Larry Latourneau |

Not sure if this has been posted yet, but I picked up the DMG screen today and thought I would give a quick overview of what it contains. (My pet peeve about shrinkwrap...no easy way to preview the product)
1. Size: It is 4 panels and it is in landscape format. This is my personal preference, so two thumbs up right there!
2. Art:Full of monstery goodness. It depicts a scene it what I assume is the Underdark (or whatever the equivalent is). We get Beholders, Umberhulks, Mindflayers, Dragons, Drow, Driders, Fire Giants, Ropers and more)
3. The meat: I will go through by panel, but the first thing I noticed...Page references! Woo Hoo!
a. Panel 1:
- XP Charts (DMG 120)
- Damage By Level (DMG 42)
- Food, Drink and Lodging (PH 222)
- Light Sources (DMG 66)
- Character Advancement (PH 29)
b. Panel 2:
- Actions in Combat (PH 286)
- Attack Modifiers (PH 279)
- Combat Advantage (PH 279)
c. Panel 3:
- DCs to Break or Burst Common Items (PH 262)
- Target DCs (DMG 42 - NOTE: This is still wrong, so it would have to be changed to reflect the 'update' :(
- Fall Severity by Character Level (DMG 44)
- DCs for Commonly Used Skills (From all over, compiled together!)
- Cover (PH 280)
- Concealment (PH 281)
- Rolling Attacks and Checks
d. Panel 4:
- Conditions (PH 277)
- Healing a Dying Character (PH 295)
- Death and Dying (PH 295)
So that is it in a nutshell. I wish the chart for Target DCs could have been updated, but that's what Post-its are for :)
Overall, I like it. From the last few sessions we have run, I see pretty much everything that we are always looking up contained here.

Scott Betts |

Hey, I read on Amazon it is thick like the cover of a hardcover book. Is this true?
Yes. You know Monopoly? The thickness of the Monopoly board itself? It's around that sort of thickness. It feels substantial and has a gorgeous glossy sheen on the art side.
Without question the greatest DM screen I've ever seen.

Scott Betts |

I was reading Second Darkness last night and noticed they get into a lot of detail about which spells enemies use in their tactics. How hard would it be to convert this aspect considering how much magic has reportedly changed?
Enemies simply have an array of abilities in 4th Edition. No longer do enemy spellcasters have dozens of spells at their disposal, most of which will never see use. Every ability a 4th Edition creature has is designed to be used.

PsychoticWarrior |

Yes. It is hard stock, like the Dark Heresy Referee's Screen.
However, the DH screen had a mini-supplement and adventure inside. Does the 4e DM screen?
Nothing other than the screen itself.
Of course the WotC screen is half the price of the DH one.
I personally appreciate the screen just being the screen. Most of the time the extras added to a screen are pretty low quality junk that wouldn't have sold on its own.