[G1]Age of Worms consumes the Realms


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Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie took a long sip from her tankard, and pushed it across the table towards the town priest. "I'll be taking free drinks as long as you provide them, reverent. Who knows when we'll next have the chance to be merry?"

The long Easter weekend is over, so I'm back!

"Khellek is fairly sure that none of the other cairns in the area have much in the way of knowledge to be uncovered" Tirra informs Khadath with a small smile "but of course, if you're aware of something that he may not be aware of I'm sure he'd be more than happy to meet with you. Although I'd advise a diplomatic tongue on that one, he doesn't like finding out he's overlooked something"

The elf and the warrior at the table exchange a brief, long suffering glance at one another, as though remembering the last time their wizardly companion had been informed he was wrong before Tirra continues. "But you must excuse me, I have somewhere to be, it was good sharing a drink with you all and I hope to do it again some day soon" She stands and gives a brief bow to the group as she excuses herself.

Auric however stays seated a little while longer. "We're leaving for the Stirgenest tomorrow" He announces vaguely "So if you want to meet with Khellek I'd suggest tonight or when we get back, it shouldn't be more than a few days. Either way I will leave you to discuss it, just leave a message with the bar staff if you need to contact me, Tirra or Khellek, the message will get to us." He tells the collected individuals before following Tirra out of the inn.

I hope this is okay with people, I thought I'd balance out the discussions with the NPCs with the letting PCs have a chat. If you want to do more with Auric & Tirra now they can be easily nabbed.

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Duplicate post, preserved for posterity:

Darie spend some more time amicably chatting with the large warrior, before he excused himself from the inn. Not quite brazen enough to chase him after that, she remained behind, somewhat red-cheeked.

To herself, she wondered if this was as fateful an evening as it seemed to be, but at the same time already knew it likely wouldn't be. Grand adventures never really happened to people like her. Still, it was nice to dream for a while - until the others made clear it had been a joke and a idea born of alcohol and enthusiasm, rather than a serious plan

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie talked some more with the charismatic warrior, and started to genuinely enjoy the conversation - but she was by far not brazen enough to follow him, after he excused himself and left the inn for the night. It would have taken a different kind of girl for that, one that surely would never have worried about the propriety of raiding some long-forgotten ruin.

The whole affair had a dreamlike quality to her as it was. Things like this never really occurred to real people, only to characters from this or that epic. Sooner or later, someone was bound to sober up, announce it was all a rotten idea, and everyone would go their merry way.

Kayotic DM wrote:

Auric however stays seated a little while longer. "We're leaving for the Stirgenest tomorrow" He announces vaguely "So if you want to meet with Khellek I'd suggest tonight or when we get back, it shouldn't be more than a few days. Either way I will leave you to discuss it, just leave a message with the bar staff if you need to contact me, Tirra or Khellek, the message will get to us." He tells the collected individuals before following Tirra out of the inn.

Zereta waits until Auric is out the door before leaning over to Kessel, and asking "Remind friend Kessel, remind me which one is Stirgenest? it sounds familiar but I can't quite place it." downs the last of her mug and hands it to Khadath as he heads for the bar "I have another too.."

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

Kayotic DM wrote:
I hope this is okay with people, I thought I'd balance out the discussions with the NPCs with the letting PCs have a chat. If you want to do more with Auric & Tirra now they can be easily nabbed.

actually my previous post question below was specifically directed at Auric

”So Auric, you mentioned we need to find some sort of treasure within our reach if we wanted to try our hand at adventuring. Do you perhaps know of anyplace where we could get a taste of an adventurers life?"

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym wrote:

Zereta waits until Auric is out the door before leaning over to Kessel, and asking "Remind friend Kessel, remind me which one is Stirgenest? it sounds familiar but I can't quite place it." downs the last of her mug and hands it to Khadath as he heads for the bar "I have another too.."

