
Defiant Enterprise's page

50 posts. Alias of Steven Purcell.


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

What if the Ramesses II had granted freedom and equal religious protection to the Israelites so that they never left Egypt and indeed joined forces with the Egyptians to help expand the New Kingdom? That could have an impact on world history.

Liberty's Edge

Gases (of all sorts) expand as the pressure on them is reduced

The high tech way to identify strangers

A quixotic quest

Liberty's Edge

Sound proofing of the future

Democracies are joining the dictatorships: Italy cracks down on Google

Memories lost and memories made

Liberty's Edge

Think like a man of action; act like a man of thought.

– Henri Bergson

Liberty's Edge

158. Detect bloodline. You scan the target creature for up to 1 round/2 CL; each round you learn the identity of another generation of the creatures ancestors (first round, parents; second round, grandparents; third round, great grandparents; etc)

Liberty's Edge

154. Chain reaction energy bolt. You fire a bolt of energy at a target (ranged touch attack); it does 1d6 points of damage and if there are other targets present it bounces to another target and then another and another to a maximum of twenty total targets hit. Each target beyond the first takes 1 additional point of damage more than the target before (2nd target takes 1d6+1, third takes 1d6+2 etc) Each target can only be hit once by the bolt per casting of the spell. Caster designates the first target but after that it bounces to random enemy targets.

Liberty's Edge

152. Spell eater-Target hit by this spell loses the ability to cast 1 spell level per round for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 caster level of the person who cast Spell eater. Highest level is lost first, then second highest etc. All of these levels return 10 minutes after spell eater ends.

Liberty's Edge

150. Vision of the foe-Caster projects an illusion on each hostile creature in range, making each look to everyone else like the caster. Failing a will save means enemies think that those that look like the caster are the caster and proceed to attack those creatures, even if they are allies.

Liberty's Edge

149. Repulsion Wave-Blast of energy does 1/4CLd6 damage to target propelling them back 1 square/2 CL and dropping them to speed 0 for 10 rounds.

Liberty's Edge

148. Armour Inversion Beam-Ray drains armour bonuses, shield bonuses, enhancement, force, etc bonuses, from targets AC and transfers them to the caster as mage armour like force. Max +20 can be drained in this manner. Armour bonus for caster lasts 1 min/CL: points return to target 10 minutes after caster loses armour bonus.

Liberty's Edge

Wolves and dogs: Differing responses-possible inspiration for gamers?

Liberty's Edge

A new use for all that fat

Liberty's Edge

A new version of morse code

Liberty's Edge

Our eye on the deepest reaches of the universe is restored and better than ever

Liberty's Edge

Apparently contagious yawning isn't just a human phenomenon

Liberty's Edge

Profs across the world prepare to grumble

Liberty's Edge

Juicy and energizing-for your car

Liberty's Edge

As if there wasn't enough to give drug authorities in North America trouble

Liberty's Edge

Uploads and downloads a bit slow?

Liberty's Edge

Let us not forget but not allow history to blind us to a changed world either

Liberty's Edge

Hints of possible life deep in space

Liberty's Edge

Non-stick and healthy-healthier than you'd expect

Liberty's Edge

Should Aberzombie be worried?

Liberty's Edge

The US militaries next fuel depot?

Liberty's Edge

Some of the weird and wonderful variety of life even in RL-or the animal kingdoms natural osteomancer

Liberty's Edge

What do you think of NASAs movie list?

Liberty's Edge

Sticky but if it works it could be incredibly useful

Liberty's Edge

If you ever get lost look around really carefully-you might be seeing the same things you saw an hour ago

Liberty's Edge

Possible monster inspiration-"Special Attack-Glowing pods"

Liberty's Edge

Wicked Weather in southern Ontario-Hope no one on these boards has suffered any damage or injuries

Liberty's Edge

The newest recruits

Liberty's Edge

Just scratching the surface

Liberty's Edge

A population rebound?

Liberty's Edge

Abbasax wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Also I'll go out on a limb and not only add DS9, but Enterprise.
You know, I'll second you on that. The second season almost made me end it all, but fourth season only had one really bad epi (imo) and it looked like they really had their act together.

I'll actually agree with that assessment (although DS9 is still my favourite Trek series)

I do also miss Babylon 5, Earth: Final Conflict and even the Dead Zone to some extent.

Liberty's Edge

I'll probably think of more later but

Star Trek (DS9, TNG, VOY), Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science (a Canadian documentary series looking at actual criminal cases and the forensics used to solve them), Royal Canadian Air Farce, Paleoworld on TLC back when the L still stood for "Learning", and the West Wing.

Liberty's Edge

LOL, yeah for cats - when in doubt, swipe at the nose. Believe me I've seen it happen - didn't get it on video and quite frankly was never as funny as what you're describing.

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

Derro have been interpreted as a dwarf subrace and as an offshoot of pechs. So depending on your edition and/or setting, they could be humanoids or fey.

Xvarts. Someone refresh me there. I believe they're humanoid, right.

Blue, goblinoids.

Smurfs, possibly humanoids of some stripe, but there's a strong possibility of them being fey.

Blue Man Group. It remains a mystery. They are the wild cards.

Did they come about as offshoots of other creatures through contact with a common influence? Some sort of mutating factor? Divine intervention or arcane meddling?

Or are could it be a convergent evolution? Could this be the future we're seeing here? A world where things aren't so much black and white as they are cerulean and azure? Could something even be reaching back fromk the future to guide this along?

Do these beings have any relation to each other? How do they interact? Could there be societies comprised mostly of these beings who have only a scattered, small presence in most lands? Could such a society still survive, or are we looking at the remnants of a once thriving civilization?

And how do the Delvians fit into all this?

Xvarts are humanoid (no subtypes-see Dragon 339 Campaign Classics Bestiary)

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:

Twitter, Hotmail, Facebook all got hit with denial of service attack yesterday.

That would explain why I lost my hotmail access for hours.

A possible motive

Liberty's Edge

To seek out new Worlds and new Civilizations...

Liberty's Edge

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Some... Thing Drifts Past Alaska
Did they ever report the result of the analysis?

See here