(PF Beta) The Return to the Revenge of the Sinister Secret of the Temple of Elemental Evil

Campaign Journals

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Great, can't wait to see the last 3 sessions' carnage (or is it 4 now?) posted.

Just ordered the videogame for cheap (about 5 Euro) on amazon, and waiting impatiently for further stories here :-)


--Session 16 --

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett mourns for the loss of Han

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Female Dwarven Cleric of Moridan and Spugnoir Human Male Wizard (St. Cuthbert)

The Plot: The PCs have finally lost one of their own, and had another brought back from the brink of death. They are playing a dangerous game of deception between the various temple faction leaders in an attempt to weaken them all. The party has learned of the existance of a greater temple below and know the time is close to start meeting out some justice to the various temples.

DMs Note: To start this session we recapped the various sub-plots and quests the faction leaders have given the PCs.

- Romag
- Kitchen Cleaners (complete, killed giant viper)
- Slay two fire temple acolytes (complete, and had Oohlghrist do it for them to make it even better!)
- Alrrem
- Recruit the Troll Chief (moot, convinced Alrrem the chief was crazy killed him and returned head to Alrrem)
- Recruit the Ogre Tribe (killed the ogres, Alrrem not told yet)
- Belsornig
- Recruit the Troll Chief (moot, convinced him that Oohlghrist was loyal to the earth temple and then proved they killed him instead)
- Kill Kelno (outstanding and missing from the session 14 write-up)

Belsornig wrote:

His second task is a bit more difficult.

“The air temple is, excuse the pun, breathing their last breath. Kelno is alone and desperate, I’m afraid he might break the cardinal rule of the factions and come try to kill me himself. He must be killed. He retains a group of bugbears, convince them to join the water temple. If they refuse then slaughter them as well.”

Our adventurers decide to go inform Alrrem of the ogre situation. They lie and state that the ogres were all drowned when they got there. Most likely the work of the water temple. Alrrem takes several cleansing breaths and then reveals a task he had hoped to accomplish without the PCs help.

Alrrem wrote:

“Using powerful scrying magics I have discovered that my old enemy Falrinth is alive. Not only is he alive he resides within this very temple. I have also just discovered that Falrinth has the Key, the Orb of Golden Death. The key that can set Zuggtmoy free, if used properly. It would restore my place as the curator of the favored Temple. It is what I need!”

“He was known to be an expert on Zuggtmoy and her cult. That is why the forces of Furyondy allied with him. What they didn’t realize was that he is motivated only by his thirst for arcane knowledge. I captured him, thinking surely we would execute him but apparently Hedrack spared him and put him to use researching the orb. He would have known where she would have hidden the key. He must have finally been able to find it. Now I must have it back from him!”

Falrinth is a powerful wizard, if the party asks how they might defeat him Alrrem is no help.

“Do not tarry long with your preparations! The Orb cannot fall into the wrong hands. It must be liberated from Falrinth's possession before he does something foolish with it. Now go...and return quickly!”

If the party asks about the nature of the Orb.

“Yes, I knew you would take this task. The temptation of power is too great not to try. But before you try something foolish with it, remember that only I know how to control it. It would most certainly result in your doom to "experiment" with it yourself.”

Realizing this must be the wizard they randomly stumbled upon a few weeks back they decide molesting him right now might not be the smartest move. They however now have a new topic to discuss with their allies in Nulb and Hommlett - the Orb of Golden Death.

The party then decides to follow through on the task of killing Kelno, the air temple leader. They don't know much about the air temple, only that it is on the brink of collapse. Belsornig had given them Kelno's probably hiding spot, and reminded them to try and recruit any minions before killing Kelno.

DMs Note: As it turns out the party had already killed Kelno's new bugbear recruits, who were being served some dinner by a few goblins. That fight didn't leave anyone around for questioning.

The party practically bursts into Kelno's small chambers.

My_Script wrote:

Kelno, chief cleric of what remains of the air temple resides here. Kelno is desperate at this point, his only remaining forces are the bugbears in area 224. He is trying to get the bugbears in 226 to join as well, and he is treating them to a meal served by some goblin slaves. If confronted by the party Kelno is despondent.

“[The man turns to you and throws up his hands in an exasperated gesture] And who are YOU? I suppose you are here to kill me? Well, that's just great.”

He assumes Belsornig has sent the party to kill him. If the party claims Belsornig didn’t send them, or have no knowledge of Belsornig (or fake like they don’t)

“I'm talking about the other high priests! They've decimated the Air Temple, killing all of my apprentices and most of my guards. I especially hate that scheming Belsornig, although Alrrem is a close second.”

If the party indulges, he is somewhat humble being in the precarious position that he’s in.

“I would LOVE a little help here, man! I'm the only cleric left in the Air Temple! [He pauses and takes a deep breath] I am Kelno, the last remaining cleric of the Air Temple. I humbly request your services.”

Kelno has a few things he needs done to stand a shot at remaining a viable temple.

“I have three tasks I need done. If you do them for me, I will personally escort you to the Greater Temple for initiation into our order, and then you will have wealth and power beyond your wildest dreams. According to our goddess, each faction must fend for itself against the other. Only in this manner can the strongest, most worthy faction be determined.”

