Dragon Magazine Archive - II?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I love my old Dragon Magazine Archive CD. Any chance of a similar thing being put out for all the Dragons under Paizo's reign? (And Dungeons too of course). They're getting old, so it would be a shame not to make one last burst of money (and make them more available to everyone for posterity going forward). I know there were rights issues with the first compilation but all the submission guidelines I saw for Dragon in the last X years were very "we can reprint it electronically if we like you fool!" In fact you're selling them in PDF, so that must have been overcome.

I know you can keep selling them onesie-twosie for $5 a pop, but I'm pretty sure no one's paying that too much any more. And it would be a nice content-boost to go with, say, a Pathfinder release!!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ernest Mueller wrote:

I love my old Dragon Magazine Archive CD. Any chance of a similar thing being put out for all the Dragons under Paizo's reign? (And Dungeons too of course). They're getting old, so it would be a shame not to make one last burst of money (and make them more available to everyone for posterity going forward). I know there were rights issues with the first compilation but all the submission guidelines I saw for Dragon in the last X years were very "we can reprint it electronically if we like you fool!" In fact you're selling them in PDF, so that must have been overcome.

I know you can keep selling them onesie-twosie for $5 a pop, but I'm pretty sure no one's paying that too much any more. And it would be a nice content-boost to go with, say, a Pathfinder release!!!

Not a Paizo Employee, but I think the PDFs are allowed under the license they had with WotC but not another compilation. Which is a shame, but hat are you gonna do? I'm still bummed that the last 20 can't be produced as pdfs.

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