Atsettam |
Hello, the following is my attempt to "complete" the list of true dragons that have been given in books such as the Draconomicon and in Races of the Dragon.
This is labeled "Unofficial" since some of the true dragons were not given half-dragon entries by their creators.
Every official and Dragon Magazine true dragon from 3rd edition has been included as well as the two from Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics*.
*(Logos and Pathos dragons created by Tempest Stormwind).
I hope you find this to be of use. :)
Note* This is a mirror post of a thread found here. http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1020042
I apologize that the information is not neatly organized. I am not used to posting on this site
Atsettam |
Half-Dragon Varieties
Name Alignment Type Breath Weapon/Special Attack Immunity/Special Ability Location
Adamantine NG Planar Cone of fire Fire Dragon 321
Amethyst N Gem Line of force Poison Monster Manual II
Astral N Planar Cone of dust(Untyped damage) None Dragon 344
Arboreal CG Planar Cone of thorns(Piercing damage) Resistance to acid 20 and sonic 20 Dragon 321
Battle NG Planar Cone of sonic Sonic Draconomicon
Beast NG or CG Planar Cone of cold and electricity Resistance to cold 20 and electricity 20 Dragon 321
Black CE Chromatic Line of acid Acid Monster Manual
Blue LE Chromatic Line of electricity Electricity Monster Manual
Brainstealer LE None Mind blast Acid Dragon 337
Brass CG Metallic Line of fire Fire Monster Manual
Bronze LG Metallic Line of electricity Electricity Monster Manual
Brown NE Faerunian Line of acid Acid Monsters of Faerun
Chaos Any Chaotic Planar Line of random energy Confusion/Insanity Draconomicon
Chiang lung LN Lung Cause rain Water breathing Oriental Adventures
Chole CE Planar Cone of insanity vapors None Dragon 344
Chromium LE Ferrous Line of solid ice(cold) Cold Dragon 356
Cobalt LE Ferrous Line of pulsing magnetic energy(force) Electricity Dragon 356
Concordant TN Planar Cone of antithetical energy Poison Dragon 321
Copper CG Metallic Line of acid Acid Monster Manual
Crystal CN Gem Cone of light(Untyped damage) Cold Monster Manual II
Deep CE Faerunian Cone of acidic gas Charm effects Monsters of Faerun
Dzalmus CE Faerunian Cone of vampiric gas Enchantment effects Dragon 349
Ectoplasmic CN Planar Line of whitefire Ectoplasm Resilience Mind’s Eye
Elysian NG Planar Line of sonic Sonic Dragon 344
Emerald LN Gem Cone of sonic Sonic Monster Manual II
Ethereal N Planar Cone of force None Draconomicon
Fang CN Faerunian Ability drain None Draconomicon
Force N Epic Cone of force None Epic Level Handbook
Gloom NE Fiendish Cone of apathy gas None Dragon 344
Gold LG Metallic Cone of fire Fire Monster Manual
Green LE Chromatic Cone of acidic gas Acid Monster Manual
Hex NE Arcane Line of venom Disease and Poison Dragon 343
Howling CN or CE Fiendish Cone of sonic Sonic Draconomicon
Incarnum Any nonneutral None Cone of resonating energy(Untyped damage) None Magic of Incarnum
Iron LN Ferrous Cone of sparks(electricity) Fire Dragon 356
Li lung N Lung Roar Burrow 10ft. Oriental Adventures
Logos Any Lawful Ego Line of force None Untapped Potential
Lung wang N Lung Cone of steam (fire) Water breathing Oriental Adventures
Mercury CG Faerunian Line of golden light (fire) Fire Monster Mayhem
Mist N Faerunian Cone of steam (fire) Resistance to acid 20 and fire 20 Monster Mayhem
Nickel LE Ferrous Cone of acidic gas Acid Dragon 356
Obsidian NE Gem Cone of fire Fire Mind’s Eye
Oceanus NG Planar Line of electricity Electricity Draconomicon
Orange NE Chromatic Line of volatile saliva(Untyped damage) Water breathing Dragon Compendium
Pan lung LN Lung Water fire Water breathing Oriental Adventures
Pathos Any Chaotic Ego Cone of crystals(Slashing damage) None Untapped Potential
Prismatic N Epic Searing light Blindness effects Epic Level Handbook
Purple LE Chromatic Cone of force None Dragon Compendium
Pyroclastic LE or NE Fiendish Cone of fire and sonic Fire or Sonic (50% chance for either) Draconomicon
Radiant LG Planar Line of force None Draconomicon
Rattelyr LE Faerunian Cone of fire Fire Shining South
Red CE Chromatic Cone of fire Fire Monster Manual
Rust LN or LE Fiendish Line of acid None Draconomicon
