Crocodile Games Miniatures and Pathfinder

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Is it just me or is the Croc having problems keeping the Pathfinder goods coming.

As a complete outsider looking in, I keep seeing certain figures selling out. And staying sold out for weeks.

Is it just that the Pathfinder stuff is selling so well or that Crocodile Games is too small to give it the attention it apparently needs?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

[moved to Pathfinder General forum]

It's no secret that this line has had a lot of issues with timeliness. It wouldn't be appropriate for us to discuss the reasons here, but we are working with Crocodile to come up with possible solutions, probably starting with the wave *after* the one that's just about to become available.

Thanks for responding.

I'm lucky in that my FLSG, Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, has most of 'em, but even they have a hard time keeping some of 'em in stock and I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

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