Red Blade RPG tools!


Liberty's Edge

I found this site while I should have been getting ready for work and thought you guys might like to see some of these things. They look like they could be awesome.

Dark Archive

Cato Novus wrote:
I found this site while I should have been getting ready for work and thought you guys might like to see some of these things. They look like they could be awesome.

Yes,it's a great tool,and the creator was supposed to have created a new version of it,i've been keeping tabs on the site. However,the maker hasn't been seen in nearly a year,posts in the forums have dropped to nothing,and the forums themselves have been taken over by porn bots..It's been largely abandoned,which is a shame because i have anticipated the new release for a long time.I just wish the creator Daan didn't disappear like that, i'm not certain if he's lost interest or something has happened to him. I truly hope that he will work on it again and finish it since he's a talented programmer,however i don't hold much hope for that

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