Kayotic DM |

The Age of Worms consumes the Realms
Group Composition:
(for quick and easy reference)
Lord Thasmudyan: Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym - Female Human Barbarian.
Lorderl: Khadath - Male Human Cleric
Guy Humual: Kessel Cobey - Male Human Bard
Gavgoyle: Kells Gryffoncrest - Male Human Paladin of Freedom.
TerraNova: Darie Billown - Female Human Sorcerer
Callum: Tobin - Halfling Rogue
Background Information:
Daggerford has always been a peaceful, prosperous town but recently things have started to take a turn for the worse. Nearly two years ago, unknown assassins poisoned the Duke of Daggerford, Pwyll “Greatshout” Daggerford, his sister,Lady Bronwyn, and his bastard brother, Lord Llewellyn Longhand, leaving the duchy without an heir. (Luzane Parrin’s late husband died in the same incident.) The perpetrator(s) were never caught. Soon thereafter, the Town Council met and elected Lanod Ondabar of Irieabor, the little-known brother of the wellrespected Delfen “Yellowknife” Ondabarl, as governor-mayor. Rumors suggest that the Town Council settled on Lanod Ondabarl as a compromise candidate and lesser evil in lieu of Balabar Smenk, guildmaster of the local mine owners and all around corrupt, unpleasant man.
As governor-meneral, Lanod quickly appointed his old adventuring companion, Cubbin, as sheriff and began selling political favors from the former duke’s castle to the highest bidder. In less than 24 months, the once-proud town of Daggerford has become synonymous with vice and exploitation, to the frustration of Sherlen Spearslayer (human female, Captain of the Garrison). Long-established businesses have been sold, their owners forced out by “new investors” allied with Lanod and Cubbin.
In conscious imitation of the Lords of Waterdeep, the identities of the 23-member Town Council of Daggerford are nominally secret except to each other, but “everyone” knows the roster includes the town’s guildmasters and most prominent clerics.
You have all been in the Daggerford area for long enough to have witnessed this decline and have gotten fairly tired of it.
And with that said, play begins..
Today is market day in the town of Daggerford and whilst more established businesses have been bought out by "new investors" the spirit of the local market vendors has yet to be quashed. Every fiveday and tenday of each ride the marketplace fills with farmers and small merchants selling their wares. Today is no different, eight of the stalls in the market square are already filled, the smell of hot meat wafts on the air and two merchants selling what appears to be religious items are in stiff competition, each slashing their price or offering an amazing deal in a yell in an attempt to outsell their competitor.
In addition to the two sellers of fire roasted-meats and the two purveyors of religious items there is a great deal of hustle and bustle generated by the eclectic mix of other stalls. Jerky and trail foodstuffs, Shields, barding and pet supplies and weapons are also on offer today and the good citizens of the small town are enjoying their small haven from how corrupt their once great home has become.
This is where you come in, buying, selling, come out to gossip or just out for a stroll you all come across the thriving market.
OK kiddies, character introduction and getting to know one another time before I hit you all with a big plot stick ;)

Darie Billown |

Darie moved over the market square carefully, not wishing to confront any members of her extended family - she had been "gone" for slightly over a week now, and did not wish to rip open their or her own wounds quite so soon.
She was a sight to see, alright. Despite being worn for a bit longer than it really should be, her simple peasants dress nevertheless suited her, the few spots of color giving it a more cheerful outlook than its cheap make would otherwise allow for. Her friendly, open face (framed by brown hair, slightly longer than her shoulders, tied back into a practical knot) turned curiously from place to place - and if that had not been enough, the fact that she was easily one of the largest woman around ensured at least a passing glance.
As she moved between the stalls, she privately once again marveled how complex city life was in some ways. Everyone seemed to chase the silver piece with religious fervor... even those selling religious items. Or maybe, them more than anyone else. And in the middle of it all, herself. Also chasing down money.
She hoped one of the merchants had some odd job to do. Help loading up, or unloading, or any other ability to earn a bit of coin. The money she had "borrowed" from her parents was not going to last forever - and the suggestion to work as a barmaid had not stuck too well with her... and that was nothing compared to the strange gnome who had asked her flat out if she was interested in marrying a foreign man. At least he had taken "no" for an answer.
After receiving yet another rejection, she couldn't help herself - the smell of the sweetmeats where too enticing. Sure, she'd rue the money later, but right then sinking her teeth into the treat made up for a lot.