Knowledge: local (untrained), Knowledge: Bardic (1d20 2=13, 1d20 3=22)

Kessel waits even longer before replying, his eyes on the door, perhaps expecting Auric to return. Finally he turns to Zereta,

"Stirgenest is an empty hole, as far as I know, it's been explored and emptied years ago (most likely by other adventures out of Waterdeep), in fact my sister and I even ventured deep inside and carved our names on the cave walls! I wonder what Khellek will think of that! But speaking of Cairns, did any of you know there's another? Maybe one that's completely unexplored! We discovered it in another of our childhood explorations, but my sister and I didn't have the nerve to venture past the mouth of this cave, for you see strange noises emanated from within . . . that's why it's called the Whispering Cairn. If any of you feel the need to risk your lives adventuring I'd recommend that we try there first . . . and not just because a bard likes a good story and solving mysteries.

"But I'd ask that you not share this information with anyone outside of this room. I don't mind sharing my stories with friends and locals, but I'm not going to give my thoughts to outsiders that intend to carve out any knowledge and riches they find and cart them off to the free city."

Khadath wrote:

Khadath then quickly finishes the remainder of his ale, a bit of a pale look is upon him apparently from the thought of his last statement for he knows the full extend of what it means.

“I believe I’m a bit parched now, can anyone else use another?” he indicates by raising his tankard.

"I'll have some cider if your offering" Kessel says trying to finish his second drink.

"Aye, the Whispering Cairn sounds like fun, strange sounds you say...like ghosts?" her eyes get an excited gleam to them " Sounds like fun. "

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym wrote:
"Aye, the Whispering Cairn sounds like fun, strange sounds you say...like ghosts?" her eyes get an excited gleam to them " Sounds like fun. "

"If that's your idea of fun . . ."

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells mulls it over and nods "Sounds exactly like my idea of fun! Count me in!"

He drains his mug and plants it solidly on the table.

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Hardly believing her ears, Darie nevertheless knew a chance when she saw it "Tomorrow, an hour before sunrise, then? It gives us plenty of time for a last nights rest, and the trip."

Darie Billown wrote:
Hardly believing her ears, Darie nevertheless knew a chance when she saw it "Tomorrow, an hour before sunrise, then? It gives us plenty of time for a last nights rest, and the trip."

"Aye, that sounds like a plan to me" downs her new mug in one long pull and then slams the mug down "then it is agreed unless Khadath or Kessel have any issue, tomorrow at sunrise we begin our careers as adventurers!"

Male Halfling Rogue/1

Tobin smiles to himself. "Like KC, I've been to the Whispering Cairn once before, but couldn't persuade my companions to venture in. It looks like I won't have that problem this time! However," he adds, looking around the table with a pleading expression on his face, "can we make it an hour after sunrise? I've spent many years trying not to be a farmer - and I really need my beauty sleep, as you can see."

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Shaking her head, Darie laughed softly "I suggested one hour before sunrise, and now its one after? Pretty soon we'll be solidly into the afternoon, with a brief stint into the cairn before retiring for the day? Come on now, you can't seriously suggest we slack off on the very first day! An hour before is a good time to start off."

Male Halfling Rogue/1

"A gorgeous lass like yourself doesn't need beauty sleep, Darie, but the rest of us do! Besides, you wouldn't want us to go stumbling around an ancient cairn in a daze, would you, now?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie laughed, both because of the jest, and because a few beers do that to about anyone. "Well, let's meet up in the middle, and go with sunrise. I can sleep in, and you are not chased out of your beddings too early"

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells nods to Khadath "Sunrise sounds like the perfect time to begin our new venture... it's the time venerated by out respective gods and adds to the auspicious feel of the occasion."

Darie Billown wrote:
Shaking her head, Darie laughed softly "I suggested one hour before sunrise, and now its one after? Pretty soon we'll be solidly into the afternoon, with a brief stint into the cairn before retiring for the day? Come on now, you can't seriously suggest we slack off on the very first day! An hour before is a good time to start off."

Remember Kessel will be late, if Tobin wants to leave an hour after sunset he should suggest that we leave at sunset ;)

Kessel seems surprised that his little suggestion caused so much action so fast. He suddenly glances around at his surroundings and becomes alarmed when he remembers that they're in a tavern!

"Ok, fine, adventuring it is, but for the record we all met at the fair. Decided on the time and I'll be there!"


