Sydney Pathfinder Society

Local Play

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2/5 *

Luke_Parry wrote:
Hmmm.... Your earlier post about Sniper must have been 'buried' fairly quickly; I do not remember seeing the thread pop-up on the first page!

No prob. See you then.

Al Rigg wrote:
And I'd have been up for #41 The Devil We Know Part III Crypt of Fools and #33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible but, alas, all-day session of my Rise of the Runelords campaign booked in for that date.

Ah well, maybe next time. Don't forget that there's also the Blacktown games day at the school the following weekend (Blacktown North Public School, Saturday 13th).

Sign up at
Although they haven't announced anything just yet so there's nothing to sign up to at the moment.

Oh, and if you're into conventions, keep your eyes open for Macquariecon in December. The site is but isn't up just yet.
- Neil

2/5 *

The game at Blacktown North Public School, Saturday 13th is now open for registration. The two games on are PF2-01 The Bloodcove Disguise and PF2-02 Rescue at Aziant Ridge. I played them both at Sydcon and I'd recommend them.
And some 4th ed on offer too... If you're into that sort of thing. :)
Sign up at

2/5 *

This is just a quick announcement to let everyone know that macquariecon is on in December. As of yet, Pathfinder are yet TBA.
Keep up to date with the website:

Furthermore, the next December game I will be absent from. My bro should be able to pick up the slack.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Yeah no pathfinder yet, shame, its 10 minutes from my house. :(

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Shifty wrote:
Yeah no pathfinder yet, shame, its 10 minutes from my house. :(

I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but a couple of Sydney GMs who ran sessions at PaizoConOz in Brisbane a couple of months ago have been in contact with me regarding running Pathfinder Society at MacquarieCon, so watch this space!


Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Regarding December, how about The Devil We Know Part IV, and #28 (Lyrics of Extinction) for the high level table...?

2/5 *

Luke_Parry wrote:
Regarding December, how about The Devil We Know Part IV, and #28 (Lyrics of Extinction) for the high level table...?

I see no problem with that. Just need to confirm it with Andy and Adam.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Given that the first Saturday in December is next weekend, I thought that I should poke the thread :-)

2/5 *

Yeah I have been a little slack on the boards lately.

My brother (Adam) will be GMing #48 The Devil We Know Part IV: The Rules of the Swift, and #28 Lyrics of Extinction. These are, of course, aimed at the high level table.

I don't know what Andy is GMing though, he hasn't got back to me yet (I can ask him this Saturday 28th) but I am under the impression that he's just turning up with a number of scenarios.
Considering the PC level spread we're starting to notice, it might be the best way to handle it.

Anyway, sorry I won't be there. Back for the January game though.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Well, unless circumstances change dramatically in the next few days, I am definitely up for both of those :-)

Would it be possible for your brother to bring the hound archon mini that you used last month with him? I will actually have a use for that exact mini in the second game :-D

2/5 *

I've given Adam the mini. I'm off for Fiji tomorrow, so hope the game goes well for everyone.

On an unrelated note, I stumbled upon a fairly cool amateur gaming series called 'Journey Quest' by Dead Gentlemen Productions. The same folks who made 'Dorkness Rising'.

Check out the first series here.
(also see

2/5 *

Although New Years Day has interrupted our regular scheduled games, note that there will be games on at North Blacktown public school on Saturday 8th. At present, I'm GMing games #40 Hall of Drunken Heroes and #38 No plunder no pay. These are high level games though.

If you're interested, sign up at

Hello guys,

There is discussion of a Sydney Paizonian Pub get together over at this thread LINK . Feel free to participate.


The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Hello guys,

There is discussion of a Sydney Paizonian Pub get together over at this thread LINK . Feel free to participate.



Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

So, Neil, have any decisions been reached regarding the first Saturday in February...? :-)

2/5 *

Sort of. I sent an email to Andy to ask his opinion on the scenarios below a few days ago, but he hasn't replied back.

