Keep #12 drop #13

Customer Service

I would like to keep Pathfinder Adventure Path #12 from the Curse of the Crimson Throne but not get #13 from the next set of books. How will I cancel one and not the other since they are both shipping at the same time? This is bad when they ship at the same time or is it a plot? hmmm me things there are diabolical plans afoot. After #12 i want my subscription canceled too.

Also one of the others in my group want to pick up on the next path how will he get #13 without getting #12?


I am in the same boat. I want to finish my subscription with #12, so I don't want #13.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Russell Akred wrote:
Also one of the others in my group want to pick up on the next path how will he get #13 without getting #12?

This should be easy enough. When you start a subscription, you have the option of choosing to start with the previous issue or the next issue. So have your friend start the subscription after #13 comes out, and he'll be able to choose to start with #13 or #14. Just choose #13.

Dark Archive

pres man wrote:
I am in the same boat. I want to finish my subscription with #12, so I don't want #13.

I am also in the same boat where I need to end my Pathfinder subscription at #12. My group has decided to rebel against me and go 4e, so as much as I would like to continue subscribing to Pathfinder, since I won't be playing much 3.5 anymore I really don't need to keep getting adventures for it.

I do want to keep my Planet Stories Subscribtion though.


James May

Hey, all.

We've had a few requests like this crop up. Unfortunately it's going to be a bit difficult on our end because 12 &13 are set to ship at the same time, and thus they enter your subscription orders as a pair. However, we do plan to attempt to manually remove 13 from the orders of those who do not want it, though depending on the number we may not be able to get to all of them before we ship.

Either way, you will receive a confirmation that includes both 12 & 13, even if you don't want 13, because the confirmation email will be sent before we can edit your particular order. If you do not want 13 but by some error on our end still receive it from us, you can return it to us, no problem. We'll do what we can to make sure that everything goes smoothly.

Thanks for the response, Alison, but won't this necessitate paying to ship the unwanted portion of the order back to Paizo?

Liberty's Edge

If you want to stop at 12 and your friend wants to start at 13...why not just get both as they are set to do and go ahead and sell 13 to your friend for the price you got it for. Then he can start his subscription at 14.

Just a thought.

Dark Archive

Azoun The Sage wrote:

If you want to stop at 12 and your friend wants to start at 13...why not just get both as they are set to do and go ahead and sell 13 to your friend for the price you got it for. Then he can start his subscription at 14.

Just a thought.

Yeah, only thing is the .pdf file. do what ya gotta do there! *grin*

Our group did a lot of talking about it before we finally chose this agreement. Now it seems like we may end up with extra books unless this can be solved. I don't want #13 and he doesn't want #12.
It maybe just our group but starting in December we have just gotten to the Grauls in book 3 meaning it might be summer 2009 when we finish Rise of the Runelords. I don't need four and a half years of adventures put into a year an a half.

OK, so the order has been billed.

The order contains the following items:

1 x Pathfinder #12 -- Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 6: "Crown of Fangs" (OGL) (preorder) @ 13.99 = $13.99
1 x Pathfinder #13 -- Second Darkness Chapter 1: "Shadow in the Sky" (OGL) (preorder) @ 13.99 = $13.99
1 x Pathfinder Companion: Second Darkness (OGL) (preorder) @ 0.00 = $0.00

I guess my next post will either be how do I get #13 returned, never mind I'll work it out, or #13 didn't arrive so why was I billed.

Same here - I've sent Customer Service an email (order #988674). The timing of this double batch seems a little - suspicious - shall we say.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mordun77 wrote:
Same here - I've sent Customer Service an email (order #988674). The timing of this double batch seems a little - suspicious - shall we say.

Yeah, I think Paizo's plotting something evil.

Or they got behind on Pathfinder and in order to get back on schedule for a GenCon launch of PF13, this was unavoidable.

The question is whether the tinfoil hat fits or not.

Russell Akred wrote:
OK, so the order has been billed.

Has it been billed or did they just send you an email letting you know it will be? Mine said that it was going to be sent out in about a week.

yoda8myhead wrote:
Or they got behind on Pathfinder and in order to get back on schedule for a GenCon launch of PF13, this was unavoidable.

Well, I don't necessarily assume there is some kind of conspiracy or anything, but I also don't believe this is something that is "unavoidable" either.

We don't actually bill you for an order until we ship it. We do, however, authorize the charge ahead of time, so if you see a transaction from Paizo regarding an order before the order's actually shipped, chances are that's just us checking to make sure there will be no problems when we do go to completely process your order, no actual charges have been made.

Currently I am manually editing the orders/subscriptions of those who want to end after 12. There should be no problem canceling at the end of Curse of the Crimson Throne, assuming I can get through everyone's requests before they ship. :)

Scarab Sages

Something tells me that this is going to get awkward for some people where they'll recieve #13 cuz you couldn't get to their order in time and they'll feel obligated to get the rest of the path...or maybe just me. and then the subscription will be cancelled and then I'll have to resubscribe for 5 more issues and oh, the headaches.

kessukoofah wrote:
Something tells me that this is going to get awkward for some people where they'll recieve #13 cuz you couldn't get to their order in time and they'll feel obligated to get the rest of the path...or maybe just me. and then the subscription will be cancelled and then I'll have to resubscribe for 5 more issues and oh, the headaches.

We're hoping to avoid that. And don't worry, if you get #13 and don't want it you can just return it. Hopefully that won't even be an issue, though.

Scarab Sages

I just noticed that #13 was cancelled from my order. Thank you very much for your speedy-ness in the handling of this situation.

Thanks Alison for your help. I've always found Paizo to be an excellent company, with top-notch products, service and people. I find myself in the very odd position of wanting to buy from a company, just can't find a product! ;)

Hopefully in the future there will be some 4e support, even if it is limited to the odd stand-alone adventure module. There is a lot of good-will towards Paizo, including those moving to 4e. Help us help you!

Awaiting patiently,

Here's the reason that they are getting shipped together, for those of you who are wondering:

Pathfinder #12 shipped to the printer a little late and Pathfinder #13 shipped a little early (so we could have it at GenCon), and in order to save shipping we're shipping them together along with the Pathfinder Companion #1 (for free) and the newest catalog.

Alison McKenzie wrote:

Here's the reason that they are getting shipped together, for those of you who are wondering:

Pathfinder #12 shipped to the printer a little late and Pathfinder #13 shipped a little early (so we could have it at GenCon), and in order to save shipping we're shipping them together along with the Pathfinder Companion #1 (for free) and the newest catalog.

I don't know if its still being straightened out, but it looks like now that both #12 and #13 have been dropped for me, instead of just #13.

Dark Archive

Thanks for fixing my subscription Alison.

pres man wrote:
Alison McKenzie wrote:

Here's the reason that they are getting shipped together, for those of you who are wondering:

Pathfinder #12 shipped to the printer a little late and Pathfinder #13 shipped a little early (so we could have it at GenCon), and in order to save shipping we're shipping them together along with the Pathfinder Companion #1 (for free) and the newest catalog.

I don't know if its still being straightened out, but it looks like now that both #12 and #13 have been dropped for me, instead of just #13.

From my end it looks like you've still got 12. I've sent you a confirmation email; tell me if it looks correct.

Alison McKenzie wrote:
From my end it looks like you've still got 12. I've sent you a confirmation email; tell me if it looks correct.

Looks good now. Thanks.

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