Does Kessel actually know the way or is he going to have to find directions somewhere? My rolls are posted above somewhere.

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1
Kells Gryffoncrest wrote:
Kells nods to Khadath "Sunrise sounds like the perfect time to begin our new venture... it's the time venerated by out respective gods and adds to the auspicious feel of the occasion."

After having returned with the drinks and listening to the others Khadath agrees to the adventure.

”I agree Kells, but adventuring requires equipment, and speaking for myself I do not have much of it. How about the rest of you?” he asks

”If were to head out at sunrise, we’d need to get supplies tonight or delay our departure in order to acquire any necessary items we might need”

woot!, the boards are working, been having some major troubles and delays lately, anyone else?

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"I have a few things with my belongings. Not much, but some rope and so on." Darie replied, sighing. These were not strictly her own actually. More like an extended loan. Or less kindly words even.

"Really now, how much do you expect we need. And how to pay for it?"

"Rope, lighting, food, drink, tools (you know: shovel, hammer, pry bar, etc), weapons, oil, acid, marbles, pitons, sacks, bags, tent, bed roll, firewood, kindling, flint and steel, whetstone, mirror . . ."

Kessel continues rattling off supplies he thinks the party might need unless someone stops him.

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie rolled her eyes "If you want to buy all that, we needn't go there - we could just sell these supplies and live happily ever after. I mean, we just see what we need, and buy anything that we are missing."

"Candles, mules, feed for the mules, water bags to water the mules, bucket, pack saddles, pick axe, mess kit, mug, chalk, charcoal, twine, signal whistle, canary, canary cage, mining helmet, air filter . . ."

Kessel continues prattling over Darie.

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells leans over and nudges Zereta, then makes a grimace when he realizes he nudged her on her bruise. "Well, I've got a hammer to lend," he laughs "Actually, since I traveled here on foot, I have some supplies... I have a rope and bedroll, and a couple vials of oil and two of alchemists fire, and a flint and steel. I understand you wanting to be prepared, but doesn't that seem a little...excessive, Kessel?"

"block and tackle, ten foot pole, ladder, lodestone, needle, thread, healer's kit, paper, fishing pole, lock smith's kit, steel saw, planking, lard or grease, drill, flour, holy water, and some antitoxin . . . of course that's just off the top of my head. There might be some other things that we could use as well." Kessel says scratching his head, "Yes you could make do with less, but you'd want those things if you didn't want to be unprepared. Trust me everything I listed was useful."

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells grins "Undoubtedly, Kessel. We should also hire a pair of lobotomized hill giants to be porters." The young paladin looks very seriously at Darie "You see, you want them to be lobotomized so they are more passive and actually smarter than the non-lobotomized ones. Anger and stupid is much worse than just stupid... the aggression snares up the little thinking it does."

"Cooking pot!" Kessel says snapping his fingers, "how could I forget that? A spoon would be good as well but there's no need to get fancy . . . and hill giants, by the way, eat an insane amount of food and are tough to squeeze into tight places and would be impossible to transport without drawing a crazy amount of attention. I know you jest but at least suggest something that's opulent but at least useful . . . like a gold plated door Jam."

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"Tell you what" Darie interjected, rolling her eyes. "You carry all of this, and i give you two coppers for every time we need any of it. Five for the Lodestone"

Chuckles at Kells comments and then listen as Kessel continues to run his mouth, when Kessel finally stops prattling off senseless things we don't need Zereta speaks right after Darie. "You done now Kessel? good well if you would like to offer up your services as our personal pack mule and also supply all the gold for all that stuff then go right on ahead and buy it all, I for one like Kells here," elbows him back as hard as possible "Have a few of the items you prattled off at my house how about we just all promise to bring what we got and each make sure we bring rations or food or what have you and we should be just fine. Anything else we can get as we need it. Sound good everyone?"

Darie Billown wrote:
"Tell you what" Darie interjected, rolling her eyes. "You carry all of this, and i give you two coppers for every time we need any of it. Five for the Lodestone"

"We'd use the mules to carry all the things. Mules are one of the few animals that can be persuaded to travel underground.

