Crimson-Hawk |
At the moment, I'm more interested in seeing the second Player's Handbook from WotC before I worry about anything third-party. The 4e system is a good system when taken by itself (as opposed to being compared to 3e), but WotC shot itself in the foot by not including the barbarian, bard, druid, monk, or sorcerer. I need those classes back in the game, and I know for a fact that I'm not the loudest proponent of that sentiment.
That having been said, I'll welcome any third-party supplement that gives PCs more options. More races, more powers for existing classes, and more fully-fleshed-out classes would all be welcome in my game, should they be balanced and well thought out.
Asmodeur |
I'm a supp junkie so I'm looking forward to seeing 3rd party 4E stuff like Necromancer Games new Advanced Players HB and its first major AP.
Haven't you been stating on several occasions on Enworld that you don't plan on playing 4e? Or maybe I was thinking of someone else...
Either way, I am looking forward to the "new" FR. I loved FR in 2e, but 3e killed it for me. 4e is looking so much more like the FR I loved.
Time will tell I guess.
Mandor |
Every October for the past 5 years I have pulled Tegel Manor off my book shelf and considered converting it to 3.x for my group to experience. Then I'd think "Necromancer is working on it. They'll have it published by next October." Well, except for last year when I knew Necromancer had basically completed TM for 3.5, but had decided to redo it for 4e. I knew it wouldn't be out this year. But this October, I'll once again find myself pondering converting TM to 3.5 before thinking "Necromancer is working on it for 4e. They'll have it published by next October."
Wolfgang Baur Kobold Press |
Whimsy Chris |
Most looking forward to: probably Martial Powers and possibly the Draconomicon.
I promised myself I'd only buy 1 D&D product a month, including adventures. I plan to buy all the H, P, & E adventures as they come out. I want to buy the Forgotten Realms stuff since I grew up with the setting and want to see what they do with it, but it may go over my D&D product count. Too much, too fast, too soon.
It may also depend on what becomes covered in the GSL, since I hope to self publish some adventures.
Pop'N'Fresh |
Monster Manuals, that's a given.
And if they are ever published, Birthright and Dark Sun campaign guides and player guides.
I am hesitant to get the splat books until I have a good look through them to ensure they won't overshadow the PHB content. If its just new content that adds to the game, that's fine. If they start min/maxing powers or magic items to make them more useful or powerful than PHB content, then I will be banning those in my games.
...barbarian, bard, druid, monk, or sorcerer. I need those classes back in the game, and I know for a fact that I'm not the loudest proponent of that sentiment.
I do like 4th Edition a lot. But, I also agree with this. I'd like to get my hands on the PHB2 in order to get these classes (well, sans the monk).
I think WotC did this intentionally though. They know people want those classes and people will buy a book for them.
This would have to be the supplement I am most looking forward to though.
Hal Maclean Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |
evilvolus |
Spelljammer. News that it was going to make an appearance at some point in the future really made my day.
Is there a source on this, or is it just a speculation for a possible campaign setting book in the mythical someday?
I've got to say, I'd be interested in seeing some 4E Talking Space Hippo action.
I'm looking forward to the 4.5E supplements, only for the sake at laughing at the irony of all of WotC while I wave around my 3E books and Pathfinder stuff with glee.
Funny... It's already been stated there will be no 4.5 Edition of the D&D game. You're better off making sarcastic comments about a 5th Edition.
Tharen the Damned |
At the moment Razz seems like a manic street preacher, rattling on about the end of days and the apocalypse.
Most of us smile and mov on...
But what if Razz is right?
What if there is a revised 4th edition already in the making?
What if 4th really is the false idol we are worshipping?
What if, at the end of Roleplaying Gary Gygax will punish those of us who played 4th edition with an eternity of POKEMON RPG? But those who stayed true will play on his table for eternity?
And there is, of course, always the chance that there are two D&D RPGs beside each other. Like two strong Trees give more shade and shelter than just one...
joela |
I'm looking forward to the 4.5E supplements, only for the sake at laughing at the irony of all of WotC while I wave around my 3E books and Pathfinder stuff with glee.
Sigh. A little over 20 posts before the first anti-4E post. You know, some of us are planning to play 3.x/PRPG AND 4E, and such comments make me reexamine if I want to continue recommending the Paizo boards as a friendly place for ALL gamers.
Paul Watson |
Razz wrote:I'm looking forward to the 4.5E supplements, only for the sake at laughing at the irony of all of WotC while I wave around my 3E books and Pathfinder stuff with glee.Sigh. A little over 20 posts before the first anti-4E post. You know, some of us are planning to play 3.x/PRPG AND 4E, and such comments make me reexamine if I want to continue recommending the Paizo boards as a friendly place for ALL gamers.
Maybe hang a sign on the forums "Beware of the Razz"?
I've found it generally friendly (although that might have something to do with the fact that I don't like what I've seen of 4E so I might be a smidgen biased), but the 3.P/4E Flame Wars are very tiring. The violent avengers, on both sides, are wearing very thin.
[RANT]Look, we get it. 3.P/4E is the dogs whatsits and 4E/3.P is for dull, unintelligent morons who can't appreciate the greatness of 3.P/4E. Enough already! Both are good role-playing games that are catering to different play styles and tastes. Play the one you like (or both if you're really weird), steal the good bits that you can mod for your game and let the people who like the other version play their game of choice in peace! There's no reason to be a dick about it, even on teh Internets.[/RANT]
[Edit] And to avoid threadjacking completely, not really looking forward to anything for 4E as mentioned above. Maybe PHBIII to see what they come up with once the legacy classes are done.
Razz. |
No, seriously, sorry for threadcrapping everyone, I want to make it up to you all by doing what I always do when I accidently pop into a random 4e thread to drop a childish rant and flee - post how I really feel. Because I want everyone to know:
I LOVE 4E!!!!
I think the book I am most looking forward to is the martial power source book. I'm really intrigued to see what the first splat book will look like. I am sure it will be full of awesome and that I will love it.
Anyway, apologies again for threadcrapping above. Since I can't help but post things like that, I've decided that I will always make it up by having a follow up post like this where I admit how much I love 4e and praise it unconditionally. It's my way of righting the bad karma that is created by my childish threadcrapping.
4e 4ever!
Razz. |
I don't think that helps the conversation... :/
That's okay, I'm not interested in having a conversation. All I want to do is show up in random threads and post about how much I love 4e whenever I have one of my "episodes" and threadcrap. I'm hoping that if I constantly have to see my name appear saying the exact opposite in every thread where I post, I'll quit having these episodes and then everyone can talk about 4e without me threadcrapping. Heck, I hope that my love for 4e is so great that every time I threadcrap, I immediately post several times and in several guises to show how much I love 4e. My goal is to have my avatar associated with love of 4e.
Please, help me share my love of 4e! I want everyone to know about it.
4E 4EVER!!!!