Kells Gryffoncrest |

Kells saunters cheerfully out of the inn and heads into the stalls of the freshly opened market. The young sun gleams on his orange tunic and he walks with only his short sword on his belt. As he comes into view of the meat merchants he stops as if lost in though for several seconds [using Detect Evil to determine if he should support one of the merchants over the other] Strolling up to one of the meat merchants and drops a handful of silvers on the counter.
"Pleasant morning, good man. I'll take a bit of whatever you would recommend. It's a lovely morning and I would break my fast in full glory of the sun's gaze. The day teams with the potential to bring great things to the town, oh yes!"
Kells plays up being a distracted man of means, giving slightly more than asking price for the food, being very plesant, but never fully engaged in the conversation. After a moment of pleasantries he brightens a bit more.
"Excuse me, but you look like a man in the know, as it were. I am recently arrived in town and still getting my bearings. Where are the offices of the Merchanile Guild and the Mine Guild. I am exploring investment opportunites and would like to know who I would need to deal with."
At this point Kells is laying the groundwork to try to meet some of the influential people in the mine guild. He wants to be seen as a man about the town, looking to invest in one of the local concerns. In truth, he's mostly looking to find out who is treating their workers well and who, like Smenk are suppressing and exploiting them.

Kessel Cobey |

Kessel glances about the busy market. Time was these gatherings would bring him joy, the harvest showed Chauntea's bounty, the crowds meant easy coin for his skilled hands, but as of late even his battered old lute offered him little joy. Still, a man needed to eat, and the world could be a cold cruel place for those unwilling or unable to care for themselves. Kessel finds himself a small corner of the of the market and sets down his hat. Kessel plays a slow and soft piece, one of his more practiced works, and he takes his time to insure each and every note is true. Kessel takes no chances, there is no improvisation, no interpretation, just the music as it was written.
Take 10 on the Preform nets Kessel a 16
Kessels dark eyes follow the crowds. This life is a meaningless one . . . perhaps someone in this crowd brings adventure, inspiration, or some break to the monotony of life.
I'll be heading out tonight to play my pen and paper game, so I won't likely be posting tonight, but I should be back around this time tomorrow

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

"Yeah dad I'll get some fresh greens on the way back home." Zereta says as she walks out of her father's stall in the market. It been a long day in at market but "at least I can go down and practice with my new bastard sword by the river", she thinks as she adjusts the strap of the scabbard on her back. She looks around the market and takes in the smells of the roasted meats. "Mmmm...", she smiles "May be I will get some meat from one of these vendors and take it with me down to the river." . With that she moves off towards the meat stalls. Before she knows it she finds herself standing behind a man wearing chainmail armor rambling on to one of the meat vendors...."could this guy hurry up, I amhungry" she thinks. She decides to say something to guy... "Hey, buddy there are other people who want to buy from this stall, so hurry up!" she says nonchalantly.

Khadath |

Khadath heads off to the market same as he does regularly. He occasionally buys an item or two if its interesting or to try some of the variety of foods that are brought in. Though he mainly attends to socialize with the residents of Daggerford, see new faces and make new acquaintances. Today with the weather as it is he expects to see a good turn out.
As he enters the market he hears a soft pleasing melodic tune, glancing about he eyes a clean cut shaven young man over in a corner playing his lute. With a smile he walks over and deposits a silver piece into the hat laying near his feet.
”Good day, that’s quite an enjoyable tune, please keep playing as I intend to return to hear your performance once I find where that roasted smell is coming from.” with that Khadath strolls through the market, greeting people as he passes by.
Approaching the stall from where the roasted meat aroma is coming from he hears Zereta comment as he draws near, though his attention is quickly drawn to the two merchants selling what appears to be religious items in a heated competition, and so he passes her by with a simply but pleasant ”Greetings” and continues over to see what wares the merchants have for sale today.

Kells Gryffoncrest |

Kells abruptly stiffens at the voice behind him, but turns with a smile. With a flourish he steps to the side and proffers his place to her. He gives a little chuckle, not sarcastic, just amused.
"Sorry, good lady, I would never deign stand and between food and an appreciative gullet. Hoisting around that blade strapped to your back must be tiresome and hungry-making work. If you're skilled in its usage, perhaps we should spar a bit later. I've a mind to better myself with the use of my weapons, and sparring teaches well. Not as well as having one's neck on the line, but well, nonetheless. I am Kells HeartFlame, at your service."
Just as a sidenote, Kells isn't wearing his armor currently, he's wearing his 'town' clothes of an orange tunic and good quality breeches. He also doesn't have his hammer on him, just his shortsword. He's also using his alias.

