2E Morale


So what would be a good way to simulate 2E Morale system in 3E?
Or at least make a good guideline for a creatures Morale?
(DM fiat already being understood as the option.)

Liberty's Edge

Maybe a wil save?

Heathansson wrote:
Maybe a wil save?

I'm not sure what Mr. Wheaton has to do with morale but please expand and continue.

Maybe use a variant of the Intimidate skill? Perhaps the monsters would have to make a check as if to resist fear from the Intimidate skill at a DC equal to 10+the party level+the number of foes killed in that encounter. The save bonus could be equal to the highest wisdom modifier in the monster's group+the number of remaining monsters.

Arctaris wrote:
Maybe use a variant of the Intimidate skill? Perhaps the monsters would have to make a check as if to resist fear from the Intimidate skill at a DC equal to 10+the party level+the number of foes killed in that encounter. The save bonus could be equal to the highest wisdom modifier in the monster's group+the number of remaining monsters.

That is actually a good bases. How does this sound?

Will based save vs Fear effect.

DC = 10 + # of Attackers (PCs) + # of creatures killed (monsters)

Modifiers (to the DC):

-2 if a PC has been downed or is seriously injured
-2 if the creatures are especially motivated (master will kill them if they flee, they have no means of escape, they hate the PC's, etc)
+2 if they are especially not motivated to continue fighting
+2 if they are at 50% hp or lower

Example: 4 PC's are attacking 2 ogres and 4 goblins (or vice versa). They PC's kill two goblins and seriously injury one ogre. The party mage is unconscious from a lucking goblin javelin.

Morale check for ogre: Will save vs. DC 14 (10 + 4 + 2 - 2 {PC down})
Morale check for goblin: Will save vs. DC 16 (10 + 4 + 2 - 2 {PC down} + 2 {ogres will kill them if they run})

ArchLich wrote:

That is actually a good bases. How does this sound?

Will based save vs Fear effect.

DC = 10 + # of Attackers (PCs) + # of creatures killed (monsters)

This is a good idea, but at the risk of getting too complicated, how about adding the following to the DC:

+ (AvgPtyLevel - CR) (so a higher level party will intimidate a lower CR monster more)

Also, instead of "+ number or creatures killed" maybe make it:

+(5* % of monsters killed)

You can use rough numbers to give the value anything from 1 to 4 (5 would mean they're all dead, and who needs a roll then?).

Too complicated?

I had thought that there could be some synergy with an Intimidate roll, but that would be even more complicated than before.


GregH wrote:

This is a good idea, but at the risk of getting too complicated, how about adding the following to the DC:

+ (AvgPtyLevel - CR) (so a higher level party will intimidate a lower CR monster more)


Maybe just a base +2/-2 modifier depending whether the party or the monsters are higher level/CR?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Given that 3e also has various levels of fear (e.g. shaken), you could also base the level of fear on the margin by which the save is missed.

ArchLich wrote:
GregH wrote:

This is a good idea, but at the risk of getting too complicated, how about adding the following to the DC:

+ (AvgPtyLevel - CR) (so a higher level party will intimidate a lower CR monster more)


Maybe just a base +2/-2 modifier depending whether the party or the monsters are higher level/CR?

Sure, that might work.

Sebastian wrote:
Given that 3e also has various levels of fear (e.g. shaken), you could also base the level of fear on the margin by which the save is missed.

I guess that'd be a multiple of 5, that seems to be the standard for missed checks of this nature.


I can't remember the exact criteria for morale rolls in 2E, but when exactly do you make the roll? I seem to remember that you would have to make a roll if the PCs had killed 50% of the creatures. Were there a couple of other set times for morale rolls? If you are trying to come up with a new mechanic you might need to take these set rolls into account.

Whatever you decide, however, you should probably make it as easy as possible to calculate on the fly. I liked your will save idea.

ArchLich wrote:

Will based save vs Fear effect.

DC = 10 + # of Attackers (PCs) + # of creatures killed (monsters)

Modifiers (to the DC):

-2 if a PC has been downed or is seriously injured
-2 if the creatures are especially motivated (master will kill them if they flee, they have no means of escape, they hate the PC's, etc)
+2 if they are especially not motivated to continue fighting
+2 if they are at 50% hp or lower

Simple is good.

Combat can get bogged down in extra rolls as it is. . .

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