Barakus bustles (Black Tom's Necro campaign II)


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Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Just missing Clark then. The flying pests go on 7, so all but Juliare can have a go at them as they approach.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

"Wow flying monkeys that's incredible." Felicia then realises they are heading her way "Er I mean Uh-oh" She quickly draws her rapier

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)

I assume the rest of the group wait for the buff
Petra casts Bless.

M Dwarf Rogue

Thrakhir waits until the flying monkeys get within ten feet and then launches a throwing axe, end over end, through the air.

Attack with a throwing axe (1d20+5=14, 1d6+2=5)

I'm not sure whether that will allow Petra to get her bless off first or not. If so, then it would hit AC 15.

Initiative 1d20+1=17

On his turn, Clark moves to be between the attackers and the rest of the group as best he can, readying his shield and sword as he goes. I'm thinking one would be a free action during the movement, the other would be a move action once he's in position. I'll leave it to the DM's discretion, but I can see him choosing to protect the tiny lass that recently joined the group.

"Ugly little suckers," Kirwen comments to no one in particular. "They even make you look pretty, Thrakhir... Enlarge."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

As the flying pests swoop in to engage Clark and Felicia, one of them is hit by Thrakhir's axe and crashes to the ground.

Felicia can take a readied action to stab at them and Kirwen can make an AoO.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia attack

1 d 20 + 4=14


1 d 4 + 1=3

AoO (1d20+4=24, damage 1d8+4=12)
Crit confirm (1d20+4=17, damage 1d8+4=8)
Forgot bless on those - not that I think it matters...

M Dwarf Rogue
Kirwen Wyrmsheart wrote:
"Ugly little suckers," Kirwen comments to no one in particular. "They even make you look pretty, Thrakhir... Enlarge."

"Aye that, Kirwen," Thrakhir says with a chuckle. "They're lookin' better with an axe in the head."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Kirwen shreds another of the flying monkeys while Felicia stabs and wounds one. Then they are all over Clark, Felicia and Kirwen. Clark takes 5 points of damage and is grappled by one of them, while Felicia is slashed for 4 points and Kirwen for 3. The monsters fail to grasp them, though.

Your turn.

M Dwarf Rogue

Thrakhir maneuvers to try to gain flanking on one of the flying monkeys attacking Kirwen.

Handaxe attack and damage (1d20+6=13, 1d6+1=5, 1d6=5)

If I can't get flanking, I only hit AC 11 and 5 points of damage. If I can flank, then the AC is 13 and 10 points of damage.

How many are in my reach now?

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Thrakhir Flyingaxe wrote:

Thrakhir maneuvers to try to gain flanking on one of the flying monkeys attacking Kirwen.

Handaxe attack and damage (1d20+6=13, 1d6+1=5, 1d6=5)

If I can't get flanking, I only hit AC 11 and 5 points of damage. If I can flank, then the AC is 13 and 10 points of damage.

Don't forgett the blessing from Petra, LOL

I need to know how many monkeys there are in order for Petra do use Selective Channeling. Petra will act just before the monkeys this round, ....she is hopeing some more monkeys will get killed bye her friends. Can she help flanking somehow?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

There are six monkeys left at the moment. Two are attacking Kirwen, so they are in reach. A five-foot step would put another two within reach.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia winces a little at the cut then takes another stab at the already injured monkey

to hit

1 d 20 + 4=24


1 d 20 + 4=9


1 d 20 + 4=9

She then makes a 5 foot step back to be closer to the others

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Juliare will shot at the monkey grappling Clark
ATT 21 Damage 5
Forgot the bless Att 22 Damage 6

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Thrakhir takes advantage of Kirwen distracting the monkeys and chops one in two. Felicia stabs one in the chest and it falls, and the one grappling Clark also falls with Juliare's arrow sticking out of its back.

Three monkeys left then for Petra to exclude.

On their initiative the surviving monkey creatures opt for the better part of valor. Kirwen can take another AoO as they scramble for the trees.

I should get to go again before they run off, shouldn't I?

Kirwen slashes with his red-scaled claws at the two beasts swarming over him.

Claw attacks (1d20+4=10, damage 1d8+4=7; 1d20+4=21, damage 1d8+4=6)

As they flee, he takes another swing at one that leaves itself open to his attack.

AoO (1d20+4=21, damage 1d8+4=10)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

True dat.

Kirwen grabs a couple more of the terrified monkeys and tear them to pieces. Only a single survivor flits off uncertainly.

And a hero point to Kirwen just for the cool build. I never saw a sorcerer do that before.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia walks up and begins to Look Kirwen Wyrmsheart all over "Wow that was simply incredible......I have to write this down" She begins to rapidly write notes.

Black Tom wrote:
And a hero point to Kirwen just for the cool build. I never saw a sorcerer do that before.

The credit is really Paizo's... it's the bloodline that even makes it conceivable. But just wait till I get to dragon disciple....

"Ha! And keep running!" Kirwen roars after the fleeing monkey things, before dismissing his spell and shrinking back to his usual height.

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

if Juliare can fire at the last one ...
Att 18 Damage 5

Flying monkeys , It IS a circus

Yeah, and stay away! He turns, dusting himself off, "What!?"

Clark's a bit sheepish at his slow reactions. "Well done, Kirwen. That was amazing."

