Keep on the Shadowfell


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Let's all move back to the top of the stairs. That way if the hobgoblins want to meet us, they'll have to enter the stairway and be constrained to two fighters in their front rank. We, on the other hand, can have more than two fighters on our front, and will have height advantage as well.

Male Human Paladin/3

"Clear the stairs. I'll hold them as you retreat"

The glaive glows with dark energy as Gran strikes at one of the hobgoblins. At the same time he glares at a second one provoking him to fight.

Divine Challenge on H1 (minor); Ardent Strike on H2 1d20+7=12, not hitting anyone :(

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna rolls her eyes, but fires off a pair of magic missiles at one of the wounded hobgoblins, missing badly. She retreats up the stairs, calling "Try to target the wounded one."

magic missile vs. h2 is a natural 1; not bothering to link.

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Er, that move is to M25.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Even as Gran tries to protect the halfling, Dyrnwyna fires off her forcem missiles, then retreats up the stairs.

The first pair of hobgoblins switch tactics, but their flails both miss the lucky Frivry.

Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack
Frivry - +2 to attack to Q's next turn

H4, H5, H6
Gran - +2 to attack to Q's next turn
Dyrnwyna - +2 to attack to Q's next turn
H1, H2

Soaked in his own blood, the warlock glares vengefully at one the hobgoblins responsible and weaves a spell.

Standard : Eldritch Blast on H1
Attack 1d20+4=19 vs Ref
Damage 1d10+3=12
Warlock's Curse Damage 1d6=1

Move : to L25

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhianis's blast catches the hobgoblin full on.

Frivry - +2 to attack to Q's next turn
H4, H5, H6
Gran - +2 to attack to Q's next turn
Dyrnwyna - +2 to attack to Q's next turn
H1, H2
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry use his sword to stabs the hobgoblin in front of him before stepping back.

Sly Flourish attack on h2: 1d20+7=18, 1d6+9=11
Shift to M-21.

I forget to add 2 to the attack roll, so I am at 20.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Frivry stabs at the hobgoblin, only to be thwarted as his target's ally interposes his shield at the last moment.

H3 rounds the corner and starts up the stairs, swinging his heavy flail at Frivry, but misses the agile halfling.

H4, H5, H6
H1, H2
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"Feel some o' the burnin' hot fires o' Moradin's forge ye' perfumed, hanky-waving, cave-gherkin!" shouts Quinn.

Move Action: Move to M24.

Standard Action: Sacred Flame vs. H3; 15 vs. REF, 1d6+5=10.

That's my third straight 8. I think Quinn should go home.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Actually, that was just barely a miss -- their Reflex isn't that great.

Quinn's sacred flame just misses the hobgoblin as he dodges.

The late-arriving humanoids take up positions in the room. At this time, you hear a strained metallic grating sound from the passage to the north.

Gran, Frivry:

Bounding through the room comes an enormous spider. This monstrous spider has a heavy coating of bristles patterned in stripes of gray and black. It is the size of a small horse and has large fangs that drip with venom. It does not attack the hobgoblins.

Quinn, Rhianis, Dyrnwyna:

Please ignore the S on the map. You can't see it from your positions.


H1, H2
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack
H4, H5, H6

Male Human Paladin/3

"Oh, that's not good" Gran says as the arachnid approaches.

Turning to make sure everyone else is clear "Looks like it's time to run Frivy"

Move to L24 (taking OA); Ready an Action (standard) to strike the first enemy up the stairs, in reach, with Ardent Strike

"They have a pet spider" Gran remarks coming up the stairs

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The hobgoblin curses in his own tongue as he misses the withdrawing paladin. Frivry is looking very alone . . .

H1, H2
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack
H4, H5, H6
Gran - readied action

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"Keep the line and we'll outlast the milk-drinkin' curs!" shouts Quinn as he readies his next prayer.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dyrnwyna readies a magic missile against the first hobgoblin foolish enough to climb the steps into her line of fire. H1 disappoints her, as it advances and misses Frivry.

Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

H4, H5, H6
Gran - readied action
Drynwyna - readied action
H2 - delay

"Withdraw, brave Frivy! Let not the villains surround you!"

