A Memory of Darkness Impressions....

Second Darkness

Silver Crusade

Post your thoughts and impressions of Second Darkness #5. How are Treerazor and the rest of the bestiary's monsters? The main and side adventures? The gazetteer of the Tanglebriar? Please hide anything spoilerish with a spoiler tag.

Dark Archive

My first impression was that it sucks that my players are still playing through Children of the Void, because I really want to run this adventure. But I felt that about the last adventure in the path as well.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Although I liked the bestiary and the gazetteer, and the Set Piece was one of the best so far (lots of personality in the monsters, with enough hints of backstory), the actual module itself struck me as lackluster, feeling rushed in some places and padded in others. I wrote a long critique of my problems with "A Memory of Darkness" here. Be warned: it is exceedingly spoilery.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The artwork is really, really good in this issue. Pretty much all of it.

The picture of Quilindra's true form on p. 17 pretty much raises the bar on all future succubus illustrations.

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