Trouble unzipping WWG cardstock pdf's

Customer Service

I purchased some of the WorldWorks Games pdf's through Paizo's store, since I had heard great things about these models, but once I had downloaded them, when I unzipped them there were only instructions - no images to print on cardstock, cut out, fold up, and glue together.

An email to Paizo's customer service quickly got me a reply back suggesting I try a different unzip utility as they had had a few complaints of this nature and that seemed to work. Guess what? I managed to find a free zip/unzip program on the net (called 7zip, found it through the "Gizmo Richards" site) and it worked great. Thanks Paizo Customer Service!

Before that, I had been using the standard unzipper that comes with Windows - tried this from 3 different computers all running different versions of Windows, and none of those had worked. So I figured there are probably *a few* other people out there who either have already or soon will run into the same problem - maybe this will help those people and also make life a little easier for Paizo's wonderfully helpful custServ people.

So if you ordered any of those pdf's here and have been experiencing the same problem, don't panic. It'll be OK. And the WWG models do look like they will be every bit as cool as people have been saying they are.



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