Vestigial, Vacant-eyed Head, Wriggling Tentacle Campaign of Curaigh

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Anyone know a site where I can download the DnD books from? I already have them all but I got a laptop and im tired of lugging around a few hundred pounds of books with me when I game.

Urdok wrote:
Anyone know a site where I can download the DnD books from? I already have them all but I got a laptop and im tired of lugging around a few hundred pounds of books with me when I game. sells PDFs of all the WotC books, but generally they're not that much cheaper than the actual books. If you own the books and you just want an electronic copy and you don't want to have to pay for the book twice. Well then you'll have to root around in the dark corners of Knockturn Alley for a "converted" (as the Aussies say) copy. But we all know what happens in Knockturn, so the upshot is that you're basically screwed.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i happen to have a good amount of them on pdf, mostly 3.5 rules, can i ask what you might be looking for

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Thanks a ton for the responses. Mostly I would just like the PHB, DMG, Monster Manuals, and the complete series, warrior arcane adventurer etc.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Cora wrote:
I know that the DM is really busy this time of year but I was wondering if there had been any progress in the area of Monkey Paw items?

If by progress you mean did I write your numbers down so I could take them home and tell you what your choices are? Yes. Twice. i will have to do it a third time as I seemed to have lost that too.

Sorry for the slow bits here. The students are in and warm-body-counts start today (love throwing that term around :). I should be posting daily now.

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

well i have all of them, i will send them to you
do you have an e-mail?
and i will send you the players 1+2, dm 1+2 the monsters books i have, and the Complete sets, as well as stormwack, sandstorm, frostmorn things

Lantern Lodge

Well, I know how the Check-in thing can be really obnoxious. The first few weeks at the Rec Center weren't much fun either. I lost count at how many times I had to explain the Vandal Card rule in the first week. Ugh!

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7
Kail'ar wrote:

well i have all of them, i will send them to you

do you have an e-mail?
and i will send you the players 1+2, dm 1+2 the monsters books i have, and the Complete sets, as well as stormwack, sandstorm, frostmorn things

wow that is really great of you, my e-mail is That is really really nice thanks a ton.

Lantern Lodge

You know... I should have recognized the dwarf. Everything about him seemed so familiar; the way he talks, the unabashed way he hits on the girl, even the way he looks.

Of course, we haven't seen each other since you moved to CDA. How's it going?

By the way, I have the mini for Rend if you would like it back.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

lol naw its ok I can get another easy enough.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7
Kyzjin wrote:

You know... I should have recognized the dwarf. Everything about him seemed so familiar; the way he talks, the unabashed way he hits on the girl, even the way he looks.

Of course, we haven't seen each other since you moved to CDA. How's it going?

By the way, I have the mini for Rend if you would like it back.

I wonder if Scott is still going to give me an RP bonus now that he knows I am just being myself :P

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Urdok wrote:
Kyzjin wrote:

You know... I should have recognized the dwarf. Everything about him seemed so familiar; the way he talks, the unabashed way he hits on the girl, even the way he looks.

Of course, we haven't seen each other since you moved to CDA. How's it going?

By the way, I have the mini for Rend if you would like it back.

I wonder if Scott is still going to give me an RP bonus now that he knows I am just being myself :P

...A shadowy figures forms from the sand. At first, the sand seems to grow into a humanoid figure. "Gods!" someone gasps. Through the roaring maw a whiff of cinnamon and maple reaches across the air. The beast is not sand, but oatmeal--salty oatmeal. The oatmeal golem.

historic check

During an early Monster Mash I threatened people who unbalanced the game with various curses; one of which was salty oatmeal. This evolved into the oatmeal golem and though I have better 'bouncers' now, the Oatmeal Golem can still shake adventurers in their boots!

OK I have one big project to finish at work and then I will post. I should be on two of the three days this weekend.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7


M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Urdok wrote:


he heh

also a thread I frequent Adventures of Youtube

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Any of you guys who know the rules better than me know what it would cost in exp and money to make a wand of magic missile at level 5 so i can get the 3 missiles?

Lantern Lodge

Urdok wrote:
Any of you guys who know the rules better than me know what it would cost in exp and money to make a wand of magic missile at level 5 so i can get the 3 missiles?

The gold would cost you 937.5 gold

The XP would cost you 75 XP

It would require 4 days to create.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

thanks, now for us to get in gear and find some TREASURE!

M Human Fighter 6
DM & vestigial dm wrote:
Fortunately some of the dry goods that were meant to supply the colony of Farshore remain intact. After only a couple of hours of searching the two come up with a number of items including 30 pounds of food, 20 pounds of feed, a masterwork heavy crossbow, 4 pints of lamp oil, two cases of crossbow bolts (20 total) 100 feet of hemp rope, 3 waterskins, a small wooden case with 2 potions of cure moderate wounds a watertight scroll tube, and an explorer's outfit. About an hour before sunset they have managed create some small rafts and lash all the gear together.


any good way to carry this stuff?
bags, backpacks?
lamp oil, but did we find a lamp?

scabbard would have been nice, and armor, a set of leather or studded.


Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

If your really nice my character would be happy to share his armor with you, its magic so it will re-size and I think your more likely to be in combat than me anyway. I made the character specifically to be all about helping the group as a whole.

Lantern Lodge

Teaglin also has a set of half plate that is extra. Of course, I would require it back once we found you another set.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Jas the Shipwright wrote:
DM & vestigial dm wrote:
Fortunately some of the dry goods that were meant to supply the colony of Farshore remain intact. After only a couple of hours of searching the two come up with a number of items including 30 pounds of food, 20 pounds of feed, a masterwork heavy crossbow, 4 pints of lamp oil, two cases of crossbow bolts (20 total) 100 feet of hemp rope, 3 waterskins, a small wooden case with 2 potions of cure moderate wounds a watertight scroll tube, and an explorer's outfit. About an hour before sunset they have managed create some small rafts and lash all the gear together.


any good way to carry this stuff?
bags, backpacks?
lamp oil, but did we find a lamp?

scabbard would have been nice, and armor, a set of leather or studded.


I rolled it randomly from the chart, so you will have to be creative from here. You can assume you have leather or studded, but the other's offers might be nicer *shrug* there is enough of the sail and other water logged materials you can make some bags with though and an extra belt with a ring from the rigging should do for a scabbard if you want.

M Human Fighter 6

"the sail and other water logged materials you can make some bags with though and an extra belt with a ring from the rigging should do for a scabbard if you want."

k, we'll do all that the next day.

Teaglin, I'll accept your offer of that half plate.


Male Aventi Cleric 6

I'll assume that I lent you the half plate before retiring and explained its usage along with an admonition for its return.

The armor allows you to make a bullrush attempt with no attacks of opportunity 3 times per day.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,

I recently read a post on how to run a better pbp. One thing that apperantly (why do I insist on using a word so frequently when I can never spell it?) it helps for the DM to make choices for the party. Not sure how much of that I agree with (otherwise it would not be Rpg.) but I can see that it will help move things along. So if I move the adventure along and you wanted to do something else, write it in past tense and I will assume it happened.

Game-breaking actions will be an exception--so no before you add it, you did not stick the rocket launchers in your backpack before leaving port. :)

It was also suggested that the party have a 'speaker' or caller. One person the rest agree with for the minor choices (left or right door, run or attack, open the chest before or after the rest leave the room). In some cases the speaker might change (say: when the trapfinder is trying to pick locks). I think that will help, any volunteers?

d'oh! if I was smarter I would have added a link to that discussion. Oh well, maybe at lunch. and y'all can tell me what other suggestions to incorporate. Not that you have to get suggetions from the thread, you can offer your own....


Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

I have noticed a slight more need of a nudge than in regular DnD to get people to move along. I am pretty much alway's gonna make a post about every encounter so as long as it doesnt annoy everyone I dont mind being the "face" even though I am a dwarf I think I have the highest charisma anyway.

Male Aventi Cleric 6

I could go along with Urdok being speaker, though he is rather short. :)

Fang can't be the speaker for obvious reasons. :D

I'd love a link to the post. I've been fooling around with PbP's for awhile and I've never quite got one to gel, so maybe I'm an example of what not to do. But I do know that they really take a DM who can drive things forward, and by that I don't mean railroading the players, but more that to borrow from Dune "the posts must flow!" This means IMHO:

1. Checking the board at least once if not twice a day.
2. If you can't post because you're waiting on people, then make a short post listing who you're waiting on and what information you need from them.
3. Put in a "If I don't hear from you I'm going to assume you're doing X"
4. If everyone has posted, but you're not quite ready post then say that. If you haven't posted players may assume that you're waiting for them.

Obviously this is reasonably time-consuming, but what did you expect? :D

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Urdok = Concentrated style just add height

M Human 6

With my schedule, I could look at the post more than once a day.
But, to be truthful, I don't.

Someone else being the "speaker" for the party is cool with me.

I haven't been posting everyday, but the pace of the game doesn't seem to need for me to post everyday.

Just some impressions from my side of the fence. :)

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

That is a freakin sweet picture for your Avatar by the way Geshin.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Dire Kobold wrote:

Fang can't be the speaker for obvious reasons. :D

I'd love a link to the post. I've been fooling around with PbP's for awhile and I've never quite got one to gel, so maybe I'm an example of what not to do. But I do know that they really take a DM who can drive things forward, and by that I don't mean railroading the players, but more that to borrow from Dune "the posts must flow!" This means IMHO:

1. Checking the board at least once if not twice a day.
2. If you can't post because you're waiting on people, then make a short post listing who you're waiting on and what information you need from them.
3. Put in a "If I don't hear from you I'm going to assume you're doing X"
4. If everyone has posted, but you're not quite ready post then say that. If you haven't posted players may assume that you're waiting for them.

