Today in the News

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Some of the weird and wonderful variety of life even in RL-or the animal kingdoms natural osteomancer

Liberty's Edge

The US militaries next fuel depot?

Liberty's Edge

Should Aberzombie be worried?

Liberty's Edge

Non-stick and healthy-healthier than you'd expect

Liberty's Edge

Hints of possible life deep in space

Scarab Sages

Mariachis set world record in Mexican city

Scarab Sages

Defiant Enterprise wrote:
Should Aberzombie be worried?

Let them make their plans. I laugh at their feeble calculations. I look foward to the day when my zombie brethern and I rise up against our living oppressors and take our rightful place as masters of this planet. We can depopulate an entire city (of the living anyway) in a matter of hours. Everytime you kill one of us, there are 10 more to take his place, and we've just converted three of your friends.

The Zombie Horde: Winning with the crushing weight of numbers since 1968.

The Exchange

Disney buys out Marvel for 4 billion dollars

Kitty Pryde Vs Sheego

Scarab Sages

Utahns can now practice DUI jail call

Liberty's Edge

Let us not forget but not allow history to blind us to a changed world either

Liberty's Edge

Uploads and downloads a bit slow?

Liberty's Edge

As if there wasn't enough to give drug authorities in North America trouble

Liberty's Edge

Juicy and energizing-for your car

Liberty's Edge

Profs across the world prepare to grumble

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:

Disney buys out Marvel for 4 billion dollars

Kitty Pryde Vs Sheego

One more reason I'm glad I'm a Dark Horse kinda guy.

Scarab Sages

Creepy stuff:

National Endowment for the Arts supporting ObamaCare

This one bugs me mostly because I've never been comfortable with the NEA using taxpayer dollars to support "art" that most taxpayers will never see. Now that they seem to be getting into the business of using those taxpayer dollars to support one side over the other, it bugs me even more.

Bills give government more control of internet.

This one is just plain Big Brother scary. I wouldn't want this kind of power in any government officials hand.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

Bills give government more control of internet.

This one is just plain Big Brother scary. I wouldn't want this kind of power in any government officials hand.

I say give the post to Randall Munroe and see what he does with it.

Liberty's Edge

And the King Ignoramus crown goes to...

Brought to you by the ...Well, Actually... Department.

Scarab Sages

The Chupacabra Caught?

Dark Archive

Go Go Power Ranger!!!!

But seriously, I hope he does well.

Liberty's Edge

Cat survives arrow through head

Liberty's Edge

Police officer shoots fireman in dispute over traffic ticket

Liberty's Edge

The world needs more people like Kaleb Eulls

Liberty's Edge

Apparently contagious yawning isn't just a human phenomenon

Liberty's Edge

Our eye on the deepest reaches of the universe is restored and better than ever

Liberty's Edge

A new version of morse code

Liberty's Edge

A new use for all that fat

Liberty's Edge

Wolves and dogs: Differing responses-possible inspiration for gamers?

Solid Snake would be so proud.

The musical tastes of monkeys

An old favourite finds new uses

A new way to float

Leapin' lizard tails

Weird stuff from across the world-Sept 10

Weird news from around the world-Sept 9

Weird news from around the world-Sept 1

Weird news from around the world-Sept 3

Liberty's Edge

Bank account denied to armless man due to lack of fingerprints.

Liberty's Edge

Steven Purcell wrote:
The musical tastes of monkeys

Yeah, but the Monkeys probably only like the stuff from The Black Album on. In fact, I think ONLY monkeys like that crap!


Scarab Sages

Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass

Silver Crusade

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Bank account denied to armless man due to lack of fingerprints.


Aberzombie wrote:
Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass

No kidding... How does anyone take him seriously? Or do they?

Aberzombie wrote:
Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass

Shouldn't he be out getting fishsticks or something?

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass

This just in: sky is blue.

Personally, I can't stand any of the people mentioned in that article.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

pres man wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass
Shouldn't he be out getting fishsticks or something?

Am I missing a story here? Fishsticks?

Adam Daigle wrote:
pres man wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass
Shouldn't he be out getting fishsticks or something?
Am I missing a story here? Fishsticks?

Here you go.

Related news:
Obama calls Kanye a jackass

Silver Crusade

pres man wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
pres man wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Kanye West once again acts like a complete ass
Shouldn't he be out getting fishsticks or something?
Am I missing a story here? Fishsticks?

Here you go.

Related news:
Obama calls Kanye a jackass

The song at the end of that South Park episode is hilarious. It's a spot-on impression of his music.

Scarab Sages

Australian cat strays 2,400 miles, returns home

Liberty's Edge

That guy from Max and Me

New Montauk Monster; someone call Mulder.

Liberty's Edge

Andrew Turner wrote:

That guy from Max and Me

New Montauk Monster; someone call Mulder.

That looks very much like a sloth that has been dead and in the water for a week or so. Why is it that everyone freaks out every time a hairless, bloated dead animal washes up on some beach?

A new critter Jacobs will try to get added to a bestiary in the future? Could be useful as a start point for a t-rex animal companion as well (Here's hoping)

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