"As to the lodestone: above ground we can use the sun to determine north, bellow ground we don't have that option, a needle, rubbed against a lodestone, and made to float in water will always point north though . . . also a lodestone is useful for picking up small metal objects, and I can think of three stories where a lodestone was necessary for overcoming obstacles. You asked me what we might need, I'm just recalling things that were needed."

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Slowly growing annoyed by Kessels antics, Darie once more rolled her eyes "Yes, and there are stories about monsters that could only be slain with a sword forged in burning breath of a red dragon, and quenched with the blood of a thousand howling demons. Kessel... We'll see what awaits us, and if we need another coil of rope, we'll buy it. If we need a lodestone, we'll procure one. But one thing is for sure, i am not going to pull a stuborn mule along some corridor that may or may not have a dozen different deathtraps installed."

Eying her now-empty mug, she silently wished there had been another - but well... now she had to pay for it, the drinks were a bit harder on her. "Do you know how stubborn these animals are? I sure know, and i'll tell you something... If they are pushed to do something, they'll usually do it... but! They bite. They kick. They make enough noise to wake the dead. And if you can live without your alchemy lab for a few hours, we really don't need one." Grinning suddenly, she added "Unless there is any truth to that rumor... you know..."

Khadath wrote:

actually my previous post question below was specifically directed at Auric

”So Auric, you mentioned we need to find some sort of treasure within our reach if we wanted to try our hand at adventuring. Do you perhaps know of anyplace where we could get a taste of an adventurers life?"

"I'm afraid not" Auric confessed before he left "Khellek is the one who organises our expeditions. Usually though, the best bet for finding adventure is just to ask around and if any one has heard of anything even vaguely odd then look into it, adventuring is a gamble a lot of the time."


You do know where the cairn is, roughly. You can get the party to the generaly vicinity but after that a little searching might be required to find the entrance.

Darie Billown wrote:

Slowly growing annoyed by Kessels antics, Darie once more rolled her eyes "Yes, and there are stories about monsters that could only be slain with a sword forged in burning breath of a red dragon, and quenched with the blood of a thousand howling demons. Kessel... We'll see what awaits us, and if we need another coil of rope, we'll buy it. If we need a lodestone, we'll procure one. But one thing is for sure, i am not going to pull a stuborn mule along some corridor that may or may not have a dozen different deathtraps installed."

Eying her now-empty mug, she silently wished there had been another - but well... now she had to pay for it, the drinks were a bit harder on her. "Do you know how stubborn these animals are? I sure know, and i'll tell you something... If they are pushed to do something, they'll usually do it... but! They bite. They kick. They make enough noise to wake the dead. And if you can live without your alchemy lab for a few hours, we really don't need one." Grinning suddenly, she added "Unless there is any truth to that rumor... you know..."

"Alchemy lab? Rumor?" Kessel asks raising an eyebrow.

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"With all the Acid, Charcoal and whatnot, you might as well take it along." Darie replied, her finger tapping on the rim of her tankard, noticing she had been a bit loud. "And sorry. Bad joke. When at home someone grew too attached to an animal, or wanted to take it everywhere they went, and that person wasn't quite a kid anymore, you'd just ask them if there was anything to the rumors that he or she'd been seen near the stable at night."

Darie Billown wrote:
"With all the Acid, Charcoal and whatnot, you might as well take it along." Darie replied, her finger tapping on the rim of her tankard, noticing she had been a bit loud. "And sorry. Bad joke. When at home someone grew too attached to an animal, or wanted to take it everywhere they went, and that person wasn't quite a kid anymore, you'd just ask them if there was anything to the rumors that he or she'd been seen near the stable at night."

"Well chalk and charcoal do have alchemical and medicinal use I was just thinking of using them to mark hallways and tunnels as well as for making rubbings of any strange runes or glyphs we might come across. As too the mule, yes I have one, and no I'm not overly attached to him. But seeing as we're going to need a fair bit of equipment, and seeing as it's no short distance from to the cairn, I figure that we'll need all the strength we can muster, unless of course you're one of those ladies that figures that men should do all the heavy lifting?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"I say we skip the heavy lifting. We take what we have at hand, and IF - big if - we need anything special, we take care of it as it comes to us." Darie sighed, exasperated. "Feel free to take along your bearskin rug and collection of Thayan Plates, but you take care of it all, alright?"

