A Strange Loop; Sim's Intro Thread


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Merreck has a quick look of panic flash across his eyes, "Here?! Now? Well I guess we best look inconspicuous. Where's my large facial tattoo, huh?" Merreck snorts. " Ah, why am I getting so worked up. Maybe they will be cute? How many of them are girls, anyway?"

Merreck pulls out a small pocket mirror, and checks his teeth quickly in it. Quickly realizing how silly he is, he begins laughing uproariously.

He turns his head sideways for a moment, when he hears the door to The Hideaway open; he quickly turns his head back so as not to draw attention, but whispers to Sillas "I think they're here."

Merreck ir’Tharias wrote:

Merreck has a quick look of panic flash across his eyes, "Here?! Now? Well I guess we best look inconspicuous. Where's my large facial tattoo, huh?" Merreck snorts. " Ah, why am I getting so worked up. Maybe they will be cute? How many of them are girls, anyway?"

Merreck pulls out a small pocket mirror, and checks his teeth quickly in it. Quickly realizing how silly he is, he begins laughing uproariously.

He turns his head sideways for a moment, when he hears the door to The Hideaway open; he quickly turns his head back so as not to draw attention, but whispers to Sillas "I think they're here."

Sillas laughs "Several of them, I think. Maybe you'll find the lady of your dreams? The one named Aphra sounds like your kind of girl."

When Merreck announces that the others are there, Sillas turns in his chair so that his new tatoo isn't visible from their table.

Sillas is able to convince the inquisitive Halfling, at least for the time being, that he is not Sillas.

There is some awkward shuffling of chairs as some of the group sits down at a table, and the rest are escorted to a private room. Being shown such preferential treatment, you would assume that they must be the Lyrandar heirs. Shortly thereafter, the other two individuals leave the main room and head in the direction of the Lyrandar twins.

The mental conversation ongoing fills in the details for Sim, who is now left at the table with Merreck and Thervi.

"They look a little too wild for me. That Halfling smelled like an animal. I think I'm finished here. I'll see you tonight, boys." says Thervi, pushing in her seat. She leaves The Hideaway without paying a single copper into the growing pool on the table, leaving Merreck and Sillas to foot the bill. She waves back to the table with a sly grin as she heads out the door.

Merreck jeers a little at Thervi as she leaves the bar, before turning to Sillas; "Which one was Aphra? The blond? She looked a little...attached to that other fellow." Merreck leans in a little closer, "When are you going to introduce me?"

"From our conversation it sounded like he drove a skycoach or something."

DM dahn wrote:
I think I'm finished here. I'll see you tonight, boys." says Thervi, pushing in her seat. She leaves The Hideaway without paying a single copper into the growing pool on the table, leaving Merreck and Sillas to foot the bill. She waves back to the table with a sly grin as she heads out the door.

Sillas watches her go. "I love how she offers to help pay the bill when we meet. Its so generous of her."

Merreck ir'Tharias wrote:
Merreck jeers a little at Thervi as she leaves the bar, before turning to Sillas; "Which one was Aphra? The blond? She looked a little...attached to that other fellow." Merreck leans in a little closer, "When are you going to introduce me?"

"I don't actually know. I don't think she's the blonde one; judging by the way she talked to that man, I'd say they're related. Since the Lyrander heirs are twins, I'd have to guess that the woman is Elliryane d'Lyrander and the man is Deerian d'Lyrander."

Merreck ir'Tharias wrote:
Merreck leans in a little closer, "When are you going to introduce me?"

"Probably after I introduce myself.". Sillas waits a for a minute after the Lyrander twins lead the way into the private room before standing and following them. "Come on, let's see what's going on."

Merreck adds another fistful of coin to the table, "Ah, it's your birthday. I'll get this one. Forget about her.", before pushing in his chair and following Sillas into the private room.

While they walk to the room, Merreck puts an arm around Sillas, asking "What did that fool Jorras slip you anyway? An I.O.U. birthday gift?". He doesn't really give Sillas enough time to answer, as he is the one at the door of the room first, pushing it open.

I think this means the end of this intro thread, with you all finally in the same room. We can focus on one thread now. Thanks for your patience!

Thanks for running this game; it's a blast!

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