I think I'm missing something -- please help...

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 3/5

I'm trying to figure a few things out. Any assistance with this would be appreciated...

1) Taking a quick look at the 4 scenarios available so far, each one seems to be set up for two groups of "tiers". Tier 1-2 and 4-5. What happened to 3rd level? Will there be some later on that include a tier 2-3 or 3-4?

2) Do all the playing characters need to be the same level? Can I eventually have 2 at 4th level and 2 at 1st level? Can they be plus or minus 1 level? If I can have a range between say 1-5 levels, where does the tier issue fall? I would like to use this as a way to introduce others in our group to being the GM. Therefore it is very possible (likely?) that one or more will "fall behind". Hence the question.

3) I play with the same group of people. They will have the same characters for quite a while (most likely). Would it make sense to have a party adventure together from different factions or should I push them to all be part of the same faction?

4) The rulebook says that a "player" cannot play the same scenario more than once. Is that true or should it have said "character"?

5) Can a player have a number of characters from different factions?

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Moff Rimmer wrote:

I'm trying to figure a few things out. Any assistance with this would be appreciated...

4) The rulebook says that a "player" cannot play the same scenario more than once. Is that true or should it have said "character"?

5) Can a player have a number of characters from different factions?

Any help with this would be appreciated.

You as a player can only play in a given scenario once, regardless of how many characters you have - it keeps people from using player knowledge about a scenario to give their character an in-game advantage. Yes, good players won't "cheat" like that, but it's a safeguard against it anyway.

You can have as many characters as you care to, from as many factions as you care to, but since you can only play in a given scenario once as a player, it will slow down your character advancement quite a bit.

Sovereign Court

Moff Rimmer wrote:

1) Taking a quick look at the 4 scenarios available so far, each one seems to be set up for two groups of "tiers". Tier 1-2 and 4-5. What happened to 3rd level? Will there be some later on that include a tier 2-3 or 3-4?

2) Do all the playing characters need to be the same level? Can I eventually have 2 at 4th level and 2 at 1st level? Can they be plus or minus 1 level? If I can have a range between say 1-5 levels, where does the tier issue fall? I would like to use this as a way to introduce others in our group to being the GM. Therefore it is very possible (likely?) that one or more will "fall behind". Hence the question.

Tiers do not correspond directly to level. They're something like an ECL for the party - you can have a level 5 and a level 1 in the same party, and have them be in the same tier, since it's based on the party level. We, the players, haven't looked at exactly how that will work however. Given that you level every 3 adventures, and we only have four right now, I expect we won't need to worry about vast level discrepancies until 2009.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
3) I play with the same group of people. They will have the same characters for quite a while (most likely). Would it make sense to have a party adventure together from different factions or should I push them to all be part of the same faction?

Whatever is the most fun for your group.

Moff Rimmer wrote:

4) The rulebook says that a "player" cannot play the same scenario more than once. Is that true or should it have said "character"?

5) Can a player have a number of characters from different factions?

A PLAYER can only play a scenario once. I don't know how they could have made that any more clear. But you can have five characters from five different factions, if you like - they'll all just be much slower when leveling, because you have to split them up among scenarios. That's why I'm playing my character straight to the level 12 cap.

Moff Rimmer wrote:

1) Taking a quick look at the 4 scenarios available so far, each one seems to be set up for two groups of "tiers". Tier 1-2 and 4-5. What happened to 3rd level?

Level 3 characters can choose to play in the lower 1-2 tier (easier, with lower rewards) or in the higher 4-5 tier (harder, with higher rewards).

Scarab Sages 3/5

cappadocius wrote:
A PLAYER can only play a scenario once. I don't know how they could have made that any more clear.

A little snarky, but ok. There was something in the guide about a way for someone to go through an adventure more than once but not get "credit" for it additional times. I don't have the guide in front of me right now, but that got a little confusing and I didn't feel like that part was entirely clear.

But thanks for the answers everyone.

Liberty's Edge

A similar question: how many people per group? My home group is small.

cappadocius wrote:
Tiers do not correspond directly to level. They're something like an ECL for the party - you can have a level 5 and a level 1 in the same party, and have them be in the same tier, since it's based on the party level. We, the players, haven't looked at exactly how that will work however. Given that you level every 3 adventures, and we only have four right now, I expect we won't need to worry about vast level discrepancies until 2009.

Tiers actually do, in fact, correspond directly to level. Specifically, they correspond to Average Party Level. If your APL is 1-2, you play Tier 1 of a Tier 1-2/4-5 scenario. If your APL is 4-5, you play Tier 2. If your APL is 3, you choose high or low.

Insert Neat Username Here wrote:
A similar question: how many people per group? My home group is small.

4 min, 6 max not including the GM.

Sovereign Court

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Tiers actually do, in fact, correspond directly to level. Specifically, they correspond to Average Party Level. If your APL is 1-2, you play Tier 1 of a Tier 1-2/4-5 scenario. If your APL is 4-5, you play Tier 2. If your APL is 3, you choose high or low.

I have been LIED to! Many Chelish heads will ROLL for this calumny!

Question: is it feasible for ou home group to sign everyone up as a GM and then rotate who runs the scenarios, so everyone gets a chance to play?

No one gets "signed up" as a GM. Everyone has a Pathfinder Society number and anyone with a number can GM. It's up to your group to decide who GMs, but once a person has GMed a scenario, they can never play it.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
No one gets "signed up" as a GM. Everyone has a Pathfinder Society number and anyone with a number can GM. It's up to your group to decide who GMs, but once a person has GMed a scenario, they can never play it.

So we could feasibly each have a character and trade off who eats the current scenario so that everybody gets to take part in both roles at some point. Great! Thanks.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I'll never be able to play a scenario then...I'm the one who always gets stuck doing it. No else around here wants the hassle of organizing a game.

Scarab Sages

Lazaro wrote:


I'll never be able to play a scenario then...I'm the one who always gets stuck doing it. No else around here want the hassle of organizing a game.

I feel your pain good buddy. noone else wnat to DM at all. do they ever listen to my feelings? maybe I want to play the charming Osirion bard for a change? but nooo...

on the other hand, i do get all the fun of going "rocks fall. you die. no save." so ha!
(although to be fair, it was one time, rocks were falling, and they didn't move. what was i to do?)

Is there a restriction on how many times a player can GM a particular module?

I mean if there is one player who is a part of two different groups, and he runs the module for both groups, or his character takes part in the module for one group and then GM's that same module for the other. (never being a GM first and then running a character through . . that'd be a no-no)

Could that be done?

William Pall wrote:
Is there a restriction on how many times a player can GM a particular module?

I would say no (given that I ran scenarios at GenCon at least three times each). You can GM a module as many times as you want, but once you GM it, you can't ever play in it. Once you play it, you can GM it.

Lilith wrote:
William Pall wrote:
Is there a restriction on how many times a player can GM a particular module?
I would say no (given that I ran scenarios at GenCon at least three times each). You can GM a module as many times as you want, but once you GM it, you can't ever play in it. Once you play it, you can GM it.

Excellent. ::Steeples fingers.::

And technically, I'd never be able to play in it for credit. But yeah, I know what you mean.

Dark Archive

Lazaro wrote:


I'll never be able to play a scenario then...I'm the one who always gets stuck doing it. No else around here wants the hassle of organizing a game.

See I have the opposite problem, my only issue with it though I don't think I am ready to let just anyone DM stuff, of course my wife excluded.

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