I may as well just post them up here:

Low-level table:
#33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (Tiers 1-2, 3-4)
#37: The Beggar's Pearl (Tiers 1-2, 3-4, 6-7)

High-level table:
#36: Echoes of the Everwar—Part I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill (Tiers: 7–8 and 10–11)
#42: Echoes of the Everwar—Part II: The Watcher of Ages (Tiers: 7–8 and 10–11)

A limited selection of other scenarios may be on offer.

Oh, and Luke. Kindly leave your mass murdering eidelon at home that day. lol :)

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Huh? What did Qadesh's poor little Eidolon do to you?

Oh, wait...

You may regret that request when you see the naughty things I have managed to come up with to turn my Paladin into an evil-doer killing machine :-D

2/5 *

Luke_Parry wrote:
You may regret that request when you see the naughty things I have managed to come up with to turn my Paladin into an evil-doer killing machine :-D

I love a challenge. Adam will be GMing the high level table BTW.

Andy has given the thumbs up for the scenarios on offer.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Hello guys,

There is discussion of a Sydney Paizonian Pub get together over at this thread LINK . Feel free to participate.



Hello guys the Sydney Paizonians are getting together for a drink on the 20th of FEB if you are interested. The link to the thread for details is SYDNEY AUSTRALIA Paizonian Pub Gathering

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

I am currently feeling indescribably under the weather, and I doubt that I will be up to the trek out to Blacktown tomorrow, for which I apologise. I hope that everything goes well :-)

2/5 *

Due to shortage of players today, we only played the low-level table. We will likely run Echoes of the Everwar in March.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone here know gamers in queensland that have been affected by the floods and cyclone.

I Have started a blog and want to get gaming material to people who have lost everything in the storms.

If you are aware of anyone who is currently doing it tough and rebuilding please point them here

And let them know that while I may not be able to replace everything they have lost I hope that I can at least provide some material so that they can get through the following months when things are going to be tough.

I will also be posting on the Melbourne list as there is nothing for Queensland that I can see if anyone knows the Queensland venture captain please let me know


4/5 5/55/5

Aldoth wrote:

I will also be posting on the Melbourne list as there is nothing for Queensland that I can see if anyone knows the Queensland venture captain please let me know


There is only one Venture Captain for the whole of Australia: DarkWhite.

The Exchange

Hey All,

Will there be games held 5th March?

2/5 * wrote:

Hey All,

Will there be games held 5th March?

Yep. Echoes of the Everwar (part 1 and 2) will be run for the high level table.

I've yet to confirm the low-level table but my current idea is #43 The Pallid Plague and #45 Delirium's Tangle.

I need to confirm with Andy first though.

4/5 5/55/5

Neil Mansell wrote:
Echoes of the Everwar (part 1 and 2) will be run for the high level table.

Gutted! Can't make that Saturday. Never mind. Maybe I can get you to run them at Eyecon...

4/5 5/55/5

Al Rigg wrote:
Gutted! Can't make that Saturday. Never mind. Maybe I can get you to run them at Eyecon...

Info on what I'm organising for Eyecon is here.

2/5 *

Sorry to hear it Alistair. My brother Adam will be GMing Echoes of the Everwar (Part 1 and 2). Hope you can make it Luke.

Andy is GMing #45 Delirium's Tangle and I'll be GMing #43 The Pallid Plague.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Oh, I will be there, Neil, never fear :-D

2/5 *

Thanks to those who gamed today.

Once again though, the number of players who turned up was low. As such, the next game in April will probably be the last unless we receive a more substantial turnout.

If that does happen though, don't fret. We'll more than likely just merge with another nearby group in Blacktown. Games at the nearby Blacktown North Public School are held on the second Saturday of each month, and is only a few minutes drive away from the shop. More details, and info on how to sign up, can be found here.

Early notice I know, but here are the games on offer in April:

High Level Table: (GM will be Adam)
#44: Echoes of the Everwar, Part III: Terror at Whistledown
#53: Echoes of the Everwar, Part IV: The Faithless Dead

Low Level Table: (GM will be me and Andy respectively)
#43 The Pallid Plague
#45 Delirium's Tangle

3/5 5/5

G'day all, this is my first venture into the Grand Lodge section of the boards. Was wondering if the Sydney society is still alive following the moving of Tin Soldier (to Penrith?), and if so, how I might draw on the society to join an adventure path group. Any assistance would be appreciated. Cheers all.