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)

And here is some healing. Channel energy: 1d6=1.
hm, my Channeling didn't work out so well this time. Perhaps Clark and Felicia needs some more...OK, here's some more Channeling: 1d6=1
LOL, that went fine - not.
Felicia and Clark. You'll have to do with this. OK? I feel I must save some channeling until later.
By the way, Felicia, it's a beautiful name.
A beautiful name indeed. There was a famous Swedish 'bard' (well he was actually dutch) that made a whole record of songs based on a character called Felicia. She was a fictional character in a book written by Aksel Sandemose. The name of the book: Varulven (The werewolf), ...and it is not a horror book.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

"Oh uh thank you" Felicia replies going a little red in the face.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Juliare's parting shot gets stuck amid the tree branches as the monkey quickly disappears into the foliage.

I don't have my books with me, but you should get enough xp to level up Petra and Clark. Please go ahead.

Dark Archive

Black Tom wrote:

I don't have my books with me, but you should get enough xp to level up Petra and Clark. Please go ahead.

Which reminds me I never asked if Felicia started with any xp or not?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Kevin Mack wrote:
Black Tom wrote:

I don't have my books with me, but you should get enough xp to level up Petra and Clark. Please go ahead.

Which reminds me I never asked if Felicia started with any xp or not?

It must have slipped my mind, too. You start with half of what Clark and Petra had, that is 875 xp.

Black Tom wrote:

Juliare's parting shot gets stuck amid the tree branches as the monkey quickly disappears into the foliage.

I don't have my books with me, but you should get enough xp to level up Petra and Clark. Please go ahead.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thankyou, thankyou, thanku.

(Too much?)

Will hop right to it. Refresh my memory, please - what aspects of a new level can we use immediately and what requires a rest first?

M Dwarf Rogue

"All hail Kirwen the savior," Thrakhir mutters under his breath as he goes to retrieve the axe from the monkey's skull and wipes off both his bloodied axes with foliage. Thrakhir then looks over the bodies for any loot.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Clark Freeman wrote:
Will hop right to it. Refresh my memory, please - what aspects of a new level can we use immediately and what requires a rest first?

You get the benefit of your new BAB, skills and saves, and any special abilities. You need to rest for new spells and feats.

By the way, you got 280 xp for the flying monkeys. One of them was carrying a small bag containing four gold acorns, worth 50 gp a piece.

Black Tom wrote:
Clark Freeman wrote:
Will hop right to it. Refresh my memory, please - what aspects of a new level can we use immediately and what requires a rest first?
You get the benefit of your new BAB, skills and saves, and any special abilities. You need to rest for new spells and feats.

Sounds like Clark gets what he gets right away, then. No feats or spells for him this time around. One freshly-minted second-level Paladin of Freedom, ready to go! I have to admit that I'm not comfortable with him "just realizing" that he can heal with a touch, so I think that's something he will discover later, if that's cool with everyone. Like in a moment of duress.

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Black Tom wrote:
Clark Freeman wrote:
Will hop right to it. Refresh my memory, please - what aspects of a new level can we use immediately and what requires a rest first?

You get the benefit of your new BAB, skills and saves, and any special abilities. You need to rest for new spells and feats.

By the way, you got 280 xp for the flying monkeys. One of them was carrying a small bag containing four gold acorns, worth 50 gp a piece.

Great,lvl 2 here we come :-).

Do we need to rest to get the hit points?

Kirwen preens under the praise, then looks back toward Juliare. "Let's get a move-on, Points, we're burning daylight."

I'm not one to take compliments well, but Kirwen wouldn't hesitate... :)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Will you be pressing on, and to where?

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

" The plan for today is to move through hexes 605 , 504 and then to explore hexes 404 , 403 and 402 . We'll see where that will put us then :) Survival 25 "

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

As you continue through hex 403 you seem to finally catch a break. Juliare spots a veritable path of tracks, made by several humans coming down to the river, presumably to get water. This may lead to the bandit camp.

What's your plan?

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

"Stay here . I'll scout the place '

With this , Juliare begins to move near the tracks trying to be as stealthy as possible
Stealth 27

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Juliare wrote:

"Stay here . I'll scout the place '

With this , Juliare begins to move near the tracks trying to be as stealthy as possible
Stealth 27

You seem to have struck gold. Following the tracks leads to a small camp. Juliare can make out a couple of tents and some tarps hanging from trees. There are some people moving about. Also there is a guard posted looking in your direction, but he doesn't seem to have spotted you.

Prudently Juliare withdraws to report.

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Did I see any other guard around the camp ?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

No other guards visible unless you want to sneak around the camp, which would call for another Stealth check.

M Dwarf Rogue

"Perhaps they'd be obliged to a performance from the circus troupe." Thrakhir says with a wink toward the halfling girl as he pulls out a throwing axe.

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Thrakhir Flyingaxe wrote:
"Perhaps they'd be obliged to a performance from the circus troupe." Thrakhir says with a wink toward the halfling girl as he pulls out a throwing axe.

If anyone of you wants to snak up to the guard and take him out I can give you an Inspiring Word.

Inspiring Word. (Su): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 ft. For the next round, the target adds a bonus to its attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving
throws equal to your Charisma-bonus [+3]. Once a target has been affected by inspiring word, he can gain no further benefit from it for 1 day.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

"I could do something to grab there attention and distract them if you like?"

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

As I said , I'm not sure there are not others guards since I preferred to report before spying the camp for a time .
Now , one possibility could be to wait near the river for some of them to come collect water . This way , we would not have to fight all of them at the same time ...

"Likin' that plan," rumbles Kirwen. "If we keep one alive, he might even answer a couple questions fer us, if we ask nicely..."

M Dwarf Rogue

Aye, I'm likin' that plan too. Good thinkin', Points."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I gather that your plan is to hide by the river until one or more bandits appears to get water. How and where do you want to try to hide (meaning at what distance from the point where the trail comes down to the river)?

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