Keep on the Shadowfell


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"Ninaran! That woman shall make no more mischief!"

But even with his most terrible spell, the warlock is not able to fulfill that oath ...

Move: to N10
Standard : Curse of the Dark Dream
1d20+4=5 vs Wil

Sustain Minor: Slide Ninaran to O-19

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

"Keep them off of me, I'll break this spell," Dyrnwyna says. She carries on dismantling the spell.

I'm assuming this is a reasonable course of action; if Dyrnwyna would know otherwise, then obviously she'd do something different. Another arcana check: 20. Move to N6; I think you said those squares have cover?

Gran's next, right?

Male Human Paladin/3

"Someone handle the dogs, I'll deal with the dead"

Gran flies into battle with Aecris is hand. The blade glows violently as it nears the undead.

"Time to rest"

He slashes into the first skelton in his way.

Move to M15; Divine Challenge on S2; holy Strike on S2, 1d20+9=17; 1d8+4=5 radiant

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dyrnwyna believes she is making progress on disabling the circle. Meanwhile, Rhianis utters an imprecation against Ninaran, doing no damage, but depriving her of her cover. Gran quickly charges among the skeletons, dispatching the first one.


Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"Rhianis, Frivry, cover the eastern front. I'll be back in a second after I try and deal with these pooches."

Quinn then rushes into the fray behind Gran but stops outside the mausoleum. Taking the symbols of Moradin and Bahumet in hand, he channels their combined divinity to surround the hounds in follow light and immediately after, an aurora of divine light bursts out from him. The nearby necromantic energies seem to stifle his attempts, however.

Move Action: N9, N10, M11, L12
Standard Action: Divine Glow; 10 vs. z1's REFLEX, 17 vs. z2's REFLEX for 7 radiant damage.
Action Point: Turn Undead; 10 vs. z1's WILL, 13 vs. z2's WILL, for 15 radiant damage. Pushed 4 squares towards back of mausoleum and immobilized on a hit. 7 radiant damage on a miss.
Free Action: Activate symbol of battle daily power on previous attack.

Quinn continues to be my unluckiest PBP character. :)

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Quinn's attack is stronger than he knows, as one of the gravehounds is bloodied and pushed back, recoiling from the light of the gods. Even the other is more damaged than Quinn would have expected.

At a command from Ninaran, the skeletons move en masse to better attack Dyrnwyna, eight of them getting shots off at the wizard, two of them hitting even past her mystical shield -8hp to Dyrnwyna

I took the liberty of assuming you'd throw up Shield when attacked by eight opponents

The gravehound lurches forward and bowls into Quinn, ripping at the dwarf with his repulsive jaws -4hp necrotic to Quinn, -5hp ongoing necrotic, and knocked prone.

Frivry, then Ninaran

Male Dwarf Cleric 3
pat512 wrote:

The gravehound lurches forward and bowls into Quinn, ripping at the dwarf with his repulsive jaws -4hp necrotic to Quinn, -5hp ongoing necrotic, and knocked prone

1d20=17 vs. being knocked prone

Quinn stays on his feet thanks to his dwarven sturdiness.

"Bad pooch! Down!"

This is from the Stand Your Ground dwarven racial feature.

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry move near the skeleton and use his sword to stabs the skeleton (S-5).

Sly Flourish sword attack:
1d20+7=17, 1d6+9=13

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Frivry quickly dispatches another skeleton, even as Ninaran, dodging under the branches of a nearby tree launches an arrow at Dyrnwyna with deadly accuracy. -12hp to Dyrnwyna

Dyrwnyna, Rhianis

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Quinn Quartzcutter wrote:
This is from the Stand Your Ground dwarven racial feature.


Frustrated, the warlock mutters an invective then casts another spell at the elven foe.

Witchfire: 1d20+4=12 vs Ref
Damage 2d6+3=6
Target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Male Human Paladin/3

"Hey Quinn! Is it true you take the head off the beast the rest of the body died!?"