Kelno’s first task is getting some more bugbears. There are some new recruits of the water temple that he wants the PCs to recruit.

“Very close by is a room filled with bugbear guards working for the Water Temple. I want you to convince them to defect to the Air Temple. Promise them more pay, more food, less work. Just get them to defect! I must weaken the Water Temple's defenses and strengthen mine! Go west past my guard rooms to the passage that runs north. There is a secret door on the south wall of that passage, beyond which the passage continues southward. The first door on the east leads to the Water Temple bugbears.”

The party decides to take a different tact here with Kelno. They know they have Alrrem reeling, with his acolytes dead, many of his bugbear guards dead and several of his troops six feet under. They convince Kelno that Alrrem sent them here to kill him, Kelno knowing Alrrem sacrificed his own brother to the nodes wouldn't put it past the swine. The PCs convince Kelno to raid Alrrems chambers with them and put him down for good. Kelno can then claim the remanents of the fire temple as his own.

DMs Note: At this point, putting myself in Kelno's boots. He has nothing to lose here, if he refuses surely the PCs will kill him. If he complies perhaps the party will be weakened in the battle and he'll have a chance to kill them all.

Half the party heads directly across the long hallway of 227 and around through a secret door above 204. The other half heads through the south entrance to Alrrem's chamber. They hope he is in there, and to catch him in a pincer attacking from both sides. They agree to a count at which they will kick the doors in. Alrrem is indeed in his chamber plotting with the last of his troops, two Orc fighters and a 4th level human fighter. This fight ends up being a blood bath. As the party kicks the north door in the opposition is surprised and lined up badly. Spugnoir rips through the orcs with a lightning bolt, and the ranger is now Manyshotting with a Compound Longbow and Spugnoir has cast Flame Arrow on his quiver. He pours a volley of flaming arrows onto Alrrem (who ironically has no protection from fire :( ) and nearly takes his 57 hit points out in one round. A flurry from the monk and an overkill critical war hammer to the melon from Ilde ends Alrrems life rather quickly. He manages only a desperate Channel Negative ... his minions don't fare much better. The human fighter manages to get a charging lane on Spugnoir and takes a chunk out of him, but he is badly outnumbered and a 5 foot step from Spugnoir and the monk bounding across the battle map to get in between ends any hope of him killing the mage.

At this point Kelno has been firing electric bolts from the back, and unfortunately has a giant cloud over his head with two letters ... X P ... the party turns and rushes him. 16, 10 and 17 chunks of hit points are ripped from him and the druid finishes his miserable existance.

DMs Note: I had mixed feelings about this being a rout. On one hand it was a bit of an anti-climactic 'boss' fight, on the other hand the players had earned it by whittling down Alrrems forces and being general dicks to him. They caught this vibe and had a minor sense of accomplishment that they had done this the 'right' way, rather than just looking at numbers and rooms on a map and moving from room to room. Though I did tuck this away ... one of my temple leaders was going to put up a fight >:|

They loot the clerics and decide to head back to Hommlett to get some information about this Orb.

This ends session 15 -> Next session 16 (... JAIL BREAK !!!)

The Exchange

I love it. These guys are really earning the win with their roleplaying. Having Alrrem throw his lot in with them was classic.

How powerful is your Falrinth by the way?

I have just found out that even the most experienced player in my game has started planning his replacement PC, just in case.... I think has a lot to do with losing the cleric and his selective healing.


My Falrinth is pretty beast. His body guard is even more beast.

Some things are completely out of whack for the challenge level though. For example, in a yet to be written up session they went toe to toe with a Juggernaut. The 1e one was pretty tame, the 3.x one from MM II is insane. Frankly it's insane for it's CR 11. 6 slams at +21 ???

Hit Dice: 18d10 (99 hp)
Initiative: –4
Speed: 10 ft.
AC: 29 (–2 size, –4 Dex, +25 natural), touch 4, flat-footed 29
Attacks: 6 slams +21 melee
Damage: Slam 2d6+10
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, spell-like abilities, squash
Special Qualities: All-around vision, DR 20/+2, construct
traits, fast healing 10, immunities, SR 36

How is that CR 11? That's the same CR as the Ogre Skirmishers. Rannos Devl however is the only named baddies with a confirmed PC kill thus far. Not bad for a little fat guy.

