Dragon Mag Module Contest Winner

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Dark Archive

Long long ago in Dragon there was a contest for readers to submit an AD&D adventure. I'd love to find out what issue it was in. However, all i remember is:

* It was in the Mid-80s, before Dungeon ever appeared.
* It was the contest winner.
* It involved a lot of water. I think it might have been around islands.

I know it ain't a lot to go on. Any ideas?

Neil Phillips wrote:

Long long ago in Dragon there was a contest for readers to submit an AD&D adventure. I'd love to find out what issue it was in. However, all i remember is:

* It was in the Mid-80s, before Dungeon ever appeared.
* It was the contest winner.
* It involved a lot of water. I think it might have been around islands.

I know it ain't a lot to go on. Any ideas?

I'm guessing this is the SA Neil?

I've got the Dragon CD Archive. That's got the first 250 issues of Dragon on it. I can have do a search of it this weekend and let you know what I find.

Olaf the Stout

Ok, after having a look at the Archive, I think you want "Can Seapoint Be Saved?" - Dragon #75, pg 45 - July 1983.

Do you have access to the issue? If not, let me know and you can come round and look at it.

Olaf the Stout

Dark Archive

Olaf the Stout wrote:

Ok, after having a look at the Archive, I think you want "Can Seapoint Be Saved?" - Dragon #75, pg 45 - July 1983.

Do you have access to the issue? If not, let me know and you can come round and look at it.

Olaf the Stout

Yeah, that's the one. I don't have a copy of that issue. My big box of Dragon Magazines got thrown out by accident a couple of years ago.

"SA Neil?" I am? What does that mean?

Neil Phillips wrote:
Olaf the Stout wrote:

Ok, after having a look at the Archive, I think you want "Can Seapoint Be Saved?" - Dragon #75, pg 45 - July 1983.

Do you have access to the issue? If not, let me know and you can come round and look at it.

Olaf the Stout

Yeah, that's the one. I don't have a copy of that issue. My big box of Dragon Magazines got thrown out by accident a couple of years ago.

"SA Neil?" I am? What does that mean?

Sorry Neil, I've confused you with a Neil Phillips that I know. By SA Neil, I meant the Neil Phillips from South Australia.

So I'm glad I could help you find out what issue it was, but apologise for the mistaken identity.

Olaf the Stout

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