AZRogue |

Do we know what has been planned by third party publishers yet? Not all have committed themselves with the GSL still unreleased, but some, like Necromancy, have.
I know that Necro is releasing and Advanced Player's Guide which will contain much goodness in the form of optional material that has been removed from 4E (or just not released yet). Do we know what else people are releasing?
Wish List: Some GOOD adventure paths, many more magical items WITH tables to allow random treasure generation, exotic classes (like a magical gun user, for instance), detailed racial write ups, templates, and Generic Powers (Powers that can be chosen by anyone of a particular Power Source, like Martial Powers, Arcane Powers, etc.).

AZRogue |

Goodman Games has a lot of adventures lined up for 4e... Beyond them and Necromancer Games, I'm not sure of any other companies.
I'm really looking forward to Goodman's adventures. Hopefully, soon (when the GSL is released), we will hear a bit more from some of these companies about their plans. The field is wide open right now and I can see some people really being interested in some of the things they do with the system.

Blackdirge |

I've got all my plans in place; however, like many other publishers, I want to see the GSL before I make any official announcement. I don't want to publicly say I'll be releasing the 4.0 Awesome Guide to Awesomeness, only to have to retract the statement because awesomeness is not allowed under the GSL. =]