Hey FiddlersGreen. There is a thread here about people looking to play in a mid-week game (anyone else here is invited as well). No talk has been made about what would run, simply looking for interested people.

Neill: How are things looking for Pathfinder in April? Normally I'm busy on Saturdays, but it looks like I might be free (is it the 2nd of April?).

I've got a level 7 sorcerer that I could bring along to play in the high table (I've already played Delirium's Tangle I'm afraid so I wouldn't be able to play in the low table. Although if we're short players and only have the low table I could easily run a season 2 mod instead. I ran Murder on the Throaty Mermaid this month at Blacktown school and it was quite enjoyable).

3/5 5/5

John Lynch 106 wrote:

Hey FiddlersGreen. There is a thread here about people looking to play in a mid-week game (anyone else here is invited as well). No talk has been made about what would run, simply looking for interested people.

Neill: How are things looking for Pathfinder in April? Normally I'm busy on Saturdays, but it looks like I might be free (is it the 2nd of April?).

I've got a level 7 sorcerer that I could bring along to play in the high table (I've already played Delirium's Tangle I'm afraid so I wouldn't be able to play in the low table. Although if we're short players and only have the low table I could easily run a season 2 mod instead. I ran Murder on the Throaty Mermaid this month at Blacktown school and it was quite enjoyable).

Cheers mate. I've just e-mailed the dude. Thanks for the heads-up!

2/5 *

John Lynch 106 wrote:

Neil: How are things looking for Pathfinder in April? Normally I'm busy on Saturdays, but it looks like I might be free (is it the 2nd of April?).

I've got a level 7 sorcerer that I could bring along to play in the high table (I've already played Delirium's Tangle I'm afraid so I wouldn't be able to play in the low table. Although if we're short players and only have the low table I could easily run a season 2 mod instead. I ran Murder on the Throaty Mermaid this month at Blacktown school and it was quite enjoyable).

Obviously, the more the merrier. A sorcerer is especially appreciated on the high level table, since the usual folk who play are light on the arcane magic.

I've also recently received word that we have 2 new players joining next month. :D

Feel free to bring along The Throaty Mermaid if you want, although at this point, it does appear we will have enough players for the high and low level tables. :)

Liberty's Edge


I am coming for the low level table.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Cthulhu will be there, along with his familiar... I mean, Summoner ;-)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm looking to start running Pathfinder society games from the newly revamped Tin Soldier in Penrith in the next month or two if anyone is interested in helping me run games let me know.

My email address is spoilered below:


johnpocalypse at hotmail dot com.

2/5 *

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'm looking to start running Pathfinder society games from the newly revamped Tin Soldier in Penrith in the next month or two if anyone is interested in helping me run games let me know.

Thanks Dudemeister. Sadly, Penrith is too far for me to travel reguarly, but I have to say the new Penrith Tin Soldier store is excellent.

Anyway, thanks to those who played the April game. My apologies for my tardniess on the day, had a bit of a disaster at the last minute. Never again. :)

On the positive, we had two tables on the day, so I'm happy to keep the games day going. Thanks to you all.

Addendum: And before I forget, the Eyecon website is now active, so sign up ASAP. I'm GMing #2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (Tiers 1-5) on the Saturday and #31: Sniper in the Deep (Tiers 7-11) on the Sunday. I'd recommend any Pathfinder players to join the Season 2 Special: Year of the Shadow Lodge!

The Exchange

so sad i cant join in for the special. might go down to phenomonon and play it :)

Neil, is there a game on at blacktown for first weekend as per usual?

Also Guys and Girls i know neil is out for penrith games but if we could get at least one table going on a different saturday to blacktowns games it would be nice :)

more gaming the better!

2/5 *

There will indeed be games available on the 7th of May.

Low-level table: (Adam will be DMing)
#43 Pallid Plague
#39 The Citadel of Flame

High Level: (I will be DMing)
#32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid
#40 Hall of Drunken Heroes

We'll be missing Andy for this month since he'll be in the UK at this time.

4/5 5/55/5

Neil Mansell wrote:

There will indeed be games available on the 7th of May.