Rannos Devl - Human Rogue 10 – Male Chaotic Evil HP: 82 AC: 18 Flat: 14 Touch: 14 Speed: 30 Init: +8
Fort: +6 Ref: +11 Will: +5
Str 10, Dex 18 (+4), Con 16 (+3), Int 16 (+3), Wis 10, Cha 12 (+1)
Skills: Acro (+17), Appraise (+13), Bluff (+9), Climb (+8), Diplomacy (+9), Disable Dvc. (+15), Disguise (+6), Escape A. (+9), Intimidate (+14), Know. Dung (+11), Know. Local (+11), Linguistics (+11), Perception (+13), Sense Motive (+8), Sleight of Hand (+17), Stealth (+17), Magic Dvc (+12)

Feats: Weapon Finesse, 2-Wpn Fighting, Improved Init., Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Proficiency (Longbow), Weapon Focus (Short Sword), Iron Will, Spring Attack

Attack: Short Sword +1 (+13/+8) 1d6+1 (19-20) or Short Sword +1 and Dagger +1 (+11/+10/+6) 1d6+1/1d4+1/1d6+1

CMB: +7 BAB: +7

Equipment: Leather Armor +1, Short Sword +1, Longbow, 60 arrows, Explorers Outfit, Dagger +1, Amulet of Proof vs. Detection, Ring of Protection +1

Special: Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +5d6, Evasion, Trap Sense (+3), Imp. Uncanny Dodge

The Exchange

The computer game juggernaut is pretty tasty too. I can't remember how many times my party fought him.

It was very messy!

nedleeds wrote:

Some things are completely out of whack for the challenge level though. For example, in a yet to be written up session they went toe to toe with a Juggernaut. The 1e one was pretty tame, the 3.x one from MM II is insane. Frankly it's insane for it's CR 11. 6 slams at +21 ???

Hit Dice: 18d10 (99 hp)
Initiative: –4
Speed: 10 ft.
AC: 29 (–2 size, –4 Dex, +25 natural), touch 4, flat-footed 29
Attacks: 6 slams +21 melee
Damage: Slam 2d6+10
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, spell-like abilities, squash
Special Qualities: All-around vision, DR 20/+2, construct
traits, fast healing 10, immunities, SR 36

How is that CR 11? That's the same CR as the Ogre Skirmishers.

The problem is, creatures in MMII seem to have random numbers thrown to them for adjudicating CRs.

You can check here and here to see what I mean...

(not that later manuals are better... like I said here ...)

Sweet update but man I want more now.

Liberty's Edge

Your posts are awesome - truly a great way to show what role-playing is all about. Having a group of PCs who are clever enough to pit the evil factions against each other is truly a pleasure to read, and they must be a great party to DM.

I do have a few questions, though. What was Kelno's reason for not bringing a bugbear guard or two with him on the raid against Alrrem? Were they already dead?

Also, didn't one of the temples still have an active recruiter? If so, what has become of that fellow and does he still bring in new recruits?

Does Romag automatically inherit the surviving members of the other decimated temples, or are their foot-soldiers more apt to desert the clearly compromised Temple of Elemental Evil?

--Session 17 --

(i thought the thread had been eradicated ... looks like it just moved)

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett mourns for the loss of Han

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Female Dwarven Cleric of Moridan and Spugnoir Human Male Wizard (St. Cuthbert)

The Plot: The PCs are rogue-less, but definately have momentum on their side. Kelno and Alrrem lie dead, victims of their own averice and confidence. Belsornig remains confident that the PCs are his pawns. Romag is blissfully unaware of the carnage being wrought on the 2nd floor. The party is now aware of a powerful artifact called the Orb of Golden Death, it is in the posession of a mad mage named Falrinth.

The party are a bit beaten down and they decide to head back to discuss the information they have uncovered about the Orb of Golden death with the usual suspects in Hommlett and Nulb. Most of the information they get is suspect, however they get a little information about Falrinth from Burne. He was actually a mage in the service of the forces of good at Emridy Meadows, he was hired on to combat the evil forces by Prince Thrommel. Though he served the side of good, what nobody realized was Falrinth was a bit mad. He moved on after the battle and was later kidnapped by Alrrem, Alrrem brought the mad mage to the greater temple leader. This act of competence allowed Alrrem to rise to Fire Temple leader. Alrrem assumed his leader would torture Falrinth and throw him to the nodes, however as it turns out the mysterious temple commander had put the mercenary mage to work having him seek out the orb. Burne and his apprentice agree to research the Orb and to come up with a way to destroy it. The various factions implore the party to continue undermining the temple factions as support for a standing army grows.

Everyone heals up and decides to head back to the temple to eradicate the smug Belsornig. On the way back through the illusionary grove which protects the path to the temple the party notices a half-elf hiding up in the trees. He begins speaking in song ...

Zaxis wrote:
Greetings, fellow traveler. My name is Zaxis. Nice to meet you. I am a traveling bard. I am searching the whole Flanaess, high and low, far and wide.

After inquiring about the reason he is travelling alone in such dangerous lands Zaxis takes a more somber tone.

Zaxis wrote:
I am seeking my sister, who left home many years ago. My parents and I haven't heard from her, and we fear for her safety. Her name is Ima. She is half-elven, like myself. She is a wizard by trade, and she has specialized in the college of illusion. May I join you? There are rumors of bandits on these roads, and there's safety in numbers.

The party trusts the charismatic half-elf and they reveal that they have been exploring the temple, and posit that perhaps Ima stumbled upon the temple.

Zaxis wrote:
Excellent my friends! I will begin to write a tune about our adventures! Hmm, what rhymes with Ifersh?

The party heads back into the temple with the merry jack-of-all trades in tow. He seems to be good with a bow and that certainly can't hurt.

