Baba Yaga's hut article, somewhere around #84?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I'm trying to get hold of the old issue that had an article on Baba Yaga's hut. I saw a citation on Cannonfire that pointed me to Dragon #84, but I recently obtained that issue and there was no sign of it at all.

Does anyone know the right issue number, so I can find what I'm looking for?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I remember this article from when I was a kid. Great description of the Hut. Dragon #83, according to Wiki. Currently unavailable at Paizo.

I found my copy pretty cheaply on Ebay. I'm sure you could find one.

I've tried to get it from Paizo as well. No dice. Bummer.
I tried for a used copy from Amazon; the order went through, but then I got a note saying, "sorry, it's not actually avalaible the way we thought it was."

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Maybe you can find the Dragon CD Collection on ebay or someplace. It has the first 250 issues in PDF format. I moved recently and I am not sure where mine is. I believe there is even a search function.

EDIT: I looked and they are outrageous - $174.00 for BUY IT NOW. Troll and Toad have a lot of old Dungoen and Dragon Magazines. I have near every Dungoen magazine and I rounded out my collection through ebay and through Troll and Toad.

If this thread continues unresolved I will attempt (in a couple of days) to find my CDs and find the article so we know what issue it is in.

There are many magazines on ebay right now and one is a lot from like issue 80 to 89. Current price 1.99 or something low like that.

The Dancing Hut was written by Roger Moore and published in Dragon #83. It is intended for 4-6 characters of levels 9+ (to about 15, for 54-60 total party levels).

The cover is actually one in the famous "chess-series" during that period.

Here is an eBay link to the cheapest store offering it.



Thanks, guys. Was hunting on E-bay for it, just got the wrong issue number somehow. Looks like a huge stash of issue 84 reappeared, since they're available at Paizo now as well.

Thanks Rezdave. Followed your link and got it.

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