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

"Not near as tired as you will be when I get done sparring with you..." Zereta giggles and steps past Kells. Zereta orders two roasted turkey drumsticks, and pays the meat merchant...then turns back to kells "You, me and the riverbank. One hour....we will see who tires first." she chuckles as she walks over the the man playing the lute tosses a coin into his hat.
"nice song."

Kayotic DM |

As Darie makes her way through the market a tense man in a red cloak that she's never seen before storms past, almost knocking into her.
"The merchantile and miners guilds are to the South-East, just around the corner from the Chateau Elite" The friendly purveyor of hotmeats informs Kells "or of course that big building there" He inclines his head in the direction of a reasonably fancy building overlooking the marketplace "Is Guildmasters' Hall. As for who to deal with.."
He trails off as Zereta approaches and orders her food, a small pleasant smile on his face as he serves the lady with the unfeasably large sword, overjoyed at the sudden rush of customers. After the Zereta is served a strong young man approaches, giving a small amused smirk at the conversation between the young woman and Kells before ordering his food.
Kessel's playing draws quite a lot of attention and the occasional copper is thrown into his hat by marketgoers and he soon easily has enough money for some food.
As Khadath approaches the two sellers of religious items their heated competition picks up. Both men at the stalls try to outdo one another to get his attention. They both have various items emblazoned with the symbols of various deities.

Darie Billown |

Darie jumped back instinctively as the man seemed to not notice her at all. She hadn't quite seen him coming, and her reaction nearly would have knocked her into another market visitor.
"I'm sorry, i didn't meant to..." she tried to excuse herself - although in all honesty, he was probably the one who should do some apologizing.

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

Zereta smiles at the heavily muscled warrior all the while thinking "I could take him....". Zereta begins to tear into her turkey leg while listening to the lute player. Between mouthfuls she says "Where did you learn such wonderful tunes?" to the lute player all the while keeping an eye on the big warrior.

Darie Billown |

Keeping a string of profanities bottled up for the moment, Darie limited herself to a scathing look at his back. Pompous city-folk.
Straightening her skirt and moving away from the market stall she had just avoided disrupting, she took the last few bites from her sweets, moving back into the flow of people on the market. They couldn't be all arrogant wizards, could they?

Tobin |

Sauntering through the marketplace as usual, Tobin whistles a januty little tune to himself. He loves market day - there are almost always some interesting new out-of-towners to talk to, and he often finds himself offered a job or two, into the bargain. Smiling happily, he glances around as he makes his circuit, keeping his eyes [spot +4] and ears [listen +6] open for anything entertaining or out of the ordinary.
The soft sound of lute music catches Tobin's attention, and he sidles over to the smartly-dressed bard playing near the corner of the square. "That's a nice tune," he says, dropping a coin into the musician's hat, "but can't you play something a little more cheery? It's a beautiful day, after all, and folk can always do with something to lift their spirits. Unless they didn't teach you any merry tunes in the city...?"

Kessel Cobey |

The soft sound of lute music catches Tobin's attention, and he sidles over to the smartly-dressed bard playing near the corner of the square. "That's a nice tune," he says, dropping a coin into the musician's hat, "but can't you play something a little more cheery? It's a beautiful day, after all, and folk can always do with something to lift their spirits. Unless they didn't teach you any merry tunes in the city...?"
Kessel, who's sitting on the ground, looks the halfing in the eyes. The young man's eyes are dark and somewhat intimidating, but Kessel knows that his stare can be unsettling to some, and quickly looks away as he forces a smile.
"Ah, my little friend, I would if I could, but these fingers only play what's in the heart," he says with a sigh, "and it seems my heart has a touch of the morose this morning."
Kessel's voice is very rich and deep, he Scarcely whispers, and yet the halfling can hear him plain as day.
"Besides," Kessel says scanning the crowds, "I don't think these people's spirits are in need of lifting. Perhaps I should save my happy tunes for when the sun is gone and rain fills the streets."

