
Forum Games

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Another test!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Gary Teter wrote:
Another test!

Hmmm. Not a very successful test I guess.


Gary Teter wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Another test!
Hmmm. Not a very successful test I guess.

Your crafty escape to another thread will not avail you. Your avatar will be consumed. It is inevitable.


The Exchange

Should we get an Inoculation from this?

What are we testing?

Scarab Sages

If this is an experimental test, do we get paid?

Hmm... maybe we are part of an experiment, and are secretly being viewed by a higher being...


is this where we report for drugs?

No! It can't be a test! I am not ready for it! ~runs away screaming like a little girl~

They think I'm using steroids, they don't believe I'm a dretch..

Scarab Sages

I got my pencil. Gimmie something to write on man.

Favorite animal?
a. Dretch
b. Frog
c. Lumberjack
d. Other? _________

Scarab Sages

d. smurfalopogus

:O a smurf?

If you answered "d." to the majority of these questions, you are officially wierd :)

Scarab Sages

E pluribus werdium



Wow, a 11+ year old revival.
I think that may be a record.
Someone has too much time on their hands.

Sovereign Court

With you and I being among them, Doc!

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