Sand CN None Cone of grit(Untyped damage) Fire Sandstorm
Sapphire LN Gem Cone of sonic Electricity Monster Manual II
Shadow CE Faerunian Cone of energy drain Energy drain Draconomicon
Shen lung LN Lung Water fire Water breathing Oriental Adventures
Silver LG Metallic Cone of cold Cold Monster Manual
Song CG or CN Faerunian Cone of electrically-charged gas Electricity Monsters of Faerun
Steel LG or LN None Cone of acidic gas +10 on all Fortitude saves against poison Monster Mayhem
Styx NE Fiendish Line of acid Disease and Poison Draconomicon
Tarterian NE or CE Fiendish Line of force None Draconomicon
Tien lung LN Lung Cone of fire Water breathing Oriental Adventures
Time TN Epic Cone of time expulsion Slow effects Dragon 359
Tome LN Arcane Line of adaptive energy None Dragon 343
Topaz CN Gem Cone of dehydration(Untyped damage) Cold Monster Manual II
Tungsten LG Ferrous Cone of blasting sand(fire) Fire Dragon 356
Tun mi lung NE Lung Gust of Wind Water breathing Oriental Adventures
White CE Chromatic Cone of cold Cold Monster Manual
Yellow CE Chromatic Cone of salt(Untyped damage) Water breathing Dragon Compendium
Yu lung N Lung None Water breathing Oriental Adventures
Atsettam |
Breath Weapon Specifics:
A half-dragon’s line-shaped breath weapon is always 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 60 feet long. A half-dragon’s cone-shaped breath weapon is always 30 feet long, 30 feet high, and 30 feet wide.
Unless otherwise noted, all breath weapons deal 6d8 damage, and a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 half-dragon’s HD + half-dragon’s constitution modifier) reduces damage by half.
A breath weapon is normally usable once per day.
A half-dragon with a special attack mentioned on the list below that can gain the ability to use its half-dragon breath weapon more than once per day can instead use its special attack that many times per day.
Special abilities that increase the damage of a half-dragon’s breath weapon have no effect on any half-dragon’s special attack.
Ability drain (Ex):
Three times per day a half-fang dragon can choose to deal 1d4 points of constitution drain with its bite attack (Fort DC 14 negates). The decision to use this ability must be made before the attack roll is made.
Adaptive energy:
A half-tome dragon’s breath weapon is launched as a line effect that bursts with a radius of 15 feet upon hitting its target. The half-tome dragon may choose which element is used.
Air element = Sonic damage
Earth element = Piercing damage
Fire element = Fire damage
Water element = Nonlethal bludgeoning damage
Antithetical energy:
Any creature hit by the breath weapon of a half-concordant dragon takes a certain kind of damage depending on how its alignment varies from neutral, suffering the listed breath weapon damage. Creatures with one neutral aspect to their alignment take 6d4 damage. Creatures with no neutral aspect to their alignment take 12d4 damage. Neutral creatures take no damage. A creature caught in the cone may make a Will save (DC 17) to take half damage.
Apathy gas:
Any creature caught in the cone must succeed on a Will save (DC 17) or be rendered helpless for 1d6+3 rounds. If damage is dealt to the afflicted creature, it may make another save at the same DC to return to normal.
Cause rain (Su):
A half-chiang lung dragon can breathe storm clouds three times per day, causing rain. The rain lasts for 2d4 hours and extends in a 2-mile radius centered on the half-dragon.
Energy drain:
A half-shadow dragon’s breath weapon is a cone that bestows one negative level (Reflex negates).
Gust of wind:
A half-tun mi lung dragon’s breath is equivalent to a gust of wind spell with an instantaneous duration.
Insanity vapors:
A half-chole dragon’s breath weapon deals 2 points of wisdom and charisma damage. A creature within the area of the vapors must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) to negate the damage. Another Fortitude save must be made 10 rounds later at the same DC to avoid another 2 points of wisdom and charisma damage.
Mind blast (Sp):
This psionic attack is a cone 30 feet long. Anyone caught in the cone must succeed on a Will save (DC 20) or be stunned for 1d4+3 rounds.
