D0 - Hollow's Last Hope / DM's Needs Copy


Hi there. I work most Saturdays so was unable to get a free copy during my local gaming stores giveaway of this module.
I am looking to buy a copy now, and can't find one anywhere. Is there a PDF version? I would rather pay more to get a hard copy.

My campaign is running D1 with Bugbears bad guys and Goblin slaves rather than the kobolds since my group is higher level. Everything else is amped up a bit to 6th/7th level. This is a fantastic module and I just had to use it, since I love the Dwarven Ruins and new monsters from D1!

Dark Archive

MattW wrote:

Hi there. I work most Saturdays so was unable to get a free copy during my local gaming stores giveaway of this module.

I am looking to buy a copy now, and can't find one anywhere. Is there a PDF version? I would rather pay more to get a hard copy.

My campaign is running D1 with Bugbears bad guys and Goblin slaves rather than the kobolds since my group is higher level. Everything else is amped up a bit to 6th/7th level. This is a fantastic module and I just had to use it, since I love the Dwarven Ruins and new monsters from D1!

Here it is. PDF only, as the print edition seems to be sold out.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

The hard copy is sold out. On the other hand, the PDF is free, free, free!

Ross Byers wrote:
The hard copy is sold out. On the other hand, the PDF is free, free, free!

Sweet! Thanks a million.

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