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There is a decent chance that this post belongs elswhere just as much as here. But I figured if any subforum need activity it was 4E.
I am looking for 3.5 Adventure Arcs to convert to 4E. I had originally thought that I would finish my deployment without any gaming but an increased level of interest by some guys in my unit has me examining my options. I am looking for arcs and not campaigns because I don't want to do a full campaign if I cannot do it right. There are enough demands on my time that I just want to do some quick conversions and get to playing. I am a fair hand at converting from 3.5 as the last 4E game I DM'd was the CotCT AP. I am not limited to 3.5 either, it just seems to be the ruleset that will provide the most options. I am familiar with the following arcs and am considering them. If you have any to add from any plublisher please do.
Shards of Eberron (though I am not absolutely certain that this one had all 3 episodes published, could be mistake)
Istivin, City of Shadows
Vampires of Waterdeep
I am not adverse to purchasing something off of rpgnow if the quality is there. So what advice do you guys have?

Scott Betts |

The 4th Edition board actually gets a fair amount of activity here, all things considered.
Are you dead set on converting something yourself? There are a number of fan conversions already in the works. I know you said you're not interested in an entire campaign, but I'm more than a third of the way through a complete conversion of Rise of the Runelords. All the conversion notes are blogged at Tales from the Rusty Dragon - everything you need to run a 4th Edition version should be there.

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When I have the time to do it right I vastly prefer campaigns over short arcs or one shot adventures. In this situation though the short arc will serve me better and is less likely to end up a heart breaker if it goes unresolved. Each of the intersted players has different mission loads and different leave dates. The arc works because it allows me to be more flexible. If we finish one I can just start another.
Thanks for the mention though. I will certainly keep an eye on your progress as I am considering running RotRL when I get home.

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You could consider the Viktor Saint DeMaine trilogy of adventures in Dungeon. Set in Eberron (Sharn), with a 5-10 range.
Issues are ~138 (The one with Kings of the Rift, if I remember right), 150, and ~151(?).
I've run the first adventure, and it was pretty cool, but didn't have the sequels at the time so I haven't gotten to run them yet.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

You could consider the Viktor Saint DeMaine trilogy of adventures in Dungeon. Set in Eberron (Sharn), with a 5-10 range.
Issues are ~138 (The one with Kings of the Rift, if I remember right), 150, and ~151(?).
I've run the first adventure, and it was pretty cool, but didn't have the sequels at the time so I haven't gotten to run them yet.
These certianly read really well - I agree that they might make excellent adventure arcs.
Otherwise maybe you should just do an open ended campaign. Pick some of your favourite adventures, convert them if necessary and run the players through them. When they finish one its on to the next. Most adventures still take 3-6 sessions so they might actually be better for the time pressed then a full on arc and its fairly easy to slot characters into and out of the party under these conditions.

Crowheart |

Eyes of the Lich Queen is an Eberron Adventure Levels 5-10.
I found it particularly interesting and you go all over the place and do lots of different stuff. The design of the module is very 4e in attituide as it is, with cinemetic fights in burning building, or on the deck of a pirate ship, and exploring a lost haunted isle and braving the traps of a dragon's vault.
It's also got Tim Hitchcock and Nick Logue as co-creators (which only matters to dorks like me), but there it is.
If you'd like to steer away from Eberron, there are quite a few pretty nifty Gamemastery Modules that could be converted too.
Carnival of Tears is about the coolest D&D module I've ever played in, hands down. A twisted module of perverted horror if ever I saw one. Really cool. This one is for Level 5 characters (I think).
Hungry are the Dead is also a nifty one. I'm not too fond of how some of it was put together, but I believe that 4e mechanics could quell any real problems I had with it. Besides, 4e can do zombie hordes really well. This one is for Level 6 characters.
Thats about all for now. If I stumble on anymore modules (new or old) I might list them here (or at least the ones I thought were good).
(I just noticed that Nick Logue and Tim Hitchcock have their names of one (or both) of the previously mentioned gamemastery modules, as well. Perhaps I have a problem?)

Amelia |

You could consider the Viktor Saint DeMaine trilogy of adventures in Dungeon. Set in Eberron (Sharn), with a 5-10 range.
Issues are ~138 (The one with Kings of the Rift, if I remember right), 150, and ~151(?).
I've run the first adventure, and it was pretty cool, but didn't have the sequels at the time so I haven't gotten to run them yet.
There are two, not three. The first is in 133, and the second in 150, which was Paizo's last issue of Dungeon.

Stewart Perkins |

Eyes of the Lich Queen is an Eberron Adventure Levels 5-10.
I found it particularly interesting and you go all over the place and do lots of different stuff. The design of the module is very 4e in attituide as it is, with cinemetic fights in burning building, or on the deck of a pirate ship, and exploring a lost haunted isle and braving the traps of a dragon's vault.
I would like to recommend this one for 4e conversion aswell. As a matter of fact I had considered it because it really does seem to play 4e style by default. It is broken into episodes in a sense so that it really compromises 4 seperate adventures that make a longer arc, there are tons of encounters that rely on a few toughs and a dozen level 1 guys (minions in the 3e sense easily become minions in the 4e sense) and I would wager easily 70% or more of the fights have the dynamic terrain design inclination that 4E is built on. If I was planning on running a mini 4e campaign this is alomost gaurenteed the first adventure I'd turn to.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

Anyone know if there's a conversion of Maure Castle?
Possibly some one will do a version. Its certianly possible but its particularly tricky in that it does not even play nice with the 3.5 framework. Its sort of a hybrid 1E/3.5 making it, maybe, slightly more challenging to convert. Not necessarily the kind of adventure one goes fo with their first attempt at a conversion.

mouthymerc |

Radavel wrote:Anyone know if there's a conversion of Maure Castle?Possibly some one will do a version. Its certianly possible but its particularly tricky in that it does not even play nice with the 3.5 framework. Its sort of a hybrid 1E/3.5 making it, maybe, slightly more challenging to convert. Not necessarily the kind of adventure one goes fo with their first attempt at a conversion.
I've found that I am having a very easy time converting things from any edition. I'm in the process of converting Slaughtergarde. I've also converted a couple of AEG Adventure Boosters that I am running for my group. I converted Jerimond's Orb and The Crypt of St. Bethesda. I picked up D&D adventure In Search of Adventure to adapt for the 4E game, too. I dug out my Maure Castle copy of Dungeon, so I'll have to take a look at it to see what is entailed for a conversion.