Gran rushes forward at elven woman

Move to K18; Divine Challenge on Ninaran; Enfeebling Strike 1d20+5=25, CRIT]; Damage 1d8+5=13, plus 1d6=4, 17 damage total, and Ninaran takes -2 on all attack roll until the end om my next turn

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

"Ouch! I thought I said to keep them off of me!" Dyrnwyna complains. But she shrugs off the pain and keeps working to dismantle the necromantic circle.

Thanks for the Shield, that's just fine. :) 3rd arcana check: 29. If that disables it, D will move to J10.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn grasps his chest as the bite wound continues to fester.

"This is going to rot already. We need to consolidate! If ye' can't deactivate the circle quickly, we could really some fireballs or somethin!" Quinn shouts out.

Quinn takes 5 ongoing necrotic damage.
Move Action: Shift over to M11
Standard Action: Sacred Flame vs. z1; 15 vs REFLEX for 9 radiant damage
Minor Action: Healing Word on Drynwyna; Drynwyna spends a healing surge and 1d6+4=7 extra hit points.

Save vs. Ongoing 1d20=11

Current HP: 32/41

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

As Dyrnwyna finishes negating the ritual, the undead opponents collapse into heaps of bone and rotting flesh, leaving only Ninaran.

Assuming Gran keeps his action, Quinn's up for a re-do, then Frivry.

Male Human Paladin/3

Oh yeah I'm still hitting her

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry moves for been able to see this elven foes and be an useful member for his comrades. (Move to O-13)

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Move Action: Move to J16
Standard Action: Charge to J18. Basic Melee Attack vs. Ninaran; Another natural 1, won't bother posting it.

Also, no heal on Drynwyna for now since she's probably out of danger.

Good job Dyrnwyna!

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"How dare you?," Ninaran screams at Dyrnwyna, even as she bolts for cover.

Shift + move 7

Dyrnwyna, Rhianis

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

"It wasn't terribly difficult," Dyrnwyna sneers. "Shoddy work. You should be ashamed." She follows after the fleeing archer, sending a pair of magic missiles ahead of her. But the chase throws off her aim, and her spell crumbles a nearby headstone.

Move to P13. magic missile hits reflex 9 for 10 damage.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhiannis, Gran

Rhianis attempts another spell, but it fizzles.

"Bah! What has become of my magic? I am no better than a third-rate prestidigitator."

Eldritch Blast : 1d20+4=7

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Rhianis wrote:
"Bah! What has become of my magic? I am no better than a third-rate prestidigitator."

Actually, that was typical of Rhian(n)is's previous player's rolls as well. The warlock's curse!

Male Human Paladin/3

Odd thing, when I scored my crit the attack modifier was +5, but the actual modifier is +9. Where in the Nine did I come up with +5

Gran speeds off after her

Move to Q17; Enfeebling Strike 1d20+9=26; Damage 1d8+5=7

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Bloodied. Quinn, Frivry.

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry moves the elvish foe to be able to stop this threat for the town.

Move: to R-16
Sly Flouris sword attack: 1d20+7=21, 1d6+9=13

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn jogs after the much faster combatants.

"Stand still ye' darned fool elf!"

Move Action: Move to O17
Standard Action: Sacred Flame vs. Ninaran; 21 vs. REFLEX for 6 radiant damage.

"She's powerless now. No sense killin' her. We'll find out what she was doin' here and leave her for Winterhaven's justice."

Quinn is aiming to wound if he happens to be the one to finish her off.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"I yield," Ninarin gasps, trying to recover from Frivry's near deadly blow. She does not drop her bow, but it is lowered in one hand.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"Drop the bow lady. We ain't fallin' for any funny business."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

She carefully sets the bow on the ground, then straightens, "My name is Ninaran, dwarf."

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"I'll be sure to tell Winterhaven's guard that when we turn ye' in. Now hands behind yer' back, you know the drill."

Quinn unfurls his length of rope.

"Frivry, ye' mind givin' me a hand with this? Yer' hands are better suited for the task I'm thinkin'."

Quinn works about getting the elf's hands tied behind her back. He also puts a length around her neck and ties the other end around his waist and directs her to walk out front.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"As you wish," the elf complies, seemingly unbowed though greviously injured. "My Master will take care of me, here or in prison, in life or in death."

"No such thing, villainess. From now on justice shall 'take care' of you!"

