4E Yes or No? - A Poll

4th Edition

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I have already ordered the books from Amazon.

Whether I play it or not remains to be seen. Some thing I read I like and some not so much. Although I think I could adjust those.

I will certainly follow Paizo and Pathfinder.

Not immediately. I'm still running an Age of Worms campaign, which all involved are still enjoying. I'd like to run Savage Tide, Rise of the Runelords, and other GameMastery, Dungeon magazine, and WotC modules without the hassles of conversion. Once I get through my backlog, I'll check out whatever happens to be the new edition of D&D.

::shakes up magic 8 ball:: All signs point to no!

No. I mean, why should I? It's not like there's not enough d20 stuff to play with already. Do I really need to spend more money just to have the latest books? The old ones still work!

The Exchange


crosswiredmind wrote:

Maybe? After all the 4e advocating you've done? I expected you to be camped out at the LGS waiting for the first copy of the new PHB!

The Exchange

bubbagump wrote:
crosswiredmind wrote:
Maybe? After all the 4e advocating you've done? I expected you to be camped out at the LGS waiting for the first copy of the new PHB!

Just because I argue against irrational hatred of 4E does not mean that I am a fan. I have deep concerns that I share with folks here but I refuse to cross over to the rabid anti-4E hater camp.

So for now - maybe.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

No- I already play WoW on a computer.

no for me and 4 no's for the gamers in my groups

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Nope :)

4E == yes

And maybe I'm just being trollish by saying so, but I'm certain that at least half of the "Hell No!" people will be playing 4E by next year. I've been down this road before...

nope :?

Liberty's Edge

No, unless it turns out to be a really rear-kicking system that I "just can't game without." I say this not out of hatred but more of a desire to actually use the $k's of money I've invested over the years.

So respectfully, no.

Not a chance.

Scarab Sages


Liberty's Edge


I do have the 4E Player's Handbook on pre-order, so I will look at it, but most likely just to steal aspects for my current game.

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yes, I will absolutely buy it. I will play it when one of my two campaign slots opens up, and I have a decent 4E AP. I suspect the purchase will preceed the playing by a significant amount of time.

Liberty's Edge


I will need to see it before I make a choice. Either way I will likely finish playing through current APs available and then switch with the first available 4E AP from Paizo.

Right now: Maybe

In the Future: Most likely

Sean Mahoney

bugleyman wrote:

4E == yes

And maybe I'm just being trollish by saying so, but I'm certain that at least half of the "Hell No!" people will be playing 4E by next year. I've been down this road before...

The difference this time (which few taking your position will acknowledge)is that the situation is very different:

1. Wide range of OGL and alternative games - this weakens the perceived necessity of getting a new edition. Want a change of pace? Try a different genre (modern, superhero, scifi). Want a different magic system? True 20, True Sorcery, etc. Where previously this might not be successful, having the games based off of the d20 mechanic makes the learning curve appear to be less. (Whether it in fact is or not depends on the game.)

2. 3rd party support - By not being beholden to just what WotC publishes, a much broader range of DMs and players can get "the game they want" without switching systems or relying solely on house rules.

3. General satisfaction with 3.x edition. 3.x critics were a definite minority prior to the 4e announcement. Even if the existing customer base would convert wholesale, WotC's blunder in dissing their own game has created a negative perception. If 3.x is crap, yet five months ago it was great, why should we believe 4e will be great?

4. 2e vs. 3e - TSR lost it's fan base without really recognizing the problems. People still loved the game but an overall dissatisfaction with late 2e products had people, many reluctantly, leaving the game. This feeling/perception doesn't appear to exist with 3e. WotC seems hell-bent on convincing 3.x players that they aren't having as much fun as they think they are.

5. Greater investment - Many of the 2e crowd didn't have the funds they have/had during the 3.x run. I know I certainly didn't. WotC+3rd-party can literally equate to thousands of dollars worth of material. I don't know many people that can repeat that process without at least stopping to wonder if it's worth doing.

As Eric Noah said, "There's never been a better time NOT to switch to 4e."

No. Paizo should not switch. Wizards needs to learn a lesson, and if Paizo supports 3.5 products, they will have a ready market.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Maybe, but I've seen nothing to make me think so and lot's to make me think not.

Sovereign Court


At this point. No. In the future. Probably not.

Absolutely Not. And even next year, no means no.

Sovereign Court

If paizo goes: definately
if paizo doesn't go: probably not
My 100th post!!!!!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Heathansson wrote:
I'll read them at Borders and see how long it takes the staff to start hassling me.

Lol. This is sort of my answer, too.

I will *not* buy the books unless they offer a better game than we currently have. And I will not buy the books until I've had the chance to make that determination. But from everything I've been reading, it sounds like WOTC is taking everything I like about the game and chucking it right down the crapper.

So color me unenthused.

I'm most likely not going to buy them. I'm thinking I'll obtain (*whistles*) the 4E core books. On the offchance that it's actually (much) better than what I've seen, I'll probably pick up the core and call it good.

Liberty's Edge


If it's still around for Gen-Con '09 I'll take a look at it and pick it up then. I don't know what I'm going to do at Gen-Con '08. I'll have nothing to do with all the sure to be hyped launch games that will be going on.

Dark Archive

Nine Hells NO!!!



Sovereign Court


(Erik, can you hear us? The time has come for a revolution.)

Buy it? If I can afford the PHB, yes (this is always problematic these days... :(). If the PHB is good, probably the DMG and the MM. Not DDI though.

Play it? Possibly at conventions.

Run it? Only if I EITHER:
1) buy all three books, play it at least once, AND like it - OR
2) if, like 3.5, I find I can run it with just a basic undestanding of the rules from the PHB.

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge



Three Point Five Never Dies!*


Scarab Sages


Liberty's Edge

At this time, no.
A massive change in 4E from what is announced has an exceptionally slim chance of changing that.

Liberty's Edge

I have a feeling that for 4.5, or 5e, or whatever the next incarnation is, we will hear the statement "because YOU demanded it..." followed by "the Great Wheel is back," "succubi are demons!!!", "gnomes are back!!!" etc...

Heathansson wrote:
I have a feeling that for 4.5, or 5e, or whatever the next incarnation is, we will hear the statement "because YOU demanded it..." followed by "the Great Wheel is back," "succubi are demons!!!", "gnomes are back!!!" etc...

I agree. Oh, I still vote NO, haven't changed my mind.

Liberty's Edge

I'll get 5e in 3 years for my son, or 6e in about 6 years for my daugter; she seems more likely to be into it than he does. I'm not gonna make them be the weird embarrassed kid whose dad makes them play 3.5e when all the other kids are playing 6e.

Dark Archive

Heathansson wrote:
I'm not gonna make them be the weird embarrassed kid whose dad makes them play 3.5e when all the other kids are playing 6e.


Having enjoyed what I read in the two booklets that came out and I am intrigued. I will buy the core books and see. My have gut feeling shifted over the past week from neutral negative to neutral positive.

I was disappointed to see they will continue D&D as a collectable book game.

I guess the upside to all of this is that my gaming group is moving to Austin Tx. to work for Blizzard so I really do not have to make a decision, my saturday nights are free from here on out.

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