Khadath |

As Khadath approaches the two sellers of religious items their heated competition picks up. Both men at the stalls try to outdo one another to get his attention. They both have various items emblazoned with the symbols of various deities.
Khadath approaches and say ”Well met gentlemen.” a slight chuckle escapes as both merchants raise their voices slightly louder while offering the best in a variety of unique items and lowest prices to draw his attention.
”just a moment if you will” he begins to say as he raises an arm to each merchant on opposite sides of him, which causes the sleeves of his garment to fall back slightly revealing a small portion of the tattoos along each of arms, an Eagle is on the right and a Dragon on the left. (these tattoos will be a dead giveaway for Kessel to identify Khadath)
”I shall view both of your wares” he adds as both men call out ”here, here first!”
Getting a thought to be fair to both men, as well as provide a bit of fun he says
”I shall visit first the one that calls out the number closest to the Number I’m Thinking of without going over, raging from 1-20. if you both exceed this number then the closest will still be first” he smiles as he proposes this to the merchants.
Khadath is dressed in his chainshirt with a long robe underneath. His light mace hangs at his side (shield is absent), he is easily recognized as a Cleric of Lathander as his Signet Ring bears Lathanders symbol and his holy wooden symbol hangs from his belt.
I also made a campaign name under AOW Consumes the Realms Grp1, so that not only can Kayo's view rolls by individual links, but also by viewing All Player Rolls together

Kessel Cobey |

I don't think Kessel notices his old friend.
”just a moment if you will” he begins to say as he raises an arm to each merchant on opposite sides of him, which causes the sleeves of his garment to fall back slightly revealing a small portion of the tattoos along each of arms, an Eagle is on the right and a Dragon on the left. (these tattoos will be a dead giveaway for Kessel to identify Khadath)Khadath is dressed in his chainshirt with a long robe underneath. His light mace hangs at his side (shield is absent), he is easily recognized as a Cleric of Lathander as his Signet Ring bears Lathanders symbol and his holy wooden symbol hangs from his belt.

Kayotic DM |

"Twelve!" Yells the first of the two merchants in charge of selling religious items, eager to get Khadath to frequent his stall. The other stallholder, a little more cunning in appearance, however seems to be moving anything he has with a symbol of Lathander or a vague sun motif to the front of his stall as he thinks on the proposed game. Looking thoughtfully at the cleric a smile forms on his lips. "Fourteen" He announces in a suprisingly gentle tone.
Heaving a sigh the handsome warrior man who had been in line at the meat stall spots the wizard storm past Darie. Shaking his head a little he makes his way over and gives the brunette a gentle smile. "Are you alright miss?"

Darie Billown |

"I'm not hurt, except for pride." Darie replied to the foreign man, her families trademark reservation nearly getting the better of her as she just briefly met his gaze.
Yet for some reason (maybe the charming face), she decided to add a little less hostile words to these. "Its just that offending a wizard is an even worse idea than offending just about anyone else in my current position."

Khadath |

After both men have made their guess, Khadath calls out ”Nineteen was my number” and with a simply nod towards the first hasty merchant who yelled out Twelve he informs him that he will visit his stall afterwards. Khadath then moves to winner of the number guessing game.
”Greetings, and a fine guess that was. I’m Khadath. Now lets see what fine items you have here today my good sir” he says even as he already begins to glance at the items previous laid out, though he does look back towards the merchant with a slight raise of a brow as he waits for the merchant to introduce himself.

![]() |

Kells grins and nods to the young woman, the promise of a workout making his eyes light up.
"Lady, I will see you upon the hour by the riverbank. I'll be the one wearing the smile and chainmail. My friend the hammer will be there to meet your friend on your back."
Kells thanks the meat merchant and turns to leave, his eyes catching on the clerical figure talking to the purveyors of 'religious' goods. He regards the young priest for a moment and drifts closer to him. A Lathanderite here and now? That could bode very well! Between the advocates of Lliira and Lathander, there is much good that could be done to uplift this beset town...
"Pardon me, friend, but you look to be one of the Morninglord's flock. If such is the case, I think we have a good bit to talk about. I will be down on the riverbank in an hours time for a bit of excercise with a new aquaintence and later tonight at yonder public house if you would like to chat. Fare the well, I pray."
After that Kells heads toward the Guildmaster's hall, dropping a few coppers in the bard's hat and giving him a cheery nod "Lovely!". Once at the hall, he looks to leave a message that he wants to arrange a meeting with Chaum Gansworth, Luzane Parin, or Gelch Tilgast. After that, he will head back to the inn and prepare for his rendevouz at the riverbank.
I took the liberty of going ahead and recognizing Khadath as a Lathanderite. I figured since it was a major religion and not secretive in the least, it would be well known.

Kayotic DM |

The muscled warrior smiles lightly at Darie "Pay Khellek no mind, he's sometimes a little rude when he has a lot on his mind, trust me once he's worked through whatever's plaguing him he'll calm down no end" He assures the young woman with a small smile.
Bowing his head to Khadath the winning merchant smiles warmly. "Well met good sir, I'm Brittar Blackstone, purveyor of the finest religious items this side of Waterdeep" He introduces himself with a dashing grin as he waves his hands over his selection of wares.
When Kells enquires about a meeting at the Guildmaster's hall he is informed that a meeting will be arranged for him with a member of the guild of mineowners and he should return at noon the next day for this meeting.

