Brian Kovich |
The RPGs: Book-based or Computer game-based thread got me thinking.
A quick search of the web brought up this page of literary sources for DnD from 1st edition DMG.
What more recent Books/movies/series etc. have influenced DnD today, or perhaps were heavily influenced by DnD themselves.
Here are some I've enjoyed;
Lian Hearn - THE TALES OF THE OTORI series (Oriental Adventures)
George RR Martin - A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series
Steven Erickson - MALAZAN BOOK OF THE FALLEN series (just started reading the first book, but am enjoying it so far)
I know I've used elements from these books when building my campaigns/characters.
What are some other influences?
(also looking for my next read after I finish MALAZAN :) )
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Glenn Cook's "The Black Company" series, especially the first three books, is an amazing read and source of material. The magic is fun, the characters are real and flawed. The world is gritty and dark, but with a fundamental message of hope, in my opinion. I highly recommend these books. This is a great example of a low magic but epic setting. Green Ronin has a campaign setting out for it so I'd say it qualifies as an influence. ;)
Robert Jordon's "The Wheel of Time" series is very good. I stopped reading them a long time ago though so I'm not the best source of a detailed opinion.
David and Leia Eddings have written some pretty good stuff. The Belgariad and the Malloreon are each five book series's that take place one after the other. They are a classic quest story with a lot of wonderful flavors.
Loyd Alexander's books of Prydain have certainly influenced my gaming. They are a wonderful line of stories and never stop being interesting. They would make a truly wonderful campaign setting.
I'll add more in as I think of them.