Wasn't there a Keep on the Shadowfell update

4th Edition

I am sure htey posted an 'update' over on WoTC site, but I cannot find it anymore. Anyone able to assist me on finding this?


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here ya go:

Forgotten Realms Conversion

Eberron Conversion

and Side Treks

Lazaro wrote:

Here ya go:

Forgotten Realms Conversion

Eberron Conversion

and Side Treks

Thanks, but I had actually found those already. What I was looking for was the 'update' (WoTC term) that was actually erratta. It pointed out and offered corrections for errors in the module. (i.e. incorrect Skill bonuses for certain NPC's, lines of text that needed to be dropped, etc.)

hopefully go here.

If not, it's part of the Help/FAQ section of the website, you have to search it separately. Click on Help, then search the help section for Shadowfell and it should pop up near the top

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