Tobin |

"Besides," Kessel says scanning the crowds, "I don't think these people's spirits are in need of lifting. Perhaps I should save my happy tunes for when the sun is gone and rain fills the streets."
"Ah, you've caught me out, my friend," Tobin replies, with a smile, "it's your spirits I was hoping to lift. I thought maybe a little gladness could work its way back from your fingers into your heart. But I don't know much about the art of music, so perhaps that's not how it works?"
"You're right - these busy people may not need a merry tune. But there's plenty of life and excitement here that could inspire you. Look at the people enjoying the food, the fresh air, the company, the simple pleasures of trading and haggling. See how that bald fellow with the tattooed arms has turned the tables on those two vendors by playing a game with them? Very clever, and most entertaining!"

Darie Billown |

Darie nodded at the man, satisfied with the apology-by-proxy. "No harm done, i suppose. At least he keeps good company." That being a compliment (of sorts), she blushed a bit, immediately decided she had better things to do than fawn over some traveling adventurer. After all, they did have the reputation of being dangerous.
"So, i guess i better get back to looking for work. It was nice making the acquaintance." Honestly, she hadn't really done so - he hadn't introduced himself, only his friend. And neither had she. "Oh, almost forgot - my name is Darie Billown"

Kayotic DM |

"Auric Tallstag" The warrior introduces himself to the brunette with a warm smile. "It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Billown, I hope our paths cross again some time soon" He adds smoothly "If you find yourself in need of company later I'm staying at The Happy Cow and I'm always happy to share a drink with a new acquaintance."

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

Tobin |

"What we need to hear is a good shanty..." Zereta jokingly says to Tobin and Kessel "that will get this market hopping."
"You see," chuckles Tobin, "it's not just me who'd like to hear something a bit more lively!" He turns to look up at the muscular young woman. "Why do you ask for a shanty, miss? You don't look like a sailor to me." Tobin smiles broadly and raises an eyebrow.
The final few words were originally "...and cocks an eyebrow", but that's not permissible, apparently!

Darie Billown |

"Alright then. I'll see if i can be there." With another short nod, and a smile, Darie said what she expected to be the final words of that exchange.
Darie had half a mind to actually follow up on the invitation - free drinks, and maybe even a free meal in the tavern, but then again... "going out" with someone for that reason didn't sit too well with her. She'd have to wait and see. If there was a job to be done, that clearly had priority.
I guess with no ranks in spot and a dismal wisdom score, I'll wait for Zereta to speak to her, rather than stepping forward.

Kessel Cobey |

"Ah, you've caught me out, my friend," Tobin replies, with a smile, "it's your spirits I was hoping to lift. I thought maybe a little gladness could work its way back from your fingers into your heart. But I don't know much about the art of music, so perhaps that's not how it works?""You're right - these busy people may not need a merry tune. But there's plenty of life and excitement here that could inspire you. Look at the people enjoying the food, the fresh air, the company, the simple pleasures of trading and haggling. See how that bald fellow with the tattooed arms has turned the tables on those two vendors by playing a game with them? Very clever, and most entertaining!"
Kessel Glances over at the young cleric, his eyes squinting, then the hint of a smile passes over his face.
"What we need to hear is a good shanty..." Zereta jokingly says to Tobin and Kessel "that will get this market hopping."
Kessel glances over at the powerful looking tattooed warrior but doesn't immediately respond.
"You see," chuckles Tobin, "it's not just me who'd like to hear something a bit more lively!" He turns to look up at the muscular young woman. "Why do you ask for a shanty, miss? You don't look like a sailor to me." Tobin smiles broadly and raises an eyebrow.
Kessel waits for the halfling to turn back to him before responding.
"Tell me my diminutive friend, have you lived in Daggerford long?"

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym wrote:"What we need to hear is a good shanty..." Zereta jokingly says to Tobin and Kessel "that will get this market hopping.""You see," chuckles Tobin, "it's not just me who'd like to hear something a bit more lively!" He turns to look up at the muscular young woman. "Why do you ask for a shanty, miss? You don't look like a sailor to me." Tobin smiles broadly and raises an eyebrow.
"aye, I am not....but I am the daughter of a pirate if that helps," Zereta smiles and chuckles "The name is Zereta Bludwulf."

