Any word on the Golarion Map project?

Website Feedback

Liberty's Edge

Since the 3rd party map was taken down a few weeks ago, I'm wondering whether Paizo has had any progress on its contractual relations to build a Golarion mapping system for its website.

Also, can you at least share some ideas of what you're looking for in a final product?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Saurstalk wrote:

Since the 3rd party map was taken down a few weeks ago, I'm wondering whether Paizo has had any progress on its contractual relations to build a Golarion mapping system for its website.

Also, can you at least share some ideas of what you're looking for in a final product?

While many of the folks on this board know that Paizo is pretty open about our product plans, when it comes to ongoing negotiations with other companies, we can't be quite as open. About all I can say is that we still have a potential partner lined up, and then next thing we're likely to be able to say about it is either:

A) We (or they) announce a product
B) We mention that we're looking for a new partner to make such a product.

We're not particularly close to doing either of those just yet.

Liberty's Edge

Just checking in to see whether there's any word on your progress with negotiations.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Saurstalk wrote:
Just checking in to see whether there's any word on your progress with negotiations.

I imagine Vic's previous statement remains true, that Paizo can't say anything until their partner or they make a formal announcement or the deal falls through. So no news is good news, right?

yoda8myhead wrote:
Saurstalk wrote:
Just checking in to see whether there's any word on your progress with negotiations.
I imagine Vic's previous statement remains true, that Paizo can't say anything until their partner or they make a formal announcement or the deal falls through. So no news is good news, right?

I guess. It's just unfortunate that they made the fan-created map disappear when it looks to be a long time, if ever, before they're offering anything similar.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

It wasn't really fan created as much as just copying and publicly distributing the same maps that are in all the Pathfinder products. I image that if someone were recreating the maps on their own and then making an atlas the response from Paizo would be different.

I'm reasonably sure that the site set up by a fan, while nice for users, would probably make the reduce chance of a legal map program appearing to zero.

And I agree with yoda about calling those maps fan-created.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah. Not fan-created maps. But a fan-created map page. Regardless, I happen to be one of those in mourning over the loss of the map. It was well done.

I had hoped that in the interim of Paizo's negotiations, it would have adopted in the interim the map on its own website. Then Paizo would have been in control of the item and could have discontinued it as soon as its negotiations concluded.

My hope then became that with Sir Urza's map site shutdown, we'd see Paizo have a relatively quick turn around on its negotiations.

No news made be good news, but the silence is killing me.

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