Star Ocean - A Last Hope

Video Games

Dark Archive

Is anyone out there anticipating this game like I am? I have fond memories of playing Star Ocean and I can't wait for this one!!

Dark Archive

Never heard of it. What's it about?

Dark Archive

The basic story in all 3 of the previous games is WW3 happens and destroys the Earth so colony ships take off & find a new place to live. SO3 covered a galactic war while SO 4 is going to be a prequel to the other games.

Its a RPG in the vein of Final Fantasy.

Unlike Final Fantasy games, Star Ocean includes combat that is real-time, yet not so obnoxious that I can't stand it. In addition, interaction with characters will reveal interesting cut-scenes that determine the game's ending (not unique, but usually well done). The item creation system in the game isn't bad either. I recommend the series (played 2 and 3, had a blast).

I've only played SO 3: Till the End of Time, but that was such a great experience I pre-ordered this prequel the 1st chance I got. I normally prefer turn-based battles to button-mashing, but SO3 was good enough to make me overlook that.

I think Game Informer had a review in the latest issue. Sounds like the early-going might be a bit slow, w/ some awkward dialogue, but then things heat up and become more fun.

What's w/ the lame names for the main characters, though, in recent JRPG's? "Rush Sykes" in The Last Remnant, and "Edge Maverick" for the new Star Ocean?! Give me a break...

I'd lost interest in SquareEnix RPGs, but the great visuals and good pedigree of the series drew me back. I'll give a whirl if they can pry Street Fighter IV from me.

My wife's getting it for me as a late Valentine's day present. (I Got her F.E.A.R. 2). I'm really wanting to give it a try. As I get older I don't enjoy the JRPGs as much as I once did, preferring games like Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls IV, but this one really has my interest peaked.

Wow, this one's a lot of fun to play. Picked it up yesterday, and was up late playing it. The story's kinda cliche-JRPG stuff, but in space. The graphics are slick and fancy, though the characters mouths don't match what they're saying (I know, it's Japanese). But the combat is where it really shines. Blindsiding enemies is exciting, and so is having control over what moves you perform with the triggers. I'm really enjoying this, and look forward to more.

I must say while I liked the second star ocean, the third one was a bit disappointing to me. I was not expecting the level of linear plot that was in it, and the general lack of exploration that I felt was promised in the build up also hurt it in my opinion. The graphics are great, but playing up through it all gets to be more of a chore to me, than an enjoyable experience, and the item creation system was no where near as good as it was in the second star ocean.

However I am really looking forward to this last one, and hope it will live up to the series better than the third one did.

Dark Archive

Would love to get it assuming it shows up in Europe.

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