Standard : Eldritch Blast on H1
Attack 1d20+4=15 vs Ref
Damage 1d10+3=10
Curse Damage1d6=3

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry steps back to be near near his companions and a dagger at the hobgoblin in front of him (h3).

Deft Strike: move to M-23, 1d20+8=25, 1d4+5=9

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The hobgoblin catches Rhianis's blast on his shield, deflecting it. Frivry's dagger pierces H3, but raises little more than a grunt of pain.

H2 ducks around the corner out of sight, and H3 shifts behind H1. Neither makes a move to advance or attack.


Is the dagger count on your character sheet up to date? I know you threw a lot of them into the slime pool. Thanks.

H4, H5, H6
Gran - readied action
Drynwyna - readied action
H2 -
H3 -
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"I got ye' now!" shouts Quinn as he unleashes a ray of divine flame from the palm of his hand. It soars over Frivry's head towards the hobgoblin at the foot of the stairs.

Standard Action: Sacred Flame vs. H1; 17 vs REFLEX for 7 radiant damage and Gran gains 4 temporary hit points.

Move Action: Shift to N25.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

True to word, Quinn's flame bloodies the first hobgoblin.

In response to shouted orders, much happens quickly thereafter. H4 ducks out of sight around the corner.

The two leather-armored hobgoblins then charge up the stairs at Frivry. Both Gran's glaive and Dyrnwyna's magic missile miss as the enemies approach. However, both of the sword attacks also miss the halfling.

At a barked order from an unseen hobgoblin, two more similarly-equipped opponents emerge from the room to the north, circumnavigating the pit in the center. The spider, continuing its advance, makes a great leap up the stairs, landing being Frivry and Gran This was a shift. It bites at Gran, but misses.

H1 and H3 duck out of sight, leaving only the late arrivals in sight.

Boy, all my rolls tanked for both sides! Note that none of you can see H1-H4. Only Frivry can see H7 and H8.

Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

H4 -
H5, H6, H7, H8
H1 -- bloodied
H2 -

H3 -

"Agh! I detest arachnids!"

Minor: Warlock's Curse on Spider
Standard : Witchfire on Spider
Attack 1d20+4=19 vs Ref
Damage 2d6+3=6
Curse Damage 1d6=2
Effect : Spider takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The spider squeals loudly as it thrashes in Rhianis's eldritch fire.

Frivry, Quinn

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"My Moradin's Hammer, I bind ye' further spider. Ye'll regret ye' were ever trained and forced on us!" says Quinn as his prayer finishes.

Standard Action: Astral Seal vs. Spider; 23 vs. REFLEX and the spider takes a -2 penalty to all defenses and the next ally to hit it before the start of my next turn gains 9 hit points.

M Halfling Rogue 3

"Fiou! Which chance I have for the moment. Go out of my way, spider!"

Frivry takes his sword to stabs the spider.

Sly Flourish sword attack: 1d20+7=21, 1d6+9=12

The count of dagger is good even I throw a lot.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Frivry and Quinn both hit the spider, Quinn's seal greatly hampering it.

Quinn, is the 9hp healing or temp?

Gran, Dyrnwyna

Male Dwarf Cleric 3
pat512 wrote:
Quinn, is the 9hp healing or temp?

It is true healing. It heals 2+CHA hit points plus 4 more from my Healer's Lore class feature for a total of 9 hit points.

Male Human Paladin/3

Shift to k25; Ardent Stike on the spider, misses :(

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7


Female Eladrin Wizard 3

"Frivry, get out of the way!" Dyrnwyna shouts, arcane resonance building between her cupped hands, but Frivry does not move aside. At the last moment, she vents a cry of frustration and directs the energies to the side, missing Frivry but also bypassing one of her foes.

Thunderwave J22-L24. targets fort, vs. the Spider: 22 for 8 damage. Vs h5, it hits Fort 14; probably a miss. If it hits both, I'll push them both N one square. If it only hits the spider, I don't think I can push it, since there isn't a square for it to move into, can I?