Roar (Ex):
A half-li lung dragon can roar three times per day, creating a sound resembling metal scraping against stone. All creatures within 60 feet are automatically deafened for 1 round (no saving throw).
Searing light:
A half-prismatic dragon’s breath weapon is equivalent to a searing light spell (caster level 8th) with a range of 60 feet. The breath weapon deals the following damage;
Creatures: 4d8
Undead: 8d6
Constructs or objects: 4d6
Time expulsion:
A half time dragon’s breath weapon expels its target from the time stream. The creature in question disappears for 3 rounds, after which he/she/it reappears in the same spot. A successful Will save (DC= 10 + ½ the half time dragon’s character level) on contact cancels this effect.
Vampiric gas:
A half-dzalmus dragon’s breath weapon deals 3 points of constitution damage. A creature within the area of the gas must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) to negate the damage. Another Fortitude save must be made 10 rounds later at the same DC to avoid another 3 points of constitution damage.
A half-hex dragon’s breath weapon deals 1d6 points of constitution damage. Two Fortitude saves (DC 16) are required to ignore the primary damage on contact and the secondary damage 10 rounds after exposure.
Water fire (Su):
Three times per day, a half-pan lung or half-shen lung dragon touching or submerged in water can surround itself in an aura of ghostly, flickering, multicolored flames that cause damage to any creature touching it. These flames deal 1d6 points of fire damage to any creature that successfully strikes the half-dragon with a natural weapon or a melee weapon (Such successful attacks still deal normal damage to the half-dragon). Lung dragons and half-lung dragons are immune to water fire. The water fire lasts for 1 minute or until it is exposed to normal or magical fire. If the effect is negated by normal or magical fire, the half-dragon can’t activate the ability again for 2d6 minutes.
White fire:
A half-ectoplasmic dragon’s breath weapon is launched as a line effect that bursts with a radius of 15 feet upon hitting its target. It deals 6d8 fire damage.
Ectoplasm resilience (Ex):
A half-ectoplasmic dragon is immune to any spell, power or ability that dispels, targets, or otherwise (positively or adversely) affects creatures composed of ectoplasm.
Water breathing (Ex):
Half-dragons with this ability may breathe underwater for an indefinite duration and may use their breath weapons, special abilities, and spells/powers underwater at no penalty.
Atsettam |
Errata for Dragon Magazine# 356
Entries omitted for space from the Ferrous Dragons article.
Gruaghlothor is the supreme ruler of the ferrous dragons. His power was once equal to that of Bahamut and Tiamat, before they achieved godhood. According to ferrous dragon legends, Gruaghlothor was the first of the ferrous dragons, and was responsible for creating the hierarchy that all ferrous dragons strictly follow. Several powerful red dragons banded together and destroyed Gruaghlothor, but he swore a dying curse to return for vengeance and not rest until all red dragons are destroyed. As a result of this curse, Gruaghlothor was indeed reborn, but not as the same creature. Should the current Gruaghlothor perish, the great wyrm iron dragons meet to choose one from among their ranks to become the new Gruaghlothor. Through a secret ritual that lasts exactly one year, the new Gruaghlothor emerges to lead the ferrous dragons and plot the extermination of red dragons.
Gruaghlothor possesses a constant telepathic link with all ferrous dragons, and thus even the most evil of the species will not defy his will, for he will know instantly.
Other Ferrous Dragons
Ancient lore tells that twelve or more species of ferrous dragon existed before the great wars that nearly destroyed them. Two species were definitely driven to extinction, though none know the fate or current whereabouts of the other five species, not even the other ferrous dragons. The nature of the seven unknown species remains a mystery, but at least one is probably the magnetite (lodestone) dragon.
The Iron Wars
Several millennia past, civil war erupted between the good and evil ferrous dragons. The impetus for this war, now known as the first Iron War, has been lost to history, but rumors suggest that it began with the discovery of a particularly large deposit of iron ore. Regardless of the cause, many losses were suffered by the ferrous dragons, and their empire began its decline.
The second Iron War was initiated by a group of chaotic dragons known collectively as the rock dragons. Rivalry had long existed between the two groups, but open conflict rarely occurred. Sensing the weakened position of the ferrous dragons, the rock dragons moved in for the kill. The second Iron War ended in the near-extinction of both draconic empires. Tiamat sent her chromatic dragons to crush the last remnants of both.