Kessel Cobey |

"aye, I am not....but I am the daughter of a pirate if that helps," Zereta smiles and chuckles "The name is Zereta Bludwulf."
"And here I always thought you were the daughter of a blacksmith, either old Gregor has been cuckold, or he's been moonlighting as a buccaneer when he's not pounding steel. Course knowing the old Ox, I doubt anyone would have had the gall to cross him, so I guess means he's one of the most fearsome land pirates in these hills."
A half smile appears on Kessels lips to show Zereta that he's only joking. Kessel probably remembers all to well what the woman's temper is like. Kessel's dark hair is much much shorter, cleaner, and better kept then it used to be. His cloths are also extremely clean and well kept. He looks like a city boy instead of the wild unkempt child of Zereta's youth but there's no mistaking Kessel's dark eyes. Given a moment Zereta should be able to see the old Kessel in the new trim and proper man in front of her.
"Hello Zereta," Kessel says, "been a long time . . ."

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

"I'll have you know me Dad was a pirate before he came to this dreadful city...." she says sarcastically. "Kessel....long time no wrestle " Zereta winks at Kessel. "what did they do to you in Waterdeep....you look all proper...not the wild child I remember from what was it five or six years ago...Haven't seen your sis in sometime, how is she?"

Kessel Cobey |

"I'll have you know me Dad was a pirate before he came to this dreadful city...." she says sarcastically. "Kessel....long time no wrestle " Zereta winks at Kessel. "what did they do to you in Waterdeep....you look all proper...not the wild child I remember from what was it five or six years ago...Haven't seen your sis in sometime, how is she?"
"Too bad, the image of your father rolling about these hills aboard a great wheeled Cog seemed very amusing to me." Kessel says without the hint of a smile.
"As to my sister, she's as she always is," Kessel says with a shrug, "she has her plots and her schemes. You remember how she was . . . bossy as ever. Morra's playing in the adult sandbox now, she's become a druidic priestess like our mother, and I have no doubt that she'll excel in that vocation. She's grown into a beautiful woman, the very image of our mother our aunt says, and I'm sure she'll somehow use that yo her advantage.
"How have you been Zereta? You've grown into a beautiful woman as well I see. Are you still picking fights with everyone? Seems like most of the lads round here would likely jump at the chance to wrestle you these days."

Darie Billown |

In the meantime, Darie wandered over towards the gathered old friends, trying to catch a glimpse at the bard before he departed the market. She was, despite her eagerness to get to the source of the music, seemingly oblivious to the distant acquaintance standing a few yards away from her.

Tobin |

"I always like to see a friendly reunion! I had no idea you two knew each other. Tobin Longbottom, at your service!" Tobin bows deeply and theatrically. "I guess it's a small world."
"As for that girl, Zereta, I've seen her at the market once or twice before - but only ever with the rest of her family. They live somewhere out in the wilds." Tobin winks at Kessel. "I wonder what she's doing here on her own?"

Kessel Cobey |

"Haven't found the right type of lad to wrestle...." Zereta smiles and then she looks around before whispering to Kessel "Who was that big warrior who was taking to the girl over there?" motion towards where Darie is standing for that matter whose that girl? haven't seen here around here before"
Bardic Knowledge check (1d20 3=12)
That's Auric something-or-another, a gladiator from Waterdeep, he won the champion's belt last year. There was a big hoopla about it, lots of tales, at the collage we even practiced our oratory skills recounting the battle, and it fair to say that he was quite the celebrity for a while." Kessel's tone indicates that he's unimpressed with the man, martial ability notwithstanding. "I am surprised to see him out in the middle of nowhere though. Perhaps he's just passing through on his way to . . . whatever these heroic types like to do . . ."In the meantime, Darie wandered over towards the gathered old friends, trying to catch a glimpse at the bard before he departed the market. She was, despite her eagerness to get to the source of the music, seemingly oblivious to the distant acquaintance standing a few yards away from her.
Kessel hasn't moved, nor have his fingers ceased dancing across the strings, if Darie wants it investigate she'll find the others still there
"The girl . . ." Kessel stares at Darie, "she looks familiar, a local girl I think, she's very pretty, you'd think I'd remember a face like that."
Kessel Cobey |

"I always like to see a friendly reunion! I had no idea you two knew each other. Tobin Longbottom, at your service!" Tobin bows deeply and theatrically. "I guess it's a small world."
"Longbottom? I know that family," Kessel says as his right hand briefly leaves the stings for him to scratch his noes, the song scarcely misses a note, "of course it doesn't hurt that there are less then a dozen halfling families living around Daggerford. Your family grows pipe weed right?"
"As for that girl, Zereta, I've seen her at the market once or twice before - but only ever with the rest of her family. They live somewhere out in the wilds." Tobin winks at Kessel. "I wonder what she's doing here on her own?"
Kessel's head turns to the girl again and his face briefly light's with recognition. Again a smile briefly touches his lips.