Returning to Belsornigs chambers without incident they interrupt some heinous ritual, two of the acolytes are shirtless and enduring some kind of scarification. Belsornig calmly turns around and smiles at the party. The PCs inform him that Kelno is indeed dead as a doorknob, and that he went down crying for mercy.

Belsornig wrote:
Excellent work, he needed to be put out of his misery. Well, just one more thing, if you don't mind. I need you to kill a bugbear and an ogre guard for me. Certainly menial work for powerful allies such as you, but I do need it done. They are in the north eastern part of this level. In fact, they are due east of the Hall of Triumphal Evil. They are guarding some prisoners, which I will warn you NOT to harm. Just leave them locked in their cells. Am I understood? Finally I need you to place this robe (Earth temple) on the bodies. I repeat. Do not. Harm those prisoners. The greater temple strictly forbids us from harming each others offerings ... however the fine print says nothing about the guards. <muhhahahaha>

Heading east across the 2nd floor the party decides to investigate some of the rooms they had passed by previously. They stumble into 207 and are greeted by a cold but noble sounding voice.

ToEE wrote:

The floor here is of white marble, the walls and vaulted ceiling sheathed in pearly alabaster. There is a "right feel" to the place, as a place of safety in a storm of evil. The room is bare and clean. A sheet of cloudy crystal substance seems to be set into the northern portion of the east wall. As you look, it begins to brighten, its radiance actually lighting the room! Two manlike creatures with wings of snowy feathers and radiant faces, robed in purest white, appear amidst golden tinted, cloud-like billows. A pale blue sky can be seen behind them. The mirror speaks,

"What are fair and just folk such as you doing in this foul place of pain and base wickedness?"

The voice appears to be pure and just.

Mirror of Bullcrap wrote:

Now, good folk, place each and every weapon you possess, all of your holy symbols, magic items, silvered items, and magical herbs

before this crystal — the Window of the Planes of Weal — and then quickly step out of the west door. Count slowly to 77, and do not return in that time, for we shall send a Ray of Just Might through these items. Any flesh in the place would be blasted to oblivion by the ray, and any mortal eye beholding its glory would be forever blinded. But all your items will be doubled in efficacy

The party calls bull on this whole deal and decides to split up, and send half the party to sneak around the back and see what's going on. The other half will risk the 7 years bad luck and smash the glass. What's going on is a trio of werewolves sitting around a smoking pipe. Two of the werewolves are normal sized lycanthropes, the other one is clearly their leader and is a massive feral beast. A nasty fight ensues in close quarters. The 2 normal werewolves are dispatched pretty quickly, but the large one uses his reach and his claw / claw / bite to inflict some nasty wounds. Zaxis fires up a song about how werewolves suck it, and the PCs eventually beat the beast down. Looting the foolish wolves yields some decent stuff. They burn some healing and decide to go investigate the prisoner situation.

Donning some robes (I forget exactly who they planned to blame this on) they enter the holding cell area. They see a well built bugbear and a massive Ogre in a black executioners hood holding the biggest cleaver they've even seen. Chopper decides to get the jump on the guards and ensure the prisoners are safe, he leaps past and unbars the door and enters the cell, which holds two badly battered elves. Unfortunately the bugbear slams the bar back shut and locks the monk in the cell as the battle rages on. The ogre misses a couple of prime shots pretty badly, eventually he bites it to a hail of missile fire.

Cell ‘228a’ holds four elves. 2 of the elves are nobles, Sir Juffer and Countess Tillahi of Celene, the other 2 are normal elves. The 4 of them were captured on their way from Verbobonc to Veluna by water temple agents. Sir Juffer fought valiantly but was eventually subdued; he is beaten badly and doesn’t have access to his spells. The countess is a powerful sorcerer but is also near death and unable to cast spells. The fire temple cell (228b) holds 3 humans, 2 are captured merchants from Veluna the other is an ex-Fire temple sergeant who was caught stealing from Antonio (an acolyte of Alrrem). His nick name is Danger, he is a rogue and is handy with a short sword. Danger claims he will gladly help in killing any and all fire temple agents. Chopper has had enough of these agents of evil and decides to exact some harsh punishment upon the ex-fire temple agent, he flurries him and splits his face in two.

Burning some healing surges the party heals the elvish nobles. They arm the two with magic weapons and armor from their extra stash, they decide to head to the 'safe room' and rest up. Refreshed and fully powered and armed the 4 elves set off for Hommlett using a map drawn up by the PCs. The two lords implore the PCs to continue their mission here and not to waste time escorting them. They also vow that the elves of Celene will be present when the time for war draws near.

The party sets its sights on Belsornig. It's time to wipe the smirk from his face and learn him some justice.

This ends session 17 -> Next session 18 (WARZoNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Alrrems feelings on the fight ...


The fate of Kelno


Boss fight !


Mans best friend


Cheese dip wall


The fake sound of of progress


Looks like busted links .. they bounced me to the store main page...

Keep up reporting on the game, it's been enjoyable "hearing" old school material done with PF Beta.

Turin the Mad wrote:

Looks like busted links .. they bounced me to the store main page...

Keep up reporting on the game, it's been enjoyable "hearing" old school material done with PF Beta.

