No Clerics on the Wyvern? (spoilers of course)

Savage Tide Adventure Path

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

My players, an odd bunch of homebrew classes and weirdness (Spellthief, Homebrew Forsaker, Homebrew Arcane Archivist, Twin Shields Fighter and Vow of Poverty Druid) are clericless. The Forsaker has Fast healing, the Druid has an AC of several thousand and stays out of combat, and the other three make heavy use of wands and potions. So far so good.

They can't understand why Lavinia isn't hiring Ship's Clerics and I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of a reason why she doesn't. It does seem logical.

I can't say it's short notice as they helped translate the papers and have had four weeks to get the ship ready to sail. I could say that she can't afford it because the cost of a 3rd or 5th level cleric as crew isn't that high compared to what she's spending already, and the cleric would probably go anyway given the chance to convert a whole new flock.

On the other hand, an NPC cleric makes it all a bit ... easy, certainly takes the edge off the Father Feres situation for clericless parties. I could always have one and have them get murdered first but that seems too much like DM fiat - or is it just a good plan from the stowaway. Or have one on the Nixie who is suspiciously too far away when he's needed. Again, too obvious.

Any ideas?

Speaking of Father Ferez, that was the ships cleric. He passed himself off as a cleric to Lavina, and so she was duped.

That said, if you want to have another cleric show up at Fort Blackwell, that's perfectly understandable.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Doh! Good point!

In my game, on the PCs advice, Lavinia hired a mundane healer, just an Expert with max ranks in Heal, Survival, K. Nature and other useful skills (actually I havent totally statted him out yet, just gave him a +5 for heal checks).

Sovereign Court

I remember Tristan wanting another healer (really you can't have too many) but with Father Feres and Buffy (our resident healer) there was some debate if the expedition needed another healer! Having said that picking up another along the way (especially after a certain con man's cover is blown) might be a good idea.

The Exchange

Don't forget that Urol could do a little healing here and there as well, if needed.

There is also Kaskus an an expedition healer. If the players don't go assume responsibility to crew their vessel properly, have Lavinia drop a hint. Then again, with a druid, they should be settled rather well, shouldn't they ?

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