
Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

As it stands now, the metamind is a horrible class. 5/10 manifesting is unforgivable. How do we fix this? I would think that making it a 9/10 class would do the trick.

Any fixes already out there?

Gul Kai Ruk wrote:

As it stands now, the metamind is a horrible class. 5/10 manifesting is unforgivable. How do we fix this? I would think that making it a 9/10 class would do the trick.

Any fixes already out there?

There's a fix (although not a great fix IMO; it still loses manifester levels at levels 6, 8, and 10) in the 3rd party book "Hyperconscious". I think the folks at Dreamscarred Press have a fix as well, but I don't know much about it.

This probably belongs in the d20/3.5 forum.

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