Well we are going to swap to the PFRPG Final, I wonder if I can get the thread moved to the campaign journals section?

nedleeds wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Looks like busted links .. they bounced me to the store main page...

Keep up reporting on the game, it's been enjoyable "hearing" old school material done with PF Beta.

Well we are going to swap to the PFRPG Final, I wonder if I can get the thread moved to the campaign journals section?

That would be appropriate. :)

TAMorrison wrote:

Your posts are awesome - truly a great way to show what role-playing is all about. Having a group of PCs who are clever enough to pit the evil factions against each other is truly a pleasure to read, and they must be a great party to DM.

Thanks, our groups primary mission is to drink beer and throw plastic mini's on the table. But we've gotten a little ROLE playing in as well.

TAMorrison wrote:

I do have a few questions, though. What was Kelno's reason for not bringing a bugbear guard or two with him on the raid against Alrrem? Were they already dead?

Kelno's last guards were being courted by the goblin servants a few sessions back (session #13). The party unwittingly struck him a death blow by killing those guards. The rest were convinced to join the obviously more powerful water temple.

TAMorrison wrote:

Also, didn't one of the temples still have an active recruiter? If so, what has become of that fellow and does he still bring in new recruits?

Kelno's recruiter. Wat was Fire, Dick Rentch was Earth, and Gremag was Water ... they've never found Kelno's and obviously he wasn't doing to good of a job ... or maybe he was double crossing him.

TAMorrison wrote:

Does Romag automatically inherit the surviving members of the other decimated temples, or are their foot-soldiers more apt to desert the clearly compromised Temple of Elemental Evil?

That would be up to him to scoop them up. Romag has numbers right now, where as Belsornig clearly has higher quality troops.

Thanks for reading.

Grand Lodge

nedleeds wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Looks like busted links .. they bounced me to the store main page...

Keep up reporting on the game, it's been enjoyable "hearing" old school material done with PF Beta.

Well we are going to swap to the PFRPG Final, I wonder if I can get the thread moved to the campaign journals section?

No wonder I couldn't find anything lately... it was MOVED!

Liberty's Edge


Turin the Mad wrote:

Looks like busted links .. they bounced me to the store main page...

Keep up reporting on the game, it's been enjoyable "hearing" old school material done with PF Beta.

Just paste the literal links into a browser window. For some reason the thread move broke the linky's.

--Session 18 --

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh, Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher, Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett takes the reigns of the NPC cleric. While I handle the newly found Zaxis (like any player was willing to run the bard).

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Female Dwarven Cleric of Moridan, Zaxis Half-Elf bard and follower of the laughing god and Spugnoir Human Male Wizard (converted to St. Cuthbert after his out of body experience).

The Plot: The PCs now have a semi-rogue to help them along. The temple factions are reeling, but it seems as though the time for confrontation is near. Tasked with a plot to frame Romag with the disruption of the prison system the PCs were forced to free the prisoners when it was revealed that they were elven nobles. It's only a matter of time before Belsornig discovers their treachery. The party is now aware of a powerful artifact called the Orb of Golden Death, it is in the posession of a mad mage named Falrinth.

After resting up the PCs decide that the time to strike is now. They head back to Belsornigs lair. Having the trust of the bugbears laired in 221 and 222 the party passes through unscathed. They bar the doors behind them in case <chuckle> violence ensues. Sending the ranger to peek through the curtain to the south, they see Belsornig about to complete some kind of horrific ritual. His alter boys are murmuring and humming and he is tossing buckets of blood onto a large statue behind him. After some thoughts about trying to role play the scenario the party instead opts to run in and drop lightning on the evil do'ers. Taking a pre-round to buff up, and light up some flaming arrows the party charges into the huge hall of verdigris in 213.

At first glance it seems like a light weight fight. 2 cultist underlings, Belsornig and 3 bugbear guards. The party spreads around the north wall and the fighters try to close with Belsornig. The druid begins casting a summon to drag an augmented dire wolf into the fray. Belsornig cackles with glee as the party rushes them, spitting epithets and trying to move back up to the south wall. After the first round finishes the party realizes that there is more to this fight then it initially seemed. The idol to the west wall begins to shake and roll forward. IT'S THE JUGGERNAUT B@#TCH!

DMs Note: The Juggernaut was a really tough dude, I reduced it's attacks by one, giving it only one slam. But it still seemed to be an absolute home wrecker compared to some other baddies of it's CR. The original 1e juggernaut didn't have the DR and beastly damage. In hindsight I would have been better off subbing in some other 3.x construct rather than trying to tweak ole' Juggs. Again the 1e -> 3.x/3.P translation (see: any Giant) doesn't quite work out

They decide to concentrate fire on the spell casters while using summons and movement to stay away from the slow moving construct. Eventually Belsornig gets cornered by a Celestial Lion and the monk, and gets pummelled into paste. He didn't manage do do too much, a couple of swings and a neg burst. At this point more enemies from the east begin flying down the hall; some gargoyles. The DR of everything makes the fight tough going but the PCs whittle the juggernaut down and eventually bust it apart.

