ISO a specific issue

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I remember a Dragon - maybe up to 2 years old - that had an article about things a weapon or armorsmith can do to enhance his craft with stylized signatures: like making them harder to sunder, harder to disarm, resistant to acid etc.

Can anyone please tell me the Issue number and date.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Issue # 358 (Aug 2007), "Master's Forge" is the article you might be looking for.

Liberty's Edge

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Issue # 358 (Aug 2007), "Master's Forge" is the article you might be looking for.

Thanks, friend. Thats it!


There was an issue that featured an expanded feat selection for Soulknives in the class acts section, does anyone remember what issue that was?

Sovereign Court

Matthew Emler wrote:
There was an issue that featured an expanded feat selection for Soulknives in the class acts section, does anyone remember what issue that was?

Dragon 341. (The March 2006 issue, I think.)

Am I totally insane or was there a "Future Hawk" write up at one point sort of a modern GH?

Pholtus wrote:
Am I totally insane or was there a "Future Hawk" write up at one point sort of a modern GH?

Found it never mind it was the Greyhawk 2000 article from issue 277

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