Probably a line that belongs in a superhero game :)

Male Human Paladin/3

"No such thing, villainess. From now on justice shall 'take care' of you!"

Gran blinks and shakes his head as the dreck pours from the eladrin's mouth.

"Ah..." the only thing to escape his mouth as he tries to mind his manners.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

If she were dying Quinn would heal her, but unless she's about to keel over then she's not getting any special treatment. Tough dwarf love.

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

"Okay, I'll bite. Who is your master, who's so powerful that he can 'take care' of you even if in prison, or dead? If he's the one who taught you to make ritual circles that are that flimsy, I'd rethink my reliance on him, if I were you." Dyrnwyna asks, showing little interest beyond idle curiosity.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Ninaran spits in Dyrnwyna's general direction and goes silent.

Back to town? Two ayes have it (or whatever else they vote for)

Male Human Paladin/3

"Let's get her back quickly. I'm sure there's more here that need fixing."

Male Dwarf Cleric 3


Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna shrugs. "Please yourself. I'm sure your master isn't important enough to be worth our time, anyway. Perhaps your silence will make up for your rather feeble performance here." She smirks; clearly she believes no such thing.

"Quinn, could you have a look at these small wounds as we dispose of this one? We may have more work to do yet."

I think D took 12 damage, yes? If travelling back to town counts as a short rest, might as well use a healing word to get back to full rather than just spending a surge, leaving 3 damage.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"No problem," says Quinn and he raises up his holy symbol.

Quinn blesses Drynwyna with some of Moradin's healing grace. She gets a surge plus 1d6+5=7 hit points.

I'll spend one surge myself to get to full HP.

"I think we can afford a short rest before we head to town."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Apologies, folks, but there will be some delay. I might be able to update properly later today, but will be only minimally online Wed. & Thurs, so it might not make much difference. I'll do my best.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The bound Ninaran precedes Quinn on the road back to town, even as the others take up formation around the pair.

The gates to Winterhaven are still shut, but one of the guards immediately runs for Lord Padraig, who comes to the gate and orders it open for you.

"Ninaran? But . . .

"What's happened here? Why do you have Ninaran?"

Male Human Paladin/3

"Seems she and her 'master' have something to so with the missing people and the dead rising"

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"Aye, it's just as he says. Found this one performing all kindsa' nasty rituals that any decent sort wouldn't be foolin' with. She also openly attacked us."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

At Padraig's orders, the guards escort Ninaran to the guardhouse, while Padraig himself escorts you to Wrafton's to stand drinks and dinner. He wants to hear the whole story of your time away

Five days or so, so please summarize what you report.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn gratefully begins devouring his food, having grown weary of trail rations over the last few days.

"There's an old abandoned keep yonder down the road. Ye've probably some knowledge of it. There be a whole pack of gobos in there and a buncha' stinkin' undead as well. There've been a few other monstrosities as well but I think ye' get the picture. We've been down and around there for the last coupla' days tryin' to clear the place out. It looks like we got our work cut out for us. Can't say I'm surprised seein' as how some kinda' death cult is behind it. Haven't learned a whole helluva' lot more than that yet."

Quinn continues munching on his food and then stops. "Oh, and apparently there's some big rift to the Shadowfell down in the basement of this place. I reckon' they're going to try and open it," he adds and then takes a long drink.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Padraig blanches at Quinn's tale, so casually reported. "We need Valthrun on this." Turning to one of the other patrons, he snaps, "Harrin, get Valthrun -- now!." He seems about to address Quinn, when Harrin is nearly bowled over at the door by a young guardsman, waving a small piece of vellum at Lord Padraig. "Sir -- you need to see this; Ninaran had it."

Lord Padraig reads the writing, then passes it silently to Quinn.


In delicate handwriting:
"I received your report on the adventurers. Next time you see them, put an end to their meddling. Mix the blood of ten people with the elixir my messenger brings. Then trace the following pattern on the ground of a graveyard and pour the liquid into the lines. That should supply you with a force to thwart them. I’m very close to completion; see that I’m not interrupted. As you already know, if you do come to the second level of the keep, the pass phrase is 'From the ground, some magic was found.'

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