Pathfinder Weapons

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are Previously published Pathfinder specific weapons allowed?
Starknife, Scarves etc?

If they're in the equipment chapter of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book, then yes. (Chapter 5)

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
If they're in the equipment chapter of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book, then yes. (Chapter 5)


+2 WOODEN STAKE OF UNDEAD BANE!!!! ALL MINE *evil laughter* *changes character title to "Slayer"*

Oh and to the OP, Starknife, Dogslicer, and bladed scarf are all in the CS.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
If they're in the equipment chapter of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book, then yes. (Chapter 5)


+2 WOODEN STAKE OF UNDEAD BANE!!!! ALL MINE *evil laughter* *changes character title to "Slayer"*

Oh and to the OP, Starknife, Dogslicer, and bladed scarf are all in the CS.

I was about this close *holds fingers an inch apart* from dual wielding stakes.


MisterSlanky wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
If they're in the equipment chapter of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book, then yes. (Chapter 5)


+2 WOODEN STAKE OF UNDEAD BANE!!!! ALL MINE *evil laughter* *changes character title to "Slayer"*

Oh and to the OP, Starknife, Dogslicer, and bladed scarf are all in the CS.

I was about this close *holds fingers an inch apart* from dual wielding stakes.

What god has favored weapon of stake?

Majuba wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
If they're in the equipment chapter of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book, then yes. (Chapter 5)


+2 WOODEN STAKE OF UNDEAD BANE!!!! ALL MINE *evil laughter* *changes character title to "Slayer"*

Oh and to the OP, Starknife, Dogslicer, and bladed scarf are all in the CS.

I was about this close *holds fingers an inch apart* from dual wielding stakes.
What god has favored weapon of stake?

The deity known as "Outback".

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Norgerber wrote:
The deity known as "Outback".

Alignment: BBQ

Portfolio: Hunting, Cooking, Joy, Blooming Onion, Dancing
Domains: Animal, BBQ, Charm, Glory

Shadow Lodge

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Norgerber wrote:
The deity known as "Outback".

Alignment: BBQ

Portfolio: Hunting, Cooking, Joy, Blooming Onion, Dancing
Domains: Animal, BBQ, Charm, Glory

Isn't Ted Nugent "Outback's" avatar on this plane?

Scarab Sages

can anyone tell me what weapons are listed in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting equipment list? I currently do not have access to one. (local game store is sold out of it at the time)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Greg Kilberger wrote:
can anyone tell me what weapons are listed in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting equipment list? I currently do not have access to one. (local game store is sold out of it at the time)

I have put all relevant items from the campaign setting to our local wiki. I'll have you do a little discovering, since the whole wiki site is in moonspeak. You'll find them eventually. ;)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Deussu wrote:

I'll take that back. After a short discussion we chose to put those things behind a password due to, well, obvious reasons. So you are not in luck.

You could, however, get yourself one of those PDFs.

Deussu wrote:
Deussu wrote:

I'll take that back. After a short discussion we chose to put those things behind a password due to, well, obvious reasons. So you are not in luck.

You could, however, get yourself one of those PDFs.

What are the obvious reasons? It's Open Content, so you should be able to publish the weapon stats under the OGL.


hogarth wrote:
What are the obvious reasons? It's Open Content, so you should be able to publish the weapon stats under the OGL.

The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting weapons and armor lists are open content?

Navdi wrote:
hogarth wrote:
What are the obvious reasons? It's Open Content, so you should be able to publish the weapon stats under the OGL.
The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting weapons and armor lists are open content?

I'm pretty sure they are. It should say so in the License at the beginning of the book. I'd check myself, but I'm at work right now.

Scarab Sages

yes, they should be open content. The only non-open content should be "fluff" items. (descriptive text) All game info should be open content.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Greg Kilberger wrote:
yes, they should be open content. The only non-open content should be "fluff" items. (descriptive text) All game info should be open content.

"Should" isn't a term I so much like. I like to be sure and secure.

From the Campaign Setting:

"Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity [..]: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artifacts, places, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress.

Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the contents of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License [..]."

Scarab Sages

thanks hogarth, now my "should" can become a "sure" or something like that.

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