DMs Note: If not for the lure of looting they considered just running from the thing, as they couldn't see a way for it to get out of the hall given it's size. This fight, even moving at a pretty good pace took close to 2 hours!

This ends session 18 -> Next session 19

up next (GIMMIE THE LOOT !!!!)

Bump (in the night...)

--Session 19 --

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh, Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher, Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett takes the reigns of the NPC cleric. I handle the lively bard Zaxis.

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Female Dwarven Cleric of Moridan, Zaxis Half-Elf bard and follower of the laughing god and Spugnoir Human Male Wizard (converted to St. Cuthbert after his out of body experience).

The Plot: The PCs have slain Belsornig, and shattered his precious construct. Hearing the rumblings of the now suspicious bugbears to the north the party quickly loots the dead clerics. They grab a Chain Shirt +2, Heavy Flail +2 and a Heavy x-Bow +2 amongst some other scrolls and mundane items. They then head south to inspect what they assume to be Belsornigs lair.
They enter a large room with a pool in the center. As they approach the still pool they recieve a telepathic distress call.

ToEE wrote:

You suddenly receive a telepathic message! The triton is pleading to be released, so that it can prevent your deaths when the kraken,shown on the wall, materializes and

attacks. It will appear at any moment — so, as many as can, jump into the pool and help the triton break its chains! Soon it will be too late!

DM Note: The pool is described in the adventure as an evil intelligent planar creature. I gave it a Bluff of +12.

The party sees through the ruse and they decide to shoot it with a lightning bolt. It doesn't convey anymore messages. They rummage through Belsornigs chests and grab some gold and gems. They then head back north to the scene of the fight with Belsornig.
Unfortunately the room has some new occupants, the bugbears have broken through and 2 large water elementals have appeared (from their buddy in the pool). The party is quickly flanked by the elementals on the east and west, with the bugbears rushing in from the north.
The central fountain in the room is an annoying obstacle that keeps the PCs from forming a defensive front. The elementals hit hard, and Spugnoir finds himself in deep trouble.
The party is unable to get to him in time and he is smashed into a wet bloody mess by the sentient wave. After 3 or 4 rounds the party stabilzes the west flank and pounds the bugbears into submission. Spugnoir lies dead and the parties resources are seriously taxed.

DM Note: Some bad luck and bad positioning spell doom for Spugnoir. The reach of the elementals didn't help either. A tactical retreat back into the south room would have been the best move here. Then the 20' breach would have provided a choke point for their foes

Next the decide to take the shortest route back up to the 1st floor. They go up the west corridor, intending to head through the minotaur statue room and out. Unfortunately for them they run right into the try outs for the next minotaur guard. 4 minotaurs are bickering and arguing in the room (245 for you guys followin along).
The bovine thugs wheel around and rush the party. Initiative goes well for the party. They devise a plan.

Run. South. Very fast. If something gets in your way. Turn.

Chopper will attempt to stun the faster guards and slow them down then use his monkish features to avoid AOOs and run away. Eventually the PCs lure the minotaurs down near the original lair of the bugbears.
This gives them room to fight and use ranged attacks on the brutes. A failed confirm on a minotaur crit (x3 :o ) saves the party from another fatality.

The party is severely beaten. They decide to get out of the temple and get their healing on. 3 down one to go.

This ends session 19 -> Next session 20

up next (Papa was a rolling stone!)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Yay an update. :)

--Session 20 --

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh, Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher, Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: Spugnoir is dead as a doorknob, and Emmett takes the reigns of the NPC cleric. I handle the lively bard Zaxis. This is also the first session run under the PF Final rules with all characters converted.

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Dwarven Cleric of Moridan searching for vengeance then eternal sleep, Zaxis Half-Elf bard searching for his sister Imma.

The Plot: The PCs have slain all but Romag. The factions are in disarray, the party now understands that the greater temple intends on somehow free'ing a powerful demoness (perhaps using a relic called the Orb of Golden Death).

After healing up and putting their comrade to rest in Nulb the party heads back in for a reckoning with the remaining faction. Earth. After some discussion about whether to continue the ruse of being mercenaries they decide that their power level is sufficient to just kick the door in and tear Romag to pieces. They scour the
1st floor and Romags quarters, they find them all tightly locked up. Clearly Romag has (finally) discovered the treachery. The earth temple is holed up in their worship chamber the party runs out of options and decides to buff up and rush the worship hall (145 for those following along).

DM Note: The party metagames a little figuring that since Romag is on the 1st floor he must be the weakest. I throw a little wrench in the cogs in the form of a hired bodyguard named Karp Nord. He's a CL 9 Tiefling Rogue/Wizard/Duelist on retainer.

The earth temple has made its final stand here. Though it's curious how they knew the party was coming. Romag, his remaining 2 cultists, his elite guards (4 warriors) wait here. As the party enters
Romag shouts.

Romag wrote:

Traitorous curs, you have done nothing to stunt my ascent. You have only enpowered me by slaughtering my rivals. Now you are of no use to me and

you shall die!