Obviously this is reasonably time-consuming, but what did you expect? :D

Found it (after asking for help cause I could not find it myself... on PBPs general discussion for all players. It has grown a page or two since I have seen it so I need to go back and read some more. O:)

Geshin I think once a day is more than we can ask from the players (though you are welcome too if you want). I think DK was referring to the DM (slacker DM anyway what a jerk :). Point taken I usually check the pages more than once, and could post more than once a day. Expect me to post at least once a day (though on a weekend I will skip one of those days... and other days (like when I run the UT Ragnorak next June) I will post abscences ahead of time.

Urdok wrote:
... Urdok makes all sorts of random gestures from at least 6 religions your recognize and others you don't. ...

A small geyser of sand erupts from the beach. When the dust settles a small figure in black cloak, a bent copper wire and a one-eyed turtle are seen. Though you can not understand what they are saying they shake their fists, stomp their feet, and make other angry gestures at Urdok. Suddenly a small thundercloud appears above the dwarf's nose. A blast of lightning erupts from the cloud connecting with prodigious probiscus. Content that the blasphemer has been smote the three beings disapaer in another spray of sand.

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

That made me literally laugh out loud, I had a REALLY long day at work and that is exactly what I needed, thank you very much :D

M Human Fighter 6
Teaglin wrote:

I'll assume that I lent you the half plate before retiring and explained its usage along with an admonition for its return.

The armor allows you to make a bullrush attempt with no attacks of opportunity 3 times per day.

Hey, Teaglin, did this armor have any other bonuses?

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Throughout the day Cora has managed to steal the flambouyant clothing right off of Urdok's back, leaving him embarrasingly free.

Ill just braid a brand new set of dud's from my back hair!!

Male Aventi Cleric 6

Nope, Sorry. Just basic half plate but it is magical and gives the bullrush benefit but not anything else.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,

The armor is a monkey paw item. It should not work for anyone other than Teaglin, but we can not have you running through the dino-fested jungle in just your loin cloth--well we could but you would steal all of Fang's thunder. Oh wait Urdock is also au natural! Egods! this game is getting to Savage for me! *grin*

When in combat do you prefer it if we post in initiative order, or do you care?

And was that just a pun? I think you have to punch yourself...

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Dire Kobold wrote:

When in combat do you prefer it if we post in initiative order, or do you care?

And was that just a pun? I think you have to punch yourself...

Savage was a pun *ouch* anything else was unintentional. (the unintentional puns are usually the funny ones. :)

On initiative I would prefer we do NOT post in order except at the beginning. In this case those people who go before the critters, then the critters, then everyone. It is cyclical at that point so the people at the end of the round will go right before the people in the beginning though I will make sure everyone does action 1 before action 2 of anyone else.

If you want a particular move (ie not attack until I can get flank) I will work that in. Even if you do not ask I will assume the best possible tactical move for your action (you are level 9 now). I will do the damage in ini order, but you can post an action right after the critters go.

I was just trying to scare you with the level 9 bit.
A point about spoilers: There will be some determiner to say when a spoiler should be read. if you do not make/qualify the spoiler you should wait until another pc posts the spoiler info. That is if you failed the listen check you should not know that I need initiatives *wink*

M Human 6
Curaigh wrote:
The armor is a monkey paw item. It should not work for anyone other than Teaglin, but we can not have you running through the dino-fested jungle in just your loin cloth--well we could but you would steal all of Fang's thunder. Oh wait Urdock is also au natural! Egods! this game is getting to Savage for me! *grin*

In that case, you said I found a set of studded leather on the ship.

I'll go with the studded leather armor.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,

I assumed (to keep things moving) a short stay based on the heart and the loin cloth posts. Fill in more blanks if you want to. When I assume like this you can always back up the story so it will be funner for you. I would not make these assumptions table top and hence worry about it here. Please let me know if I stepped on anyone's toes or fun. (still new to the pbp dm. :)

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

It would be fun and stay in character for Urdok to not even care about what he makes them out of, so DM's discretion on that one :D. Just try not to kill him please lol

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Fang and Urdok are actually singing this song

Urdok wrote:

Fang and Urdok are actually singing this song

Good Catch! (Curaigh as well) This one might be even closer:


Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

So since Magic missile has practically a forever range, let me know when I can start lobbing them

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

So I found the perfect equivalent for Urdok in a movie the other night. I watched Tombstone the other day and Doc Holiday is PERFECT, except for the whole cowboy instead of a pirate thing.

Lantern Lodge

have you never seen that film before?

Male Dwarf Warmage / 7

Nope just happened to catch it on TCM, fantastic movie. Havn't watched to many westerns actually

Lantern Lodge

Tombstone never seems to fall into the western category for me, guess it's cause Val Kilmer is in it. great movie though.

M Draco Electricus author 2, herper 4, canine exerciser 9,
Urdok wrote:
So I found the perfect equivalent for Urdok in a movie the other night. I watched Tombstone the other day and Doc Holiday is PERFECT, except for the whole cowboy instead of a pirate thing.

Doc Holiday has a hat.

and other clothes.

OK I need to apologize, I got caught up in open call and had to try a submission. I made it by the deadline with only a minute to spare. so I really did not make it. And since it is a first draft, probably a wasted effort. I will be back on track tomorrow.

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