Darie Billown wrote:
"I say we skip the heavy lifting. We take what we have at hand, and IF - big if - we need anything special, we take care of it as it comes to us." Darie sighed, exasperated. "Feel free to take along your bearskin rug and collection of Thayan Plates, but you take care of it all, alright?"

"You do realize that it's going to be quite a hike and we'll likely need to camp up in the hills? We might need to spend a few days up there in fact. 100ft of hemp rope is like 20 pounds, cook pot is like 10, tents are what? 20? Long story short we're going to need hundreds of pounds of equipment . . . and even if we spread all that stuff around it could be like 40 or 50 pounds each! If we're successful, and we actually discover gold, well that stuff is heavy as well . . .

"Let me ask you something . . . did you have a bad experience with a mule? Seems as though you might be biased against them or something . . ."

Zereta just sits in silence listening to the exchange between Darie and Kessel shaking her head all the while. "You know you two this is conversation leading nowhere fast. How about we just take a group vote.
All those who want to go with what we got on our person and at our houses say 'Aye', all who feel we should go on a shopping spree say 'Nay'"

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym wrote:
"How about we just take a group vote. All those who want to go with what we got on our person and at our houses say 'Aye', all who feel we should go on a shopping spree say 'Nay'"

Khadath wondered if all adventurers squabble over such things, but Zereta had a point, they were getting nowhere with this bantering and the hour was getting late. If he wanted to acquire any of the basic necessities he needed he would have to do it relatively soon or the early morning departure would be delayed.

”I’d have to agree with both parties, a spare rope or one of the other items Kessel mentioned would come in handy, but by the same account the cost of all those items can be excessive and we do not have a sponsor for our little excursion. Once inside the cairn our needs may change and we may be forced to leave some items behind. So while I would welcome the use of your mule Kessel, I will leave it to you to decide whether you wish to bring it along. But for the trip there I suggest food be a high priority and a place to sleep. Though a tent would be nice, a bedroll should suffice. Which reminds me, I would have to acquire one before the general store closes shop for the evening. Though my order’s armory isn’t anything grand, I should have little trouble finding a light crossbow there I can obtain.”

”As Zereta has stated the use of whatever items you own or may have stored in your homes is a very good suggestion and are just as useful. But I cannot dally much longer else I’ll delay our morning departure with acquiring my own needed items. Shall we meet back here in the morning to discuss any last minute details or perhaps meet at the gate?”

”oh yes, I think Ms. Billown suggestion of just filling in items we do not have between us makes sense, perhaps we should compile a list?”

Khadath wrote:

”oh yes, I think Ms. Billown suggestion of just filling in items we do not have between us makes sense, perhaps we should compile a list?”

"Thanks Khadath," thinks a minute "I have chalk, flint and steel, 2 torches, 2 days of trail rations, and 50 ft of silk rope around the house that I can grab and I will leave and grab a bedroll, a few sunrods and another day worth of rations on the way home...oh and Kessel bring your mule. Well all the hour is late I shall see you in the morning here, I have to stop and grab a few things on the way home" gets up and head for the door.

For Kayotic DM


On the way home Zereta stops in the market to buy 4 sunrods, 2 more days of rations and a bedroll.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

"I've got some rope, a bedroll, and some Alchemists Fire - should be good to scare off most animals. I'll buy a few rations from the inn in the morning, too... i guess that should be enough. We'll find some dry place to sleep, and gathering a little firewood is not so much of a problem, right?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"I've got some rope, a bedroll, and some Alchemists Fire - should be good to scare off most animals. I'll buy a few rations from the inn in the morning, too... i guess that should be enough. We'll find some dry place to sleep, and gathering a little firewood is not so much of a problem, right?" Darie was glad the priest had stepped in to defuse the brewing conflict a little bit. She knew that if Kessel wanted, he could probably still find enough embers, but somehow... she still hoped this was the extend of the discussion.

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells nods "And I've gone through my list of equipment, so sounds like we are off to a good start! I need to pick up some rations, but I'll meet you down here before sunrise."