Darie Billown |

With the open stare from the musician, and the not-so-hushed words about her, finally some recognition dawned on Daries face. "Hmm, I'm sorry but you seem oddly familiar for some reason... wait a moment, have you..." She began, but shrugged. "I know your face, but i honestly fail to place it right now. In any case, my name is Darie, and i am sorry to have disturbed you."
With a short nod, she decided to salvage as much dignity as she could, and stepped back. Still, the nagging feeling didn't quite subside, and if the mans looks where any indication, he shared that notion.

Kessel Cobey |

With the open stare from the musician, and the not-so-hushed words about her, finally some recognition dawned on Daries face. "Hmm, I'm sorry but you seem oddly familiar for some reason... wait a moment, have you..." She began, but shrugged. "I know your face, but i honestly fail to place it right now. In any case, my name is Darie, and i am sorry to have disturbed you."
With a short nod, she decided to salvage as much dignity as she could, and stepped back. Still, the nagging feeling didn't quite subside, and if the mans looks where any indication, he shared that notion.
"Darie," Kessel says with a smile, "The name is Kessel, please say and join us, believe me you're no bother. We bards enjoy crowds. If my face looks familiar don't worry, my sister and I met you in the woods a few years back, but I'm surprised you remember!"

Darie Billown |

Darie chuckled, and the awkwardness drained away as quickly as it appeared. "Well, i did not quite remember, but close enough. Now that you mention it, it comes back to me. I was collecting mushrooms, near the meadow, right?"
Joining into the circle, she took a look around. Now, some more of the faces were vaguely familiar, but she wouldn't make a fool out of herself by guessing blindly again. Give them a few moments, and they'd drop ample hints - that was, if they didn't introduce themselves properly.

Kessel Cobey |

"Well, I just get back from collage and now I find I'm surrounded by old friends and acquaintances," Kessel says with a playful roll of his eyes, "I suppose I should make some introductions so everyone is familiar with each other, To my left, this large tattooed monster is the sometimes lovely and sometimes charming Zereta Bludwulf, she is usually grumpy and angry though, and if fond of hitting people with big sticks or trying to twist their heads off of their shoulders."
"The bald man across the way there," Kessel says loud enough for his old friend to hear, "who has still yet to say hello I might add, is the clever and some say charming Khadath. Some say he's the second smartest man in town, those people are all terribly mistaken, but now that I'm back I'm sure he'll settle for the false title of third smartest man."
"The young halfling in front of me goes by the name of Tobin Longbottom, a name that's famous in these parts for pipe weed, but this quick little fellow doesn't have the look of a farmer about him, and I think he'll have to account of his profession if he wishes to stay in our company," Kessel says with a sly smile, "I think I remember a quick little hobbit from my youth, a killer at tiddlywinks, but I digress."
"And our new comer, Darie Billown, a beautiful young woman who obviously has great taste in music (as she stands in front of me) and who comes from the mysterious Billown clan. A woman who clearly knows her mushrooms. I feel as though we should talk later . . ."
"Oh? And who am I? Kessel Cobey," Kessel's voice changes slightly as he begins to chant, and the tune changes ever so slightly to accompany this strange new chant:
"K-C to his friends, but to my fans I'm still Kessel Cool.
I'm a handsome, intelligent, and pompous? yes! But I'm clearly no fool.
I know I'm not as strong or as brave as some but I'm still Kessel Cool,
I see things have changed while I was away, well things change as a rule,
but not all change is good, that should be understood, and this town has become far more cruel,
But it can't changed, nor rearranged without the proper tools,
but I digress, forget the rest, rhyming is a pest, I'm Kessel Cool"
"Meh," Kessel says as he resumes his tune, "needs work . . ."

