Looking for a Spell from Dragon

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I think the spell was called Transferance it allowed character to spend other Pcs Exp to make magic items so they could build magic items for the party with out losing there own exp
What issue of Dragon was this in?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

It wasn't in Dragon. It was in the web enhancement of PHB 2 - the full text and lots of little rules is: HERE!!!

Thanks alot i knew it was somewhere but i was thinking the wrong place

Shadow Lodge

No, it was in Dragon before than. I am thinking as early as 310 or so. Basically it just says that (and this is in the core DMG) more than the one person with the craft feat can take part in the creation of a magic item. So if the Fighter wants to have a Cleric make a Magic sword, he can forge the sword himself, than he and the Cleric can Craft Arms and Armor the sword for the magic. The Cleric needs the Feat, and the spell, they both need the total Gp and Xp to create, and both have to be present the entire time the item is being enchanted. At the end, when the components are being used, whoever wants to pump in the Xp does.

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