The fighters rush forward and the cultists attempt hold persons on the PCs. Romag begins casting a summon spell. As the parties clash 2 large earth elementals rise out of the earthen floor. The party batters the elementals with arrows and hammers. The monk attempts to chase down Romag and stop him from casting. As he nears him he gets a nasty surprise, a rapier to the spine! An invisible assailant reveals himself.

Romag wrote:
Fools, you thought me so dumb as to not bring allies to this fight!

Ifersh responds by dropping a giant crocodile on his head. The following round some dire wolves join the fight. The earth temple is being eaten alive, Romag soon finds himself cornered. Most of his allies lie dead, and he begins negative bursting in a desperate attempt to save himself. It stings quite a bit but eventually the ranger draws close and works the master of dirt over with his battleaxe +2.

The last of the temple faction leaders lies dead.

DM Note: This session was only about 3 hours with the epic fight lasting over an hour

This ends session 20 -> Next session 21

up next (Killing boars!)

--Session 21 --

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh, Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher, Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: I handle the ever jovial bard Zaxis, Emmett's player handles the Healbo ... err Cleric. Everyone is at 7th level; on the cusp of 8th.

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Dwarven Cleric of Moridan searching for vengeance then eternal sleep, Zaxis Half-Elf bard searching for his sister Imma.

The Plot: Romag is slain, the four have fallen. The remaining cohorts of the factions scramble for the deepest corners of the Flanaess! It's time to ... time to ... charge forward and save the world !!!

Not so much.

The party instead starts looking at their map of level one that Wonnilon provided them and trying to figure out which rooms haven't been ravaged. Using a red highlighter they determine that
a few unexplored rooms remain on the East wall of level one.

The factions are in disarray, the party now understands that the greater temple intends on somehow free'ing a powerful
demoness (perhaps using a relic called the Orb of Golden Death). Thankfully the party is relatively healthy after some healing bursts and doesn't have to trek back to Nulb before heading on for some boar killing.

DM Note: All combats in this session I accompany with Paul Stanley's 'Live to Win' from the game room sound system.

The party starts on the south east side of the level, and barges into a room filled with some harpies. Turns out the harpies are hanging out near some ghouls and they avoid the ghouls by roosting up high. Harpies lure people in; ghouls beat them up; and the harpies swoop in for snacks. MOst of the party saves against the captivating song and our prodigious ranger pins them to the ceiling with a hail of arrows. The ghouls and 2 ghasts aren't too much trouble though there were a
couple of failed paralysis saves.

DM Note: So most of the encounters on the first level are meant for 4-5th level parties. I had to adjust them on the fly to at least make them somewhat challenging. I'd also had a couple of mini's I wanted to use so this worked out pretty well.

The next encounter is in a room with a high ceiling and no light. The party is decended on by some dire bats. Again ranged weapons chew away at the bats pretty well; however a ravenous vampire disapproves of his pets being massacred and he soon joins the frey. The vampire is dangerous but doesn't have enough HPs to hold up versus
a 7th level party.

Finally the party decides to check out a trash room. Not knowing the age old adage "Where there be trash, there be Otuygh" they rummage around a bit. A Lifeleech Otuygh tears into them. The beast nearly kills the ranger, and they learn about it's obnoxious habit of stealing healing magic.


Made for a rough fight, but some decent XP. After the fight the party is ravaged and limps back to Nulb.

This ends session 21 -> Next session 22

up next (The orb revealed!)

Dark Archive

cool he's back!

--Session 22 --

Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Human Monk (St. Cuthbert), Ifersh, Half-Orc Druid and Emmett Fletcher, Human Ranger (Olidamarra).

DM Note: I handle the laughing songweaver Zaxis, Emmett's player handles the grim and determined Ilde. Everyone has leveled to 8th level

NPCs: Ilde Undgart Dwarven Cleric of Moridan searching for vengeance then eternal sleep, Zaxis Half-Elf bard searching for his sister Imma.

The Plot: Having grinded a little last session the players decide to advance the plot a bit. They consult with Y'Dey in Nulb on the state of the world, after hearing of the last faction leaders fall she feels that it is imperative to learn more about this Orb. She suspects that it may be the key to freeing Zuggtmoy and returning her to the prime material plane. The only real lead the party has is the mysterious wizard in the escape tunnel. Clearly none of the elemental faction leaders, save Allremm had any clue about the orb.

They rest up, grab a few extra potions of healing and head back out to the temple. They initially approach the broken tower. Emmett stealths his way up and determines that the tower has been repopulated with humanoids, most likely gnolls. The tower is well lit and full of chatter. In a serious departure from prior strategy the party opts
to avoid conflict and scale the temple wall. The burnt farmhouse provides the perfect backdoor to the escape tunnel. They cautiously head down the ladder and down the dimly lit tunnel. They are paranoid about the invisible assassin that nearly butchered them last time. As they near the wizards chambers they hear cries of pain, in elven. They also hear grunting mocking orcs shouting. Chopper sneaks up to the threshold and notices the door cracked open. He sees a badly bloodied, and beaten half-elf girl cowering beneath 2 massive orcs. Her face is gashed and bruised. She is dressed in rags. The party rushes in and their fears are confirmed; it appears to be Zaxis' sister Imma. The orcs are armed with falchions and they rush the party.

