, unable to purge the grellish venom from his system, twitches feebly in the creature's grasp, while Galad's sight finally returns in a dizzying rush.


13.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10

13.19: Sundered Heart: 77/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, Must choose random target for melee attacks (save ends)
13.17: Horrid Grell 4: -147HP, Bloodied, Marked & Shielded, -2 AC til end of 13.19, +2 AC due to having an enemy grabbed
13.16: Grell Philosopher: -160HP, Bloodied
13.14: Blue Shield 1: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 2: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 3: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 4: 47/47 HP
13.13: Madda: 38/88 HP, Bloodied
13.13: Setil: 49/91 HP, Grabbed (move action to attempt escape), Stunned (save ends)
13.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied

Please check the discussion thread for individual character hooks & info! Also, need treasure wishlists from Karrn and Galad.

Karrn stnds by the statue fuming. Just what in the Pit is it going to take to put the brains down.

He forms another puny orb of enery and let's it fly.

Chaos Orb on G1, 1d20+13=33; Damage 1d10+13=23 psychic damage.



I just want to make sure you check the above link before I post the follow up attacks and bonus damage. Especially with all the rolls Karrn can make in a round, I don't want there to any questions over the roll.

Better to take it slow after the last fiasco then rush head long into questions over the rolls.

Karrn wrote:

Karrn stnds by the statue fuming. Just what in the Pit is it going to take to put the brains down.

He forms another puny orb of enery and let's it fly.

Chaos Orb on G1, 1d20+13=33; Damage 1d10+13=23 psychic damage.

DM** spoiler omitted **

Karrn: Fire away! Thanks for the heads up... no need for further caution however - I'll spot check as I feel necessary.

And with the A-Ok to fire the fun began!

Bonus damage from crit 4d6=8 damage. 31 damage total to G1, with possibility for more pending DM ruling... Ruling in, TIME TO ROCK

The orb explodes on impact; Shattering and piercing into it's soft flesh

Critical Opportunity on G1, 1d20+14=27; Damage 3d6+6=17. G1 takes 48 damage TOTAL

Reforming it bonuces off the philosopher, like a cueball, and heads for the next Grell

Chaos Bolt on G4 1d20+13=30 vs Will; Damage 1d6=6 psychic damage

Unfettered power slides G1 back, AA11, and knocks it prone! Also Chaos Burst gives me a +1 to AC.

The cascading explosions of Karrn's chaos orb shred the grell philosopher's flesh, sending it reeling crazily earthward as it tries desperately to regain its spatial awareness. The lightning halo it boasts is now fitful, sickly, a match to its physical state. The vicious creature's beak clacks slowly open and closed, though no noise emerges as it struggles to right itself and rise.

The caroming chaos bolt sizzles into the mass of tentacles that writhe around Setil as well, narrowly missing the helpless swordmage before detonating in a shower of grellish fleshy matter.

Both grells still active, neither looking particularly well though.


14.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10, +1 AC

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
13.19: Sundered Heart: 80/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, Must choose random target for melee attacks (save ends)

13.17: Horrid Grell 4: -153HP, Bloodied, Marked & Shielded, -2 AC til end of 13.19, +2 AC due to having an enemy grabbed
13.16: Grell Philosopher: -208HP, Bloodied, Prone
13.14: Blue Shield 1: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 2: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 3: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 4: 47/47 HP
13.13: Madda: 38/88 HP, Bloodied
13.13: Setil: 49/91 HP, Grabbed (move action to attempt escape), Stunned (save ends)
13.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied

Please check the discussion thread for individual character hooks & info! Also, need Wishlists from Karrn and Galad

Howling Strike Attack 1d20+15=35, Damage 1d10+10=18, Extra Damage 1d6=5, Save Ends 1d20=11

Damage 2d6=5

Total damage if the attack is a critical is 42; I pity the target.

Grumpy,can you roll who the target is. Thanks.

SH whirls Kill Point. He shuts his eyes as competing voices inside his head fight for his attention. He screams his rage and strikes blindly.