Khadath |

"Pardon me, friend, but you look to be one of the Morninglord's flock. If such is the case, I think we have a good bit to talk about. I will be down on the riverbank in an hours time for a bit of exercise with a new acquaintance and later tonight at yonder public house if you would like to chat. Fare the well, I pray."
”Yes?, why yes I am.” Khadath says as he turns to address Kells.
Identifying Kells as a servant of Lliira (taking 10 +7 = 17, Knowledge Religion) he replies ”I see, the riverbank, very well." and with a nod he watches as the paladin departs. For a moment Khadath speculates that perhaps Kells may be seeking guidance in the matter of switching faiths or that perhaps he may be inquiring on this new acquaintances behave that he mentioned.
Bowing his head to [b]Khadath the winning merchant smiles warmly. "Well met good sir, I'm Brittar Blackstone, purveyor of the finest religious items this side of Waterdeep" He introduces himself with a dashing grin as he waves his hands over his selection of wares.
Turning back to the merchant Brittar Blackstone ”ah yes, where were we. Oh yes!” he says as he picks up a piece with the symbol of Lathander on it and holds it up to the sun. ”very nice” he adds and places it back down and repeats the process with another item.
"I am particularly interested in and looking for items of the early era of Lathander” he adds even as he picks up a trinket of a unique sun motif that resembles a cloak clasp/brooch and flips it over in the palm of his hand. ”would you happen to have anything here today?” he asks with a hopeful smile. ”this is an interesting piece, what can you tell me of its origins?” he asks, flipping the brooch over once more, then he slowly runs his fingers across the sun motif as if there was something more to it.
"The bald man across the way there," Kessel says loud enough for his old friend to hear, "who has still yet to say hello I might add, is the clever and some say charming Khadath. Some say he's the second smartest man in town, those people are all terribly mistaken, but now that I'm back I'm sure he'll settle for the false title of third smartest man."
After concluding any transactions with the first merchant, Khadath begins to head over to the stall of the second merchant when he hears the comment about a bald man. Being that he fits that particular description, he hap hazards to guess that it is he that the comment was directed at. Looking about he sees that the voice trails back to a small group of people standing around the very same gentlemen that has been playing his lute. There was something oddly familiar about that voice, though he could not immediately place his finger upon it. Intent on simply ignoring the comment he take a couple more paces towards the second merchant whom is also currently watching and waiting for Khadath to approach. Then Kessel’s voice strikes a cord of recognition within him and a broad smile forms across Khadath face.
[b]”by the light of Lathander is that you Kessel!” he calls out to his friend. Raising one hand to the second merchant he says ”just one minute” and moves toward Kessel and the apparent group of people that he has attracted with his music.
Raising both arms in the air he cries out ”lets have a look at you, when did you return my friend?”
Once able he embraces Kessel, then with both hands on Kessel shoulders gives him a little shake then embraces him again.
”I see you’ve drawn quite a little crowd to yourself.” then he introduces himself to all with a smile and offered hand, though he give Darie a small wink letting her know that he recognizes her.

Kessel Cobey |

Kessel finishes playing to allow his friend to embrace him, he wraps his hand around the back of Khadath as he draws him close and whispers "it's been too long my friend, far too long," as they embrace.
"I've been back for almost a three months now, but I haven't really been back, I've been busy with Lodge business, and I've been asked to preform for family, and that means extended stays at various homesteads . . . it hasn't been all terrible, but I'm sick of family obligations. The few times I've been in town I couldn't find you, not that I could have visited any ways . . . then there was the other unpleasantness . . . no more of that talk! I'm home now, and more or less free to do as I will, I think the gathering of old friends and acquaintances, by law, must be done over ale. You can check your law books if you like Khadath but I think you'll find I'm correct. I think Zereta can back me up on this. Shall we all meet up somewhere tonight? After all these festivities are over? Name a place someone and we'll all gather there!"
Kessel resumes playing while listening to the others talk, his fingers seem to suddenly have more life and energy, the tune far more lively and friendly. Kessel even allows himself to experiment with the music a bit. The old lute seems to come to life in his hands.
Preform check (1d20 6=18)

Zereta Bludwulf of Ruathym |

I'm home now, and more or less free to do as I will, I think the gathering of old friends and acquaintances, by law, must be done over ale. You can check your law books if you like Khadath but I think you'll find I'm correct. I think Zereta can back me up on this. Shall we all meet up somewhere tonight? After all these festivities are over? Name a place someone and we'll all gather there!"
"Aye, I am sure there is a law somewhere that says as much Kessel, and I like the idea......how about the Happy Cow? heard its an interesting place..." Zereta says "if that is good with everyone, I will take my leave as I have a meeting with a man who thinks I tire too easily" Zereta looks towards the riverbank before looking up at the sun to gage how much time she has before the fateful meeting.

Darie Billown |

Darie nodded. "Sure, hopefully the day will earn me a bit of coin, so an ale or two is something i won't say no to." The idea was good, catching up on old times (as slim as they might be) was better than having next to no one to turn to.
"I just hope this Auric Tallstag won't take it personally, he invited me as well." Somehow, the admission felt a little bit... "off" to her.