Stebehil |
I haven´t run it at all, but for placing it in Greyhawk, you will have to decide which ancient culture has been that of the runelords. I would not go for the Suloise, as these are somewhat defined in various sources. I would probably put the runelords as part of the old Ur-Flannae culture, or one even before that. There are some details about those as well, but not as many as for the Suloise, IIRC. For placement of the AP, that is more difficult. I could imagine it somewhere along the old Aerdy coast, and going up into the Rakers/Griff mountains. Especially the Bone March seems to be a spot where you could place some of it without changing too much.
Just my 2, and all without checking either the AP or the GH sources.
selios |
Thanks for you answers.
I love the idea of the Ur-Flan.
It could do very well.
As for Sterich, I didn't find the thread. The search function didn't give me anything, and there is so much different threads, I've been discouraged to check all of them.
Sterich would indeed be a good choice for all the giants, but I think I want to change locations, having played too many adventures in this region.
Savage_ScreenMonkey |
Its weird I tried searching myself and couldnt find anything. I know that this was discussed before so maybe it has been erased for some reason.
In this thread there is some discussion about adapting the three Pathfinder AP's to Greyhawk
Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:
"You could set the Runelords up as a cabal of Suel mages, perhaps closely involved in the Twin Cataclysms. That would work out quite nicely, with the Sea of Dust (former Suel Empire) right on the other side of the Crystalmists."
This idea could be used even if the action takes place in another area. For instance what if you changed the Runelords around a little and made them members of the Maure family. Now you could add connections to Maure Castle. In addition think about what it would mean if you changed the the Sihedron rune to the 8 pointed star symbol of the Seekers organization.
Thats all I got for now.
Peruhain of Brithondy |
To throw out yet another possibility, building on Stebehil's idea of Runelords = Ur-Flan: It could be set in Perrenland, with the mountain adventures taking place in the Yatils. (Hook Mountain Massacre could also be set in the Sepia Uplands, the Clatspurs, or the Mounds of Dawn). Of course, Perrenland already has Iggwilv and the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, but hey, maybe she was building on the work of some predecessors.
Stebehil |
In addition think about what it would mean if you changed the the Sihedron rune to the 8 pointed star symbol of the Seekers organization.
Perhaps the Seekers star symbol is even derived from the Sihedron rune - added one spike to make it less "obvious".
Peruhains idea of using the Yatils is a nice idea as well - the Yatils area is huge, so adding some more to it should be no problem. Perhaps Mordenkainen himself has built his fortress upon some old runelord ruins - just for research purposes, of course. If you didn´t use Iggwilv overmuch already, a connection is rather easy to imagine as well.