CourtFool vs Hugo Solis FIGHT!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
You stalk me here, CJ. Practice what you preach, brass ªss.

I mistook you for an alpaca, imagine my disappointment.

Is that why you did not call the day after?

The Shade wrote:
Perfectly reasonable, specially when you start to get "messageboards -buddies" to back you up! (envy ;_;)

Sebastian has a cult.

I will be your messageboard buddy.

CourtFool wrote:
Sebastian has a cult.

Woa he does! I just joined the cultist ranks -all praise sebastian... all praise sebastian...- Where do I get my official cloak?

CourtFool wrote:
I will be your messageboard buddy.

;u;... Yeeeeiiih! you can add another buddy to your list too.

(this is starting to have a certain funny look abou it... :s)

The Shade wrote:

I just joined the cultist ranks -all praise sebastian... all praise sebastian...

CourtFool wrote:
I will be your messageboard buddy.
you can add another buddy to your list too.

Please review my profile. Buddy status removed.

CourtFool wrote:
Please review my profile. Buddy status removed.

Hey! BIG difference between cultist to gropie!!! I recent that :/...

By the way, I love alpaca but as the silver-mixture type ;P

Truce pal. I'll put the leash on The Shade

The Shade wrote:
BIG difference between cultist to gropie!!!


Hugo Solis wrote:
Truce pal. I'll put the leash on The Shade

I had him listed as message board buddy, but then he went and aligned himself with my nemesis.

Now he's your nemesis, I see... So, bad move joining his ranks... I'll correct that.

By the way, I used your profile layout, Its quite good for listing relations with other posters, hope you don't mind!

Not at all. I am flattered.

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
Is that why you did not call the day after?

Dear John,

I met someone else.

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