Memory lane PBP Forming Need Players

Gamer Connection

The Exchange


Advertisment: Greetings Humans I have been reactivated for your enjoyment. I am fluent in over 20 languages and programmed to run you through old modules recently converted to 3.5.

Question: Do you remember the Black Razor, or perhaps Whelm?

Question: Do you remember the Expedition to the Barrier peaks?

Question: Would you like to play a game?

Statement: I am looking for 4-5 players to enter the realms of yesterday and start down the path I have created running classic dungeon crawls and plots of old.

This will be run as a 3.5 adventure, you will start as 1st level. I am granting you the boon of starting with a single score at 18. The rest shall be rolled by the DM on once your accepted into the game and assigned to you to add to your character sheet.

I would like to have a selection of candidates ready for creation by Friday, if you are interested in a game that may seem at times familiar this may be for you.

I expect to run only modules, with the occasional custom content thrown in when it's needed.

I'll be choosing people randomly that are interested on Friday of this week. (giving you a day or two to get in line on this post, which is a bit more fair than the usual first come first served.)

See you then!

Warning: My morality plate has been damaged, I have no filter that will keep me from wanting to KILL you all. Be forewarned if you fall i will coup you, step on your face, or otherwise ensure you stay down.

Recommendation: I suggest you plan on survival skills more than social skills, the locations may be more dangerous than those that inhabit such places. I could be trying to trick you though, so perhaps you should assume otherwise.

Challenging Comment: "Vs lbh pna ernq guvf lbh haqrefgnaq gur vzcbegnapr bs gur ahzore 13. Nyy guvatf vaibyivat 13 unir fcrpvny cbjref. Lbh funyy or njneqrq n obba ol cbfgvat "V xabj bs 13." va lbhe punenpgre ovb."

The Exchange

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