As a result of the centuries-long Iron Wars, Gruaghlothor has very little tolerance for in-fighting between the ferrous dragons. Instead, he prefers that their enmity be channeled towards the chromatic dragons, particularly the reds.
Like other true dragons, ferrous dragons hoard treasure. All varieties have triple standard treasure for their Challenge Rating. Ferrous dragons are particularly fond of coins and metallic items, hoarding them over gems and other non-metallic treasures.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about ferrous dragons. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This is a ferrous dragon. This result reveals all dragon traits.
20 Ferrous dragons can sense ordinary metals, making it hard to sneak up on one if using metal armor or weapons.
25 The lawful ferrous dragons have a strict hierarchy, with the higher dragons dictating the laws to the lower ones. The hierarchy, from highest to lowest, is iron, chromium, cobalt, tungsten, and nickel.
30 Gruaghlothor, the supreme ruler of all ferrous dragons, maintains a constant telepathic link with all his subjects; should any of them defy his will, he will know instantly.
Atsettam |
What is "Monster Mayhem" ?
Monster Mayhem was a series of 3.0 articles released on the WOTC website that showcased new monsters.
The following were drawn from that series
*Note: I have changed the Mercury Dragon entry to match its appearance in Dragons of Faerun. Change its fire immunity to blindness effects.
Fizzban |
Fizzban wrote:Want to say..something...snarky..must...hold back!
Paizo's boards aren't like WotC where you can go back and add, but we have some many other good things that WotC doesn't.Fizz
I saw an opening to say something about WotC sorry my lesser nature got me, but oh well. Oh I meant so many not some many.
But No love for the Cloud Dragon?
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
Freehold DM wrote:Fizzban wrote:Want to say..something...snarky..must...hold back!
Paizo's boards aren't like WotC where you can go back and add, but we have some many other good things that WotC doesn't.Fizz
I saw an opening to say something about WotC sorry my lesser nature got me, but oh well. Oh I meant so many not some many.
But No love for the Cloud Dragon?
Just to clarify, I wanted to say something snarky about WOTC, not your post.
Andre Caceres |
Andre Caceres wrote:What is "Monster Mayhem" ?Monster Mayhem was a series of 3.0 articles released on the WOTC website that showcased new monsters.
The following were drawn from that series
*Note: I have changed the Mercury Dragon entry to match its appearance in Dragons of Faerun. Change its fire immunity to blindness effects.
Thanks for the info, I should copy all that as I'd be surprised if WOTC or Hasbro I should say will keep it up.
Atsettam |
Here are some other dragon varieties for the list.
* Amber N None Cone of superheated sap (fire) +10 on all Fortitude saves against poison Enworld
* Cobra N Lung Cone of fire Poison Enworld
* Electrum NG None Cone of enfeebling gas None Enworld
* Ethos N Ego Line of psychic energy None UT Web Enhancement
* Jacinth N None Cone of fire Fire Enworld
* Jade N Lung Cone of sonic Sonic Enworld
* Marsh NE None Cone of infectious vapor Disease and Poison Enworld
* Pink CN None Cone of irritant bubbles None Enworld
* Rain LE None Cone of ice crystals (Slashing damage) Resistance to acid 20 and cold 20 Enworld
* Rainbow NE None Cone of elements (1/4 acid, cold, electricity, fire damage) None Enworld
* Stone LN None Cone of slow gas None Enworld
Found here
Special Abilities
Enfeebling gas:
Any creature caught within the cone of enfeebling gas must succeed on Reflex save (DC 16) or become confused (as the confusion spell). This effect has a duration of 3 rounds.
Infectious vapors:
Any creature caught in the area of the cone takes 3d6 points damage (Reflex save half). In addition, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or contract marsh fever.
Marsh Fever: Each day, the victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or take 3d6 hit points of damage. This disease can be cured only by the spells remove disease, heal, or mass heal. The caster must succeed at a caster level check with DC equal to 13.
Irritant bubbles:
Any living creature with eyes caught in the half-pink dragon’s cone, must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or be blinded and sickened for 3d4 rounds.
Psychic energy:
A half-ethos dragon’s breath weapon deals 6d6 empathic (untyped) damage with a Will save (DC 18) for half.
Slow gas:
Any creature caught in the half-stone dragon’s cone must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be slowed for 1d6+3 rounds.