Lessons Learned from Planet Stories

Planet Stories®

I've read six of the books, and have already learned quite a bit.

1.) Don't mess with people from Mercury. Ever.
2.) The Far Realm touches all worlds.
3.) Inchoate means "imperfectly formed or developed"
4.) Don't trust practitioners of magic. Ever.
5.) Druids can be badass, even without wild shape.
6.) Hell hath no fury like a woman shamed, but a woman shamed hath no problem using Hell to satisfy her fury.
7.) Satyrs aren't always fun-loving frat boys with beer bongs.
8.) When in Atlantis, good wine is hard to find.
9.) Rapiers and Power Attack aren't mutually exclusive.
10.) The elder races had all the wonderful toys.

Anyone else learn a thing or two from Planet Stories?

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