When Good PCs go Bad, Part 2

Savage Tide Adventure Path

In the scene when Rowyn made her offer the rogue of the party agreed and even crossed the room to back her up. He was able to bluff her out of a couple of healing potions. Then when it came to a fight the bard got a well placed critical with a light crossbow, the rogue then had to bluff his way out of that one, insisting that he wasn’t really going to betray them.
So they are still in the employ of Lavinia.
Since then, they have been acting more and more like criminal types. We are about half way through chapter 3 and the only original surviving party member is the bard. Every new PC that has been introduced has been either neutral or evil and I think the group is regretting the decision they made when they killed Rowyn.

So I am just trying to think of a way to sort of realign the game mid stream to reflect the current player attitudes. I thought about having Javell recruit them, but they didn’t make a very high diplomacy with her. Another thought was to have Lavinia turn dark, but frankly I don’t like that idea because Lavinia right now is like a shining light of goodness in a wicked world.

Any thoughts?

Ps. The group right now is:
Human Ninja Lv6,
Human Ranger Lv5,
Elf Bard Lv5,
Sea Cliff Dwarf Fighter Lv4,
Human Sorcerer Lv4,
Aventi Wizard Lv4

well, have another Kellani ( they are anumerous bunch, these extended "families" ) step up and take over the business interests of his deceased relative.

First thing on the menu - have the more mercenary characters "eliminate" the sole surviving original killer of Rowyn. Follow this up with some underhand espionage or sabotage mission to throw some sand into Lavinia's gears (all still from the position as her trusted nominal employees ) , and proceed to Farshore, to take over that colony.

As for the sabotage mission - procure some rare alchemical compound from a local alchemical (read "narcotics " ) syndicate and have it turned into a slow-acting chemical agent, which comes conveniently shaped as ballast bars. Then have them sneak aboard the "Blue Nixie" (not killing anyone or leaving traces to alert Lavinia ) and stow this compound in the lowermost row of ballastweights.

The stuff should then slowly eat away at the keel and hull planking, causing sudden leakage (and possibly at least severe delay ) for Lavinia on her way to Farshore, enabling the group (aka the "Kellani agents" ) to arrive there ahead of her and arrange to take over matters.

have the Lellani relative be a mage (or have access to some ) capable of scrying on the characters and demand reports or issue orders via sending spells. And let him have plans to eventually double-cross them (say around the time of ToD's finale ) to close that story-arc, but have the characters actively devoted themselves to the "dark side"

hope this helps

I'm posting this here cause I started this topic and I don't want to hijack anyone's thread.

that said... WTF?!?!?!?!
Why can I not find the link to start a new thread?!?!?! Am I F**king blind!?!?!?!?!

This is really pissing me off, how can there not be a link to start a new thread in this forum?

no I'm not blind, now I see it.
it didn't load at all.

man, I am just having a bad day, one thing after another is just pissing me right off, and its not even lunch time yet.


here we go again...
I finally found the link to post a new thread, wrote the topic and submitted it, and now its gone. its not there at all.
I back up in the browser and the text box is empty (I though Firefox was supposed to be better than Safari? Safari would have kept my text)

lets see if THIS one will post


so, my angry ranting is being posted but not my thoughtful new topic that I came here to post in the first place.

I'm just seething, frustrated beyond the use of screaming

Someonelse wrote:

so, my angry ranting is being posted but not my thoughtful new topic that I came here to post in the first place.

I'm just seething, frustrated beyond the use of screaming

just a hint - when posting along text, I usually mark it all and copy it to the clipboard before submitting it, a habit caused by some unfortunate experiences. Some pages/forums will remember your input into the form-mask, some just won't - often dependent upon your browser setting inasfar as remembering text inserted into forms is concerned.

good luck

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