The young paladin kicks back from the table and gives a smiling wave to everyone. He rushes to the general store, buys 3 days of rations and heads back to his room. He spends a long time in prayer about the coming possiblity of adventure.

Darie Billown wrote:
"I've got some rope, a bedroll, and some Alchemists Fire - should be good to scare off most animals. I'll buy a few rations from the inn in the morning, too... i guess that should be enough. We'll find some dry place to sleep, and gathering a little firewood is not so much of a problem, right?" Darie was glad the priest had stepped in to defuse the brewing conflict a little bit. She knew that if Kessel wanted, he could probably still find enough embers, but somehow... she still hoped this was the extend of the discussion.

Seems like Darie was getting upset . . . Kessel wasn't angry but he was a might bit confused as to why she'd ask a question and then not want to hear the answer.

"Well firewood's easy enough to find in the woods," Kessel muses, "but big wood, and dry wood is a bit more difficult to come by. I don't suppose that someone's got a saw or an axe? Otherwise we'll have to spend a lot of time gathering sticks and keeping the fire stoked."

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

After hearing what the others have to say and making a mental note of several key items that they mentioned, Khadath bids all a good evening and/or joins those headed out to acquire needed items.

The next morning Khadath arrives early with a bundled backpack and a sack of feed resting at his feet. In his hand he’s holding a 10ft pole which he plans to use as a walking stick till it true purpose is needed.

When he sees Kessel he say ”Well, since we'll be using the services of your fine companion I thought it best to help a bit with its upkeep” he says poking the feed bag with the pole ”though I could only carry the one bag since I also had this pole and backpack to haul about." he adds with a smile

players are welcome to look at Khadath equipment list as it's safe to save that he'll inform the group of the items purchased

Kayotic DM:

please look at my character sheet for the detailed list of new purchases, also note my memorized spells

When Kessel returns to the boarding house and asks the landlady if she could pack him a pack lunch for a few days as Kessel will be traveling up into the hills. Kessel offers her the money he'd been saving as room and board as compensation. He returns to his room and packs up his meager belongings, removes his jacket and his boots, lays down on his bed and quickly nods off to sleep.

He wakes before sunrise, climbs out of bed, washes his face and hands, combs his hair, and shaves. Then he puts on his leather armor and straps on his sword and belt, he pulls on his boots, and as the sun is beginning to rise he finds the kitchen to see if the landlady is preparing breakfast.

"Morning," he says, grabbing a fresh cooked sausage, "did you pack me a lunch?"

"You're up early," the old lady laughs, "yes it's over on the counter, you're all set, tell me though Kessel will you be back?"

"I hope so," Kessel says, "we're going off into the hills to do some exploring, fuel for my tails, but it's dangerous work. Wish me luck."

Kessel grabs the pack, some breakfast, collects his belongings, then moves outside to saddle up Yorick his mule.

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie rose early, and had a short breakfast, after which she had bought some travelling supplies.. Paying what she felt was way too much for dried fruit, hard cheese and bread that probably would last till winter, if only because no self-respecting mold would attack the sour stuff.

Still, there was not much point in complaining, and so she finished up her business early... the meeting wasn't something she would want to be late for any reason short of her own death.

I'd like to buy three days trail rations - leaving me almost totally devoid of money

Zereta wakes up the next morning an hour before sunrise and packs all her gear. After a quick bite to eat and a goodbye to her father she leaves her house and heads back to the Happy Cow to meet up with her new friends.

Male Halfling Rogue/1

The sunlight falling across Tobin's face wakes him, as he hoped it would, and he drags himself to his feet with a slight groan. This really was an ungodly hour to be rising, but he doesn't want to disappoint his new friends on the first day of their adventure! Quickly gathering his things together, Tobin makes his way over to Kessel's boarding house, confident that the tardy bard won't have left yet. Sure enough, he spots the dapper young man outside the building, arranging the gear on his mule.

"A fine morning for a ride up into the hills, KC," Tobin says, amiably. "Is there any chance your furry friend here might be able to carry my rope for me? In fact, it even looks as though there might be room on his broad back for a little 'un...?"

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