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dyrnywna's blast further damages the spider. The hobgoblins by the pit move out of line of fire, while the three enemies surrounding Frivry all miss the rogue.

Dyrnwyna, correct.

Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack
H4 -
H5, H6, H7, H8
H1 -- bloodied
H2 -
H3 -

Rhianis continues the focused assault against the spider ...

Standard : Curse of the Dark Dream
1d20+4=8 vs Will
I assume I miss.
Sustain Minor : Slide the spider to K24 even if I miss.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Rhianis wrote:

Sustain Minor : Slide the spider to K24 even if I miss.

You can't slide it around the hard corner on a Slide 1. Second choice?

L24 then (I hope Dyrnwyna will forgive me.)

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhianis pulls the spider in toward the waiting party at the top of the stairs.


H4 -
H5, H6, H7, H8
H1 -- bloodied
H2 -
H3 -
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn unleashes more of Moradin's forge fires, this time directed at the spider. However, his aim is just a bit off.

Standard Action: Sacred Flame vs. Spider; 12 vs. REFLEX for 10 radiant damage.

Even with the -2 to defenses, I doubt that'll hit the spider. Ugh. Invisible castle has hated all the my characters this past week.

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry shifts near the others and put his sword in the spider.

Move: Shift to M-24
Sly Flourish sword attack:1d20+7=14, 1d6+9=12

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Frivry and Quinn both miss the spider, despite its hampered defenses. It shakes off the effect of the astral seal.


H5, H6, H7, H8
H1 -- bloodied
H2 -
H3 -
Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack
H4 -

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna steps away from the spider to the side of the stair, and summons another clap of thunder against the enemies there.

shift to N24. Thunderwave vs. H5 and H6, hits fort 22 and 11 for 6 damage. On a hit, push them north.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7


Male Human Paladin/3

Sorry been in bed

Gran steps back and strikes at the spider again

IC is down. Shift to J26; Adrent Strike on S 1d20+7=24; Damage 2d4+5=10, and S is subject to my divine sanction until the end of your next turn. S takes 7 radiant damage the first time each round it makes an attack that doesn't include me as a target.

"Come on ugly"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dyrnwyna's blast destroys H5, but H6 retreats down the stairs. The spider, bloodied by Gran's attack, makes a great leap to land on the far side of the paladin, but its bite misses.

There is activity downstairs, but no hobgoblins cross the line of fire. I.e., the positions are where you saw them last, but H6 is the only one visible.

Rhianis - +3 defense vs next attack

H4 -
H6, H7, H8
S - bloodied, marked by Gran
H1 -- bloodied
H2 -
H3 -

The warlock finds himself astonished by the spider's great leap.

"Gran, behind you!"

Standard : Eldritch Blast at Spider
Attack 1d20+4=12
Damage 1d10+3=11
Curse Damage 1d6=1

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhianis's blast misses the fast-moving spider.

Frivry, Quinn

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Standard Action: Sacred Flame vs. Spider; 1d20+7=15 vs. Reflex, 1d6+5=7 radiant damage.

"Bah! Moradin! We're needin' more help than that!!"

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry moves near the spider and stabs him to be able to concentrate at the hobgoblins.

Move: K-28
Sly Flourish sword attack: 1d20+7=12, 1d6+9=14

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Moradin doesn't seem to be doing much for Frivry's blade, either.

Gran, Dyrnwyna

Male Human Paladin/3

"Let's put his spider down quickly" Gran pulls his glaive to strike. As he does he mutters a small prayer.

"...Your fate is decided and your life ends today"

Divine Strength (minor), +2 to my damage this turn

Enfeebling Strike on S 1d20+7=21; Damage 2d4+7=11

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna's conjured missiles fly fast and accurate, impacting sharply on the spider's bleeding carapace.

magic missile hits reflex 20 for 12 damage

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The spider survives long enough to take one more bite at Gran, which the paladin's armor deflects. The party can make quick work of the arachnid, which is on its last legs, but all of the hobgoblins have withdrawn from sight down the stairs.

Out of initiative

Male Human Paladin/3

"Any ideas on how to handle our hob friends?"

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