Sundered Heart wrote:

Howling Strike Attack 1d20+15=35, Damage 1d10+10=18, Extra Damage 1d6=5, Save Ends 1d20=11

Damage 2d6=5

Total damage if the attack is a critical is 42; I pity the target.

Grumpy,can you roll who the target is. Thanks.

Gods, how frightening can ya get? A barbarian, criting, and the target is completely random... DUN, DUN, DUN!

Dun, da, dun, dun....

A little music.

With a roar reminiscent of his mighty draconic ancestors, Sundered Heart plunges Kill Point neatly into the open beak of Setil's captor, the weapon emerging on the far side of the pulsing brain tissue in a rain of gobbets. The grell spasms once, then goes limp, collapsing to the cobbles as the fatal spear is yanked back. Setil tumbles free of the inert coils, still motionless from the paralytic venom, rainwater and oily grellish ichor pooling around him.

Sundered Heart's random melee target: Odd = Grell 4, Even = Setil: 1d100=3. SH gets Rising Fury: +3 melee damage til EoNT.

Gibbering incoherently the Philosopher slowly gathers itself and rises into the rain, its lightning nimbus flickering only fitfully, lashing tentacles displaying its vexation at being forced into cowardly retreat.

G1 recharge: No. Move: Stand from prone. Move: DD8, +3 altitude.

The scattered Blue Shields scramble to new vantage points, loosing futile bolts in the vague direction of the fleeing aberration.

Blue Shields crossbow volley: 1d20+9=24, 1d8+2=4, 1d20+9=19, 1d8+2=6, 1d20+7=24, 1d8+2=5, 1d20+7=24, 1d8+2=10


14.27: Karnn: 48/87 HP, Resist Force 10, +1 AC
13.19: Sundered Heart: 80/101 HP, Regen 3, +1d6 Radiant on hit and enemy -2 AC, At-Wills +4 Dmg til Heart Strike ends, +3 damage from Rising Fury
13.16: Grell Philosopher: -208HP, Bloodied, +3 altitude
13.14: Blue Shield 1: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 2: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 3: 47/47 HP
13.14: Blue Shield 4: 47/47 HP

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
13.13: Madda: 38/88 HP, Bloodied

13.13: Setil: 49/91 HP, Prone, Stunned (save ends)
13.13: Galad: 33/76 HP, Bloodied

Feel free to adjust your characters post-fight, if you wish. Feats, Powers, PP's... I'd like you to be able to play something you're happy with, and since we got to see nearly all of your powers this fight, if something underwhelmed, go ahead and boot it!

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

"You go nowherrrrree!"

Hurling herself back into her favoured wolfhound form, Madda throws caution and sense to the winds and charges at the grell, leaping high into the air to pull it back to the ground.

Pounce (includes feat bonus from Ferocious Boar 2A/ 1D when charging in beast form) v G1 (1d20 15=27, 1d8 9=11). If that hits, G1 grants CA to the next ally to attack it before the end of my next turn.

Charge gives her move of 9, so I'm hoping she can use the last three squares to jump up. Do you want an Athletics check to do that?



If it's a hit, can I ask that you use it to yank the thing to the ground rather than delivering damage to it? Assuming that attack doesn't finish it, which seems pretty unlikely.

Madda wrote:
Charge gives her move of 9, so I'm hoping she can use the last three squares to jump up. Do you want an Athletics check to do that?

Athletics check necessary, yes. Shouldn't be too difficult though, given that Grells (both standard showroom configuration and the new, sportier Philosopher model) boast an awful lot of dangly bits...

As to your spoiler, I don't see why not.

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Bracing herself for more of the great taste of grell, Madda latches onto a mouthful of tentacles and yanks it to earth.

Yank that grell's dangly bits ... (1d20 9=24). Yup. She really has had enough of these beasties.

Male Deva Shaman 2

Assuming it's still alive by my turn and still out of reach...

Galad strides towards the grell, raising his holy symbol high. "You shall be stopped" Suddenly, a bolt of lightning comes down, right through the grell.

Moving to BB8, and reusing These rolls from earlier for Lightning Panther Spirit. (vs Reflex, hits 29 and deals 15 Lightning damage)

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