David Marks |

Ever wondered what a Figurine of Wondrous Power would look like in 4E? Well check out one of them in today's preview of Adventurer's Vault!
Interesting take. I like how the dog has an ability to guard its master, very themantic of canines. I'm curious if Ranger's Animal Companions (supposedly to be in Martial Power) will work in any way similarly to this?
Cheers! :)

David Marks |

that looks pretty cool. too bad they had to wait a book to put these in. while i like and enjoy 4e, more and more i get annoyed with the big white spaces in the books, and large print.
they could pack so much more gaming goodness in the pages than they do.
I think the Adventurer's Vault is going to rock about 500% harder than I honestly expected it to. All of the excerpts so far have really been top notch, to the point where I'm actually excited (as compared to the equivalent books in 3E, which I was pretty meh about)
As for the whitespace, it's really a trade off. Part of me would like them to have squoozen in more text, and part of me likes being able to read my books without straining my eyes. All in all, I don't know that I feel 4E really has less than 3E did at the start, I think I'm just used to having more (due to splats and expansions).
Cheers! :)

Jeremy Mac Donald |

that looks pretty cool. too bad they had to wait a book to put these in. while i like and enjoy 4e, more and more i get annoyed with the big white spaces in the books, and large print.
they could pack so much more gaming goodness in the pages than they do.
So they can get you to give them money.
That said I've been fairly happy with their non adventure material so far. I think they sometime over extended themselves with the 3.5 splat books and the quality suffered. I'd rather have a little less material in a splat book and feel that this material was of very high quality then have more material but of lower quality. They win as well since they get to sell me more books. However they must keep the quality level up because there is less material in each book to draw me in. I loose less when I choose to forgo a book so they need to insure that what they are giving me feels like they have really put a lot of effort into it.

Logos |
Books packed with text with smaller fonts and less white space are both imposing and harder to read and scan.
Writing a reference book to be referenced rather than as a book to have bunches of stuff in is a good thing in my opinion.
Its not exactly like the old way of doing it prevented a magic item splat. (which in retrospect was a seriously solid splat )
I have high hopes for the adventurer's vault