HoHR: Return Trip

Age of Worms Adventure Path

My PCs were taken captive per the "Delivered into Danger" sidebar in the Hall of Harsh Reflections adventure. The PCs managed to escape, beat Martal and Regim into unconsciousness, freed Ilya, and left Gattel for dead. They then made their way out of the building (killing the mimics) and let Ilya go. They spent a good couple of hours searching the warehouse rooms (during which time, I decided that the doppelgangers would have come to mind clone the first PC, but saw them gone).

The party then went back in, to "finish going through" the warehouse. The reached area D7 and got walloped by the invisible stalkers (fortunately, they realized they couldn't do anything with the spells they currently had, so they fled). The ended up hiding out for the next day and purchasing some scrolls to help them.

Now, all prepped to fight invisible stalkers, they are going to go back in. But it has been probably some 12-16 hours since they left the place, and the doppelgangers know the PCs escaped and might come back.

I do not want to slaughter the PCs, but I don't want to just pretend the doppelgangers are stupid. Any ideas on what they might have planned in store for a return assault by the PCs?

Dichotomy wrote:
I do not want to slaughter the PCs, but I don't want to just pretend the doppelgangers are stupid. Any ideas on what they might have planned in store for a return assault by the PCs?

Let's see the dopplegangers have infiltrated a large metro area and have many of their kind as agents. Have one of the dopplegangers follow the PCs, while other dopplegangers rush out to buy disposable magic items of their own.

Add a few potions of invisibility, some poison for their weapons and a bead of force for fun.
My 2 cents.

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