4E and Mass Warfare

4th Edition

Could it be that 4E's minion system could be the best way of doing PCs in the midst of a HUGE battle? - A la William Wallace wading through a sea of English hacking each one with a single blow?

Possible, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a mass combat system soon, probably in the Martial Handbook (unless it is in the DMG and I haven't gotten to it yet).

I like the idea of minions. I've seen them used in other systems to make the battle bigger and the danger just as bad, but it gives the players the sense of taking out large groups of critters without having to hack at each one for seven turns. ^_^

I wouldn't really count on a Mass Combat system in the near future. Was one ever published for 3E? I know there was Heroes of Battle, but I thought that was just campaign ideas for a war based campaign, not rules for depicting an actual war?

Shadow Lodge

David Marks wrote:
I wouldn't really count on a Mass Combat system in the near future. Was one ever published for 3E? I know there was Heroes of Battle, but I thought that was just campaign ideas for a war based campaign, not rules for depicting an actual war?

I know for a fact Mongoose published some mass-combat rules. All I can say after trying them out is stay far-far away.

Another DM buddy and I have been working on a 3.x version of the mass combat rules, but since 4E was designed to be a skirmish game, I'd doubt the rules for mass combat are coming out anytime soon (if ever).

David Marks wrote:
I wouldn't really count on a Mass Combat system in the near future. Was one ever published for 3E? I know there was Heroes of Battle, but I thought that was just campaign ideas for a war based campaign, not rules for depicting an actual war?

Hmm.. I believe 3.0E Miniatures Handbook has rules for mass combat. Never used, them, however (in fact, I never read them).


Technically, couldn't the miniature game be used as a ad-hoc mass rules system? Sure, you'd have to modify it a little, but it may work...

*scratches head* Need to look at that...

I ask because my idea is to start my next Eberron campaign with maybe a 3-session "prelude" that takes place during the Last War. And, I envision my players as part of a unit who fought on the front lines. I see them wading through a horde of Karrnathi skeletons or Cyran warforged.

Now, if I just took the basic minion rules and made a bunch of level 1 skeletons or warforged with a HP equaling 1, then that could be entirely possible.

Belirahc wrote:


Technically, couldn't the miniature game be used as a ad-hoc mass rules system? Sure, you'd have to modify it a little, but it may work...

*scratches head* Need to look at that...

The minis game would at best simplify a few creatures down. Really, I think you wouldn't gain much of anything going that route.

P1NBACK wrote:

I ask because my idea is to start my next Eberron campaign with maybe a 3-session "prelude" that takes place during the Last War. And, I envision my players as part of a unit who fought on the front lines. I see them wading through a horde of Karrnathi skeletons or Cyran warforged.

Now, if I just took the basic minion rules and made a bunch of level 1 skeletons or warforged with a HP equaling 1, then that could be entirely possible.

Neat-o idea Pin! Your idea seems doable, although perhaps still tough to run. Maybe some kind of environmental hazard to represent the fact that there are thousands of people fighting and dying around them?

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