Low-level table: (Adam will be DMing)
#43 Pallid Plague
#39 The Citadel of Flame

High Level: (I will be DMing)
#32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid
#40 Hall of Drunken Heroes

We'll be missing Andy for this month since he'll be in the UK at this time.

Damnit, once again! I'd be up for the High Level table but the date clashes yet again with a Uni seminar I have to go to. If anything changes in my schedule though, I'll be there but I'll let you know in advance.

The Exchange

Mark and I will be attending with a Cleric/6 and Fighter/5 so should be fun :) i cant wait a whole week


2/5 *

Al Rigg wrote:
Damnit, once again! I'd be up for the High Level table but the date clashes yet again with a Uni seminar I have to go to. If anything changes in my schedule though, I'll be there but I'll let you know in advance.

lol. Uni on a Saturday?! Madness! :)

Another time then Al. wrote:
Mark and I will be attending with a Cleric/6 and Fighter/5 so should be fun :) i cant wait a whole week

Glad to hear it. Hmm, your levels might be a little tricky to work around. I did some double checking and it seems level 6 is 'between tiers' for half the day. (Citadel of flame is Tier 1-5 while either The Hall of Drunken Heroes or Drow of the DP is Tier 7+) Since we can't play up/down Tiers (only sub-tiers) you should consider bringing along a secondary character just in case. Or make a new 1st level one., your link seems to be a bit off. Admittedly, simply using the search engine to find works too though.

Liberty's Edge

Still coming for low lvl table. I'd really like to play my 1st level cleric. Definitely morning and 90% sure about afternoon game.

2/5 *

May game didn't go entirely as expected.
Due to a surprisingly large number of players (which is great to see), we had to adapt things a little. Apologies for that, but with Andy away, we made do.

Although I don't have the games list for June, we will have #32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid for next month.

Stay tuned. :)

4/5 5/55/5

Neil Mansell wrote:

May game didn't go entirely as expected.

Due to a surprisingly large number of players (which is great to see), we had to adapt things a little. Apologies for that, but with Andy away, we made do.

Although I don't have the games list for June, we will have #32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid for next month.

Stay tuned. :)

Great to hear you got a lot of players this month, Neil. Unfortunately, next month is still looking impossible for me: at this stage, the 4th, 11th and 18th are all out. I'll get there one day!

Grand Lodge 1/5

Now back from China (long term assigment), I am eager to play...

And looking forward to the idea of MacquarieCon - haven't gone in YEARS.

Is there a forum/messageboard or contact I can touch base with for gaming?

2/5 *

Helaman wrote:

Now back from China (long term assigment), I am eager to play...

And looking forward to the idea of MacquarieCon - haven't gone in YEARS.

Is there a forum/messageboard or contact I can touch base with for gaming?

Welcome and hello!

I went to Macquariecon last year. It was good fun, definitely would recommend it again.

I don't know of any specific website that advertises all the conventions and public gaming groups (although there may be one soon I hear), but I've made an effort to record as many as I can find.

Sydney Conventions: (note that dates and/or web sites may be subject to change)
April 22nd-26th: Eyecon at St Scholastica's College, Glebe. []
August 14th-15th: Winterfest at Blacktown North Public School. []
October 2nd-5th: Sydcon at St Scholastica's College, Glebe. []
December 10th-12th: Macquariecon at Macquarie Uni. []

Aside from the games day I help run (1st Saturday of each month, Blacktown, at Unlimited Hobbies, etc etc) there is a group that run at North Blacktown Public School. Sign up at
Dudemeister (see post above) is starting one up at Penrith.

The only other ones that spring to mind are Phenomenon [] on 11-14 June, but that's held in Canberra. And Paizocon, but that's held in September in Brisbane.

Phew, I think that's everything.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Neil Mansell wrote:

May game didn't go entirely as expected.

Due to a surprisingly large number of players (which is great to see), we had to adapt things a little. Apologies for that, but with Andy away, we made do.

Although I don't have the games list for June, we will have #32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid for next month.

Stay tuned. :)

So, have you decided what modules will be made available next weekend...? :-)

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