Combat ensues and the orcs prove to be heavy hitters. A couple of rounds in Chopper notices something suspicious about the bleeding Imma. She is moving fairly well for a badly beaten half-elf and her shoulders and arms are certainly not half-elven. The realization of what has happened is almost too horrifying for him to convey to
his teammates. He yells out just in time, "It's a trap! It's a trap!". As he does the flayed half-elf skin slides off the face of the half-orc assassin and she lunges to stab the ranger. The situation becomes clear to Zaxis who flies into a blood rage. Burning all his spells in an effort to avenge his defiled and dead sister.

DM Note: The party, having been skewered by high level rogues before know to eliminate the flankers first. The orcs are tough but not nearly as tough as Smigmal Redhand.

The half-orc finally submits to a Hideous Laughter and the party piles on; ripping her limb from limb. A quick healing burst later the party is outside of Falrinths door, they decide this next encounter might get rough so they buff up beforehand. The door is kicked in and Falrinth is clearly expecting the party, his Quasit associate attempts to run interference for his master. The monk attempts
to rush the wizard, but some poor initiative puts the party in the line of fire for a brutal Cone of Cold. There is little room in his chambers for him to manuever and escape, he lasts 3 more rounds and
gets off a Shout but eventually he falls to negative hit points. They decide to stablize him, bind him and try to intimidate him into revealing the location of the orb.

Falrinth explains that he was once part of the invading force that sought to destroy the temple during the Battle of Emridy Meadows. He admits that he was never truly interested in doing good,
but instead was interested in learning more about the great powers that the temple had access to. After the temple forces were routed, he began researching the true nature of the temple. He was eventually captured by Alrrem and brought to a man named Hedrack, who leads the greater temple. Falrinth agreed to research the orb and find it.

Falrinth at first denied having the orb, the party then decides to intimidate him again claiming that without the orb he is of no value and they will butcher him in this hovel and leave him to rot. A series of Bluff attempts by Falrinth fail versus the bard's strong +17 Sense Motive.

Eventually Falrinth admits he found the orb in a dimensional pocket, he has since been researching its nature. It's hidden in a secret room behind his chambers. He understands that the Orb is some kind of dimensional anchor to 4 pocket dimensions. Each of these four pocket dimensions, or ‘nodes’ is aligned to one of the elements (fire, air, earth, water). What he hasn’t been able to find are the gems that power the orb. The orb has four empty slots, one for each power gem. He suspects the gems may be lost forever.

The secret panel opens into a room filled with various tables, vials and measuring devices. Falrinth meekly points to an iron box on the table. The monk opens it up and is greeted with a Burnt Ether trap! Poison gas begins to fill the room and the monk passes his save and rushes out of the small back area coughing and gagging.

The party is now in the mood to kill Falrinth, however he has one more fact to reveal. He was tasked with one other thing, to weave a spell to get the great Prince Thrommel, hero of Emridy Meadows in eternal slumber. He knows the location of Prince Thrommel in the dungeon and he knows how to lower the spell. He pleads for his life. The party decides to grant him his wish. They also decide it would be best to bring the Yellowskull to the Canoness for further inspection. They beat Falrinth into submission once more, then they bind him and gag him and drag him back to Nulb.

This ends session 22 -> Next session 23

up next (Hulk Smash!)

Grand Lodge

lordy LOTS to catch up on!

Sovereign Court

Just caught this and read through it all. Very nice write up, makes me wanna pull that adventure out again.

So what I leave for a year and come back to only one update? Let's finish this out man, I need to know what happened.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Scary threadomancy seems to be on the rise... well Halloween is coming up so I guess it makes sense.

Great! I'm really interested in this, since I have a conversion of this in the works for 3.5, but been struggling with the lack of info in the original modules (the threadbare days of AD&D 1e :S). I had been planning on incorporating soem stuff from the Troika game, but have only cleared the moathouse so far. I'm looking forward to see how you handle the end of the module.

Also, would you mind sharing your conversion notes? I'm especially interested in seeing how you handled the npc's and the waves of critters (I mean, 13+ dire rats? 20+gnolls/bugbears/etc? Damn!)

Eduardo Godinez wrote:

Great! I'm really interested in this, since I have a conversion of this in the works for 3.5, but been struggling with the lack of info in the original modules (the threadbare days of AD&D 1e :S). I had been planning on incorporating soem stuff from the Troika game, but have only cleared the moathouse so far. I'm looking forward to see how you handle the end of the module.

Also, would you mind sharing your conversion notes? I'm especially interested in seeing how you handled the npc's and the waves of critters (I mean, 13+ dire rats? 20+gnolls/bugbears/etc? Damn!)

It's been nine months since Ned's last post, so you might have to wait a while for a response. Too bad, too; I was enjoying the story!

8 years later and this is still one of the better RPG sessions I've ever run. I'm about to start a new campaign. (though likely not P3).

nedleeds wrote:
8 years later and this is still one of the better RPG sessions I've ever run. I'm about to start a new campaign. (though likely not P3).

10 year anniversary! We never did get that last level mopped up.

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