About to fight The Prince of Demons

Savage Tide Adventure Path

we are nearing the end of our two year game. We have about one or two weeks until the big fight with the big d.

StrifeAKAWarmage wrote:
we are nearing the end of our two year game. We have about one or two weeks until the big fight with the big d.

As an alumni of STAP, good luck! Show that monkey-faced goon that his plan won't work, on this universe or any other that might strangely parallel this one! ;)

ellegua wrote:
Show that monkey-faced goon that his plan won't work, on this universe or any other that might strangely parallel this one! ;)

My own campaign has a little ways to go yet, but I'm tempted to let Demogorgon have his way. With 4th edition coming soon and Faerun going through massive upheaval due to the spell-plague, having Greyhawk go through a similar upheaval would fit right in.

Demogorgon's plans would be perfect for turning Greyhawk into a "points of light" setting that is being advocated for 4e.

Matthew Vincent wrote:
Demogorgon's plans would be perfect for turning Greyhawk into a "points of light" setting that is being advocated for 4e.

Ah. My Greyhawk is converting to Pathfinder, I think. ;)

(My Greyhawk is also converting to Hextor, too. But that's a different story.)



we're starting Prince of Demons this sunday...im thinking another 2 sessions after this one.

dont really plan on continuing in Greyhawk once this AP is done...switching over to pathfinder entirely

-the hamster


Well, the deed is done, Big D is dead and the Savage Tide has ended.

All through the campaign, we've been playing with the massive damage rules in play, and so far they've worked great...most things couldn't be touched on it, a few times it required action point expenditure from the PC's.

And along comes Aly, the 21st lvl Warmage with Iggwilv's Cloak and greater quicken rod.

Boom, Residual Magic-cast Sudden Empowered Sudden Maximized Polar Ray, SR Check = 44 (this was the 2nd round of the combat), did 180 damage, knocking off 10 for resistance Demogorgon takes 170 cold damage, rolls his Fort DC 15 save vs. Massive Damage Death.

(mind you, i roll in the open when DM'ing...no fudging dice either way for me and my group)

Nat-1, Demogorgon goes down with his demonic heart flash frozen in place.

The best part is that Aly chose NOT to roll for the domination of the layer (and elevation to princess of demons)...if she had, she would have beaten Grazz't's Nat-20 roll of 62 by 2.

So, Demorgon is dead, his soul consigned to Ahazu, Grazzt is the new prince of demons, and the party managed to destroy the Master Pearl and track down the lesser shadow pearls.

Not bad for a year and a half of D&D, i'd say.

-the hamster

psionichamster wrote:

Well, the deed is done, Big D is dead and the Savage Tide has ended.

All through the campaign, we've been playing with the massive damage rules in play, and so far they've worked great...most things couldn't be touched on it, a few times it required action point expenditure from the PC's.

And along comes Aly, the 21st lvl Warmage with Iggwilv's Cloak and greater quicken rod.

Boom, Residual Magic-cast Sudden Empowered Sudden Maximized Polar Ray, SR Check = 44 (this was the 2nd round of the combat), did 180 damage, knocking off 10 for resistance Demogorgon takes 170 cold damage, rolls his Fort DC 15 save vs. Massive Damage Death.

(mind you, i roll in the open when DM'ing...no fudging dice either way for me and my group)

Nat-1, Demogorgon goes down with his demonic heart flash frozen in place.

The best part is that Aly chose NOT to roll for the domination of the layer (and elevation to princess of demons)...if she had, she would have beaten Grazz't's Nat-20 roll of 62 by 2.

So, Demorgon is dead, his soul consigned to Ahazu, Grazzt is the new prince of demons, and the party managed to destroy the Master Pearl and track down the lesser shadow pearls.

Not bad for a year and a half of D&D, i'd say.

-the hamster

Not bad at all Sir Hamster, not bad at all. I was impressed that Demogorgon didn't zip right in on top of his Master Pearl and stomp in a mudhole in the escapee. Baboon toe jam anyone ?

Congratulations on concluding the Savage Tide!

It's a little anti-climactic to have the big, bad guy fail a DC 15 save, but fair is fair